22. The Problem

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Continuation to the Previous Chapter // The Realisation // Present

He put his ringing phone on mute.

"Jimin firstly, I'm soo proud of you and secondly I'm not sure if you know this but, a few years ago, before you left, I found a lot of things about you.

The way how you'd cry every night to put yourself to sleep, the gradual increase of black dark circles under your eyes, the way your isolation would make you suffer everyday, I couldn't understand why you'd do those at first.

But then when we read some books and scraps of news from the internet, we were partially able to say that you had a problem. But we weren't sure if you really had it, so if we had just concluded it like that and told you that you had a problem, it would have bothered you big time. Considering how depressed you were, If we had told you, it would've just added a extra weight to it."

Jin spoke with sorrow and love at the same time.

"You're saying that you made some kind of  research about m-me..?" Jimin asked Jin with a face that was completely weirded out. The heavy awkardness filled the atmosphere of the small room.

"I know it's weird. But, we were worried about you. I'm sorry that I did something about you, without your knowledge" Jin was indeed deeply concerned about Jimin.

Jimin confusingly questioned Jin, "Who's we?"

"Oh yeah right! Do you remember Cho? She was the one to help me so much. I'm really thankful for that. She cared about you very much. To be honest, she was the first one to identify that something was up with you. That's why we'd always hang out together."

Jin's words brought extreme guilt to Jimin. The guiltiness in his face was something that even a blind person could recognise. His face was indeed expressive.

Suddenly everything made sense. The times when he felt like he was a nothing because he thought Jin, his brother's preferance was Cho and not him, all of them were lies he created himself.

Because in reality, Jin was always with Cho because of and for Jimin. Feeling miserable was an understatement right now.

How did I not see this through? Wait..What?! I had a problem? Jimin's brain started to process in the wrong way.

This was the exact reason why Jin didn't tell Jimin about his problem.

Heyy armyy!! Was the chapter interesting? Cause I'm not really sure about it..🤔💞*Well anyways this is an important chapter* jsyn Also hey! My new book, S O L I T U D E.. 💜💜Can you guys maybe check it out? I worked really hard for that.. ❤️❤️

But I've come to a decision that I'll first finish this story and continue that..😘😍 It would be really nice if you guys can read it and leave an honest review in that book!! Thank you armyy!! Love youu!! ♥️♥️

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