Edogawa Ranpo X Reader:Time to sleep

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“(Y/n)-chan, It's time to go to bed!  Come over here~" Ranpo shouted from the bedroom through the living room, “No... I don't want to!” I hid in the closet because we all know it's a good place to hide, but of course no it's not. Not long that I heard foot steps coming my way and I knew it was Ranpo. A hand reached out and found me in the cabinet and pulls me out, so then I ran towards to the guestroom and locked the door “GO AWAY! I WILL NOT SLEEP! LET ME FINISH MY DRAMA!” I shouted through the door while Ranpo tries to open up the door. “No (Y/n)-chan, it's too late. It's not good for your health, so listen to me and be a good girl.” Ranpo sighed, getting tired every second.

Ranpo then remembered the spare keys that we left at the drawer in our bedroom, without wasting anymore time, he ran into the room. No movements or voices were heard through the door, filled with suspicious I pushed the door slowly and tip toed my way to the bathroom. Ranpo then came out of nowhere and open up the guestroom.

“Oh my dango... Where is she now?” He said while scratching his head frustratingly and continued to find where I am, “Now I just look like I'm finding a cat, this is so tiring... I just wanted to rest.” Ranpo said while he continues to find me. He soon heard a muffled voice like it was from a drama that I was watching. Ranpo sighed and knocked on the bathroom door

*knock knock*

“I will read you bedtime story if you come out and be obedient.” , my head peaked out from the bathroom “Promise?” I asked while looking upwards with the puppy eyes, he nodded with a heart melting smile and kissed my forehead.

I happily skipped my way into the bedroom and laid down quietly, waiting for Ranpo to read me a bed time story. He sat beside me, his index finger lightly tapping on his chin,“Hmmm... What type of story do you want?” he looked deep in thought so I spoke out “When we first met?” Ranpo smiles, his green emerald eyes staring into my soul, my heart skipped a beat.

“When I first meet you, it was at the office, my heart stopped beating, my palms were sweating, my head feeling dizzy. I think I stood there for a minute just to stare at you.” Ranpo said and I gave him a weird look, he chuckles and gave me 'it's true' look, I smiled letting him continue his story. “Do you know why I always sit beside you?” I shook my head, slightly feeling tired, he laughed “Its because I wanted to be the first one you recognize, I wanted to the first one to know everything about you. When you're sad, I always thought of centillion ideas to cheer you up. Like, which man enjoy to see their lady upset, am I right?” Ranpo cupped my face,his strikingly green eyes staring into my own, I giggled and nodded. My eyelids started feeling heavy, I pleased Ranpo to sing a lullaby for me. His eyes wide opened for a sec then went normal, he never thought that his dearest would request a lullaby, he smiled and hummed a familiar lullaby.

I closed my eyes, feeling warmed beneath his touch, soon I was sound asleep. Ranpo brushed my hair off my face and left a warm sensation on my forehead before sleeping.

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