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Hello armyy! So, I know that the story ended short, but as "The Good Thief" is my first story, I wrote it that way and ended it quick. I tried and gave my best on writing it. I also know that it's not professionally written because hey! we write here for fun. Also I hope that the ending twist was good. I'm not sure how is it though. It would mean soo much if you could leave an honest feedback ~ review, call it as you wish! A humongous thanks to everyone who gave their precious time to read this and to everyone who supported me to write this! This really means a lot to me... I also apologise for the time jumps and chapter jumps...lol To understand the story better, I'm writing this for ya! This will be pretty big so get ready!

So the timeline starts from

⦁ 2009 - march, the accident takes place. 
⦁ 2009 - May, Gwangju. This is his hometown. The time when he leaves away from the town to Busan, to Seok Jin's house.
⦁ He stays at Busan for a year and leaves to Daegu by 2010 June.
⦁ He stays at Daegu for 3 years. This is where he meets Hoseok and Piper.
⦁ He leaves off to Seoul by 2013 October. 

Just some facts about the story

⦁ So, The story is titled as "The Good Thief" because, he does not steal stuffs purposefully, because of jealousy or anything. All along, It was the Kleptomania that had a hold of him and controlled him. Also he confessed that it was him who did the theft. He was honest, he realized his mistakes and also made it right.

⦁ Jimin has a twin and that's Piper.

⦁ Jin was the only one to remember Piper besides Jimin.

⦁ I have showed some similarities between them (in chapter 11 and in some other places) in a way saying that they're connected. Obviously.. They're twins.. They must have some similarities.

⦁ In the first chapter, I mentioned this "Zebra hoodie" and in the chapter where the accident takes place (Chapter 17), I mentioned this "Black and White hoodie". They both are the same ones. That's why in the chapter 4, Jimin doubts that Piper might've identified him because of the hoodie he was wearing on the accident as well as when he did the robbery. But no she didn't suspect that it was Jimin.

⦁ The Kleptomania was a result that was triggered in him, when he isolated himself. (Also did I mention that Kleptomania is a mental health issue which gives you this urge to steal? Well, If I haven't yet, there you go! lol)

Reasons for some stuffs that happened in the story

⦁ Jimin kept 'Piper' as a secret from Hoseok and to others because he didn't wanted anyone to feel sympathetic for him, as she was adopted by some random people because she was senile.

⦁ Let's just say that (in chapter 5) Piper got Jimin's house's address from Hoseok. Jimin had told Hoseok when they made their meeting. She goes there just to have a convo with him but ends up knowing the truth that he was the thief.

⦁ "They had a past" / chapter 3 --- I guess you would've got it now

⦁ ALSO Piper forgot only the things that happened before the accident

⦁ In chapter 11, Hoseok thinks about the reason for Piper to choose Hoseok over Jimin. That was because: Though she forgot Jimin, her soul was still somehow connected to him. She always thought Jimin as her brother, which he is in reality (I mean in the story lol) Its Twinstincts. That's why she chose Hoseok as her boyfriend.

⦁ So, I realised that I never continued Chapter 14 - Their Journey. So what happens is that: His mum does not know about the Kleptomania, but she does know that the loneliness was taking over his life (that is what she refers to as his problem) and so they decided to celebrate his birthday party.

⦁ Hoseok forgot Piper's birthday, but he remembered Jimin's. (Sunshine still feels sad for that) But she didn't care about it much, as they were not a couple anymore.

⦁ I cannot tell you why Piper and Hoseok broke up because they didn't tell me either lol sorry. Let's just say that they kept it personal ~_~

A note to you about the story

I forgot to mention a lot of facts here so yes, I'll update them when I remember them. If you want me to explain something, I'll surely do that for ya. The story might've been lame, boring, idk.. But i'll definitely try my best in the next upcoming stories.

This story was mainly written to show that a lot of people actually go through similar situations that Jimin is put and portrayed in. A lot of people do stuffs without even realising that they have a problem, just like Jimin. If you actually have a problem, It's important to know that it exists in you, but it's just as important to not put weight on your shoulders because of that. Just know that sooner or later everything's gonna be alright! If you want someone to talk with, i'll let you know that I'm always here to listen <3 :))

I also wanted to show that love isn't a thing that exists only between a girl and a boy or, a man and a woman. It exists everywhere! Between, mother, father, brother, sister, friend, even a pet! Like I said it exists everywhere! It is absolutely not wrong to show your love to them! Make them feel loved and don't forget to love yourself as well!! Thank you soo much and I love you a big time!! Borahae!!

"Time passes like water flows

I'm building a dam called memories"

Love Asin ~


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