[ 19 ]

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Jungkook POV

today is the last day of practice, and then we're gonna perform tomorrow. all of us were super nervous but at the same time excited.

tzuyu has getting better now after getting sick for 4 days. i always came to her dorm to look after her and take care of her.

we're now in good terms and no fight anymore. my confessions had already set up, just waiting the day come. my love towards her grow bigger day by day.

she was so happy these day and that makes me feel relieved. hyung and noona are now getting very excited about the confession thingy, they are so supportive especially noonas.

"oppa... Mr Jeon Jungkook!!" i flinched after heard a loud scream at my ears. non other than that yoda. "yah! my eardrums!" i said while covering my ears

"fokus next time. btw bring yourself here, practice gonna start now. come here quick before momo unnie scream louder than a mic" i quickly run towards them and stood at my position.


Tzuyu POV

it's a super tiring for today practice since it's our last day. i was sad about it because we can't meet up again and having fun together.

"tzu, let's go! we're going to a jokbal restaurant!!" Momo unnie said while screaming. then she left with hoseok oppa.

"i wish jokbal doesn't exist in Korea" i said. jungkook oppa who heard what i said laughed loudly. "it already exists in her heart, now lets go, I'm hungry ya know" oppa said and pulled me out of the practice room.

i blushed because he's holding my hand, even it's not the first time he did that, I'm still shy about it. he let go my hands when we already arrived at the restaurant.

we went to the VIP table that momo unnie reserved. they already here earlier than us so we kinda late. "the couple are late again"

here it comes, my very annoying oppa, jimin. "say the one who always late for practice" i shot back. he glared but stopped by mina unnie. "you two should really stop being childish" mina unnie said.

both of us glared at each other. me and jungkook oppa sit besides them.

the orders came pretty fast. we enjoyed the food while talking and laughing. "I'm gonna miss this so much" momo unnie said, you can see sadness in her eyes. forget to the mentioned, today is our last day together, eating dinner together and everything together.

"me too" jhope oppa said. everyone started to feel sad and not touching the food. i should do something...

"guys, remember when jimin oppa slipped in the practice room because of running" everyone started to laugh except jimin oppa. he's glaring at me. "that time, he's late, that's why he's running because scared unnies gonna screamed at him" and there, everyone started to laugh out loud and even catch the waiter attention.

"guys do you remember when tzuyu accidentally slipped when doing one of our choreography and then hit jungkook hard" they laughed really hard except me and kook oppa. my face turned red because of embarrassed. 'he's gonna shot back, i knew it!'

"yah! don't put me into your argument with tzu, you small mochi!" jungkook oppa shout at him but not too loud. when he said the 'small mochi', everyone started to tease his height.

and there we go, everyone started to tease and laughing. oh god! I'm really gonna miss this moment!

it's for us to went back to the dorm because we need lots of rest. tomorrow is gonna be a super exhausted but fun day.

we bid the boys goodbye and went to our driver. i was about to enter the car but someone suddenly pulled me into a hug.

Jungkook oppa.

"see you tomorrow, my love" he mumbled the last word. i can't really heard it clearly so i just shrugged it off.

i hug him back, "see ya oppa!" i smiled and went in. i closed the door and i looked at unnie, they have a mischievous smile and i know what it means....

"yahh! it was just a friendly hug! don't you dare tease me!" they laughed at my sudden scream. i just looked at them dumbfound.

i pout and take out my earphones to hear some music. the words still spinning in my head

'see you tomorrow,????'

what is oppa trying to say?

[ a super short chapter but don't worry next chapter is what yall waiting for, stay tuned!]
~ author-nim

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