Nakajima Atsushi X Reader : scaredy-cat

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It was a very boring day, I was indolent and addicted to a life of pleasure. I slouch on the couch, and watch some drama. After finishing watching drama, I stretches and stifles a yawn, decided to go take a nap.

Suddenly I heard a creak open the main door, I rush to the front door and check who is it. It was Atsushi, I hugs him and grin like a Cheshire cat. He hugged me back and laugh “What's up?” he said while taking off his shoes, “Nothing is just so boring living in this roof for so long and not going out.” I looked at him with sorrowful eyes, while he was coaxing me there is a cockroach running around on the floor. “AHHHH!” Atsushi scream to death and hide behind me, I was screaming too while we both keep on hiding each others back.

We jump around like a monkey, and run around like cheetah. “Atsushi! Kill THAT THING!” I scream at him while he was standing on the table, he shakes his head violently “NO! I'M SCARED OF COCKROACH YOU KILL IT!” he scream back. And then.... It started to fly around the house. The neighborhood can hear screaming and banging in our house, there was a knock on the door. Atsushi rush to the door and open it widely, “THERE IS A COCKROACH IN OUR HOUSE!” He scream and didn't notice Ranpo came. Atsushi ran out of the house while Ranpo try to kill the cockroach. A smack when hard and the cockroach die, “There. It's dead.” Ranpo said with his signature smile on his face “Thank you so much, Ranpo!” I thank him, Atsushi came in the house when he heard cheering in the house. “Is it dead?” Atsushi peak his head out of the room, Ranpo and I nodded “Ranpo? Why are you here? When did you came?” Atsushi asked “I'm here for awhile now, and because I wanted to send this files to (Y/n)-chan. Oh My, are you too scared to kill the cockroach? ” Ranpo laughing saying the last sentence, Atsushi unapproved what Ranpo just said and rush to me “Is everything alright? Are you hurt? I'm sorry I left you alone.” he sounded regretful and hugs me while he cries out. I pat his back saying “It's fine. I'm alright.” Ranpo stares at us and shake his head “I wish I can neutralize myself.” me and Atsushi laugh.

We sat down on the couch serving tea for Ranpo, Ranpo hand me the files and started chatting with us. “Oh my, I didn't know you are scared of the cockroach. Scaredy-cat.” he make fun of Atsushi, while Atsushi blush and laugh off it. We then discuss about work and the project we are working, after all this we send Ranpo back.

Clean ourselves and went to bed, Atsushi hug me “I still feel guilty.” he sound sad, I raise one of my eyebrow “I didn't protect you.” I shake my head, “It's alright, the past is in the past. Let it go.” I kiss him softly on the lips, he blushes. He then suddenly kiss me harsh and grabbed my breast pinning me down on the bed. “Wait-” I push him away, he look turn on with his eye. I simply pretend to fall asleep, and snore. He laugh at me while we both fall asleep together.

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