Fukuzawa Yukichi X Reader : Drunk

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“Honey, I'm going out for a drink!” I told my fiance while wearing my shoes, preparing to go out and meet my old friends, “Hold on (Y/N), where are you going? Which friends are you meeting? Did you bring any weapons? What are you going to drink?” Yukichi rushed to the front door, “I'm going out for a drink with 2 old friends, and yes I'll be safe, I'll probably be drinking a cocktail or wine. Don't worry...” I answered him, hopefully it's enough to comfort him. He gave me a worried look and nodded, “If anything needed please call me, I'll pick you up and also call me when you're done. Don't drink too much. Be careful out there and take good care of yourself.” Unfortunately he's still worried about me, “OK honey, I'll be fine.” I smiled at him and pecked his cheek then went out the door.

(Himari and Yua are your two old friends)

As soon as I reached the destination, my old friends waved their hand and smiled. I smiled back and walked towards the table they were on and sat down, “Oh my, still looking as stunning as ever~” said Himari, I laughed and we chatted about how we're doing nowadays and about the old days of how we're always goofing around and not giving a damn about school.

“(Y/n)-chan, I saw you posting a picture of a guy in Instagram, is it your boyfriend?” Yua smirked while Himari was eagerly waiting for an answer, “Yeah..actually he is my fiance.” I chuckled “Ooh..So how is he like? What's he like? Does he treat you well? Is he good on bed?” Himari bombarded me with questions but one of them kept ringing in my head,“G-good on b-bed?!” I choked on my wine, “Yeah, is he?” Himari said it like it's normal thing to say, Yua laughed and decided to not pressure me further, “Well... He's cool, handsome, tall. He treated me good, protective. Sometimes he worried too much though. I'm not sure if he's good on bed though..” I told them and almost whispering the last part, Himari giggles,“Damn. He is your type.” Yua said, I nodded shyly.

After a lot of drinking, I was wasted drunk, I can't even think properly. Yua took my phone from my purse and called Yukichi, “You're done?” Yukichi asked from the other side, “Uhh... Yeah..about that...she's drunk.. Can you pick her up?” Said Yua while Himari was holding me. Yukichi sighed and ended the call.“He's coming. Ahh... We shouldn't have let her drink that much.” Yua rubbed her temples,“Dang she's heavy!” Himari yelled, struggling to keep me up.

A few minutes later,

Yukichi helped Himari carry me up and brought me into the car,“Let me go! I have a fiance! Don't touch me!” I tried to push Yukichi away but end up lying on his chest, Yukichi shakes his head and drove me back home after thanking my friends.

(Another time ski-)

Yukichi carried me to the bedroom carefully. “Hey~*hic* You look like my fiance~ Let me tell you something though *hic* he is the type of guy that I will die for- *hic* He takes reaaaaaal *hic* good care of me! He loves me so so so so so much like how I love him so so so much. *hic* ” I continued complementing Yukichi sometimes even talking about how cute he is when he's flustered, “I am your fiance. (Y/N), you're way too drunk, didn't I warn you not to drink too much?” Yukichi sighed but helped me changed into more comfortable clothes aka pjs, without staring too much of course, “Yukichi~ Do you know I love you so~ so~ so~ *hic* much! I love you so much that I would even *hic* give you my last cookie!~” I said and cupped his face, he smiles a gentle smile and leaned down. He kissed me softly, so soft that it felt so innocent. It suddenly felt so warm that it starts getting wild. Yukichi straddled me on the bed, still kissing but more hungry than ever, "Give me more Yukichi~” I whispered into his ear, he ducked down deeper.

Eventually I got what I wanted but did not regret a single thing. It was amazing.

-in the morning-

I yawned and turned around to Yukichi and saw him sound asleep, and saw him shirtless...wait shirtless?!  I quickly look under the blanket and wake Yukichi up, “Yukichi! Did we?!” Yukichi rubbed his eye and yawned, “What? No.” He sounds exhausted “THEN WHY ARE YOU SHIRTLESS?” I practically yelled in his ear. “We just made out but I won't deny the fact that we had almost did it~” He smirked and I quickly covered myself in layers of blankets before blushing too hard.

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