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Poppy's POV

I ran through the woods for hours now. Afraid to slow down, I kept on running even though my feet hurt. Every once in a while I glanced back over my shoulder, making sure noone was following me.
Not knowing what day or what time it is, I took one step after another. Exhausted and tired I hurried through  the dark, trying go get as far away as possible from my kidnappers. Not knowing where I was, I shivered in the cold of the night. It must be November or December, but I couldn't really tell, because I was locked up for a long amount of time. The only thing I was sure of was the coldness and my lack of proper clothing. My feet hurt, not just from the running but also from the running without having any shoes on.

After a while I made my way out of the woods, through some thicket, getting to a street. I decided to not walk directly on the street, just in case one of my captors saw me. So I made my way through the bushes.

The wood disappeared and I had no other choice than to follow the road, hopefully leading me to a town or a city nearby.
Not long after I started walking on the street, I saw a sign, showing me that I was somewhere between Pekin and Peoria, Illinois. Confused how I got here I just kept on walking, but I felt myself growing weaker.

Bullet's POV

I was on a run with three of my MC brothers. We could finish the job down in Springfield two days earlier and we were heading home to Pekin. I refer up my bike, because the cold was harsh at this time of the year. Sarge, Cobra, Crazy Ed and Hangman accompanied me and all five of us were longing for the end of this ass long run. Hangman and Sarge were driving the van back home, while we other three made the taillight.
Minding my own thoughts while riding my bike, I didn't realize we weren't that far from home anymore.
All of a sudden the van slowed down and my brothers and I riding behind did the same.
"Hey what's going on? Something's wrong?", I yelled to Sarge who jumped out of the van. He just looked at me worriedly and motioned me over. Sighing heavy I parked my harley and got off of the bike, so I could make my way over. Sarge crouched over something on the street, when I approached him. "Shit, shit, shit..." "Hey Sarge..." Then I realized why he crouched down on the street. On the concrete there was a girl, not in much clothing. "What the f...." I let myself fall on my knees on the other side to the girl, trying to check her pulse. "Jesus, she is cold as ice!" Sarge nodded. "Aye, but she's still breathing... we need to get her somewhere warm..." I pulled of my kutte and my jacket, without giving it a second thought and laid it over the girl to give her some warmth. Sarge informed the other guys standing at the van what to do, while I gave her a once over. She was somewhat in her twenties and she was in a bad condition. Gently I stroked some lost strands out of her face. "What happened to you girl..."
"Hey VP, the Van's ready... shall I..." "No I got her." Without much effort I cradled the girl in my arms and carried her to the van. The other three guys whistled. "Fuck... that kid has been through a lot I guess...", Crazy Ed stated. Gently I laid her in the back of the van and turned around to Madman. "Brother ride back my bike. I stay with her here in the back in case she needs something..." The spoken to brother nodded and took the keys from me. "Should we bring her to the hospital?" I shook my head no. "Not a good idea. A bunch of outlaws handing in a girl nearly beaten to death, that will raise much unwanted questions even If we weren't involved in her unhappy past... let's bring her back to the club, we could ring the doc to check on her."
Everyone agreed with me and we started to leave. I sat myself next to the girl on the floor in the back of the van and Sarge drove us through Pekin. The other side of town was our destination, our clubhouse was waiting for us.

A couple of minutes later, Sarge pulled up in the parking lot of the clubhouse. I already gave a headsup to the Prez, what happened. The rest of the club members waited for us and the moment the van parked in front of the clubhouse, the guys opened the doors of the van from the outside and stood there shocked at the sight of the unconcious girl.
"What the fuck happened to her?", King, our president, asked. "Dunno. All I know is she needs help. I saw bruises and cuts all over her body. And she is cold as ice. I guess if we hadn't found her she would be another dead person on the street." "Bring her in. My wife cleared a room for her." Easily I took her again in my arms and carried her inside.
Walking carefully around the bar to the back, making my way to the hallway behind the bar where the small apartments of ourselves were, I spotted Lilian, Kings wife, standing in a doorway at the back. "Over here. New sheets on the bed, you can put her there." Smiling thankfully at her I carried the girl in the room Lilian set up for the found girl. Gently I put the small girl on the bed and took my jacket off her. Lilian gasped at the sight of the girl. "Oh dear... you guys found her on the street?" "Yeah if it wasn't for Sarge being observant like a hawk we probably run her over in the dark." "Good Lord..." Lilian checked the girl. "I already called the doc. He's kind of in a surgery, he stops by later. Better clean her up a bit, till he comes. We could take care of the nasty cuts on her in the meantime." "Sure, what shall I do?" "I need warm water, a washcloth and some towels. And get the first aid kit here." I stepped out of the room and yelled for Fish, the newest addition of our club. "Fish, get me the first aid kit behind the bar! And tell Kid he should ask around for some female clothing!"
Lilian already worked around in the room and I went to the attached bathroom, getting her a bowl with warm water.

"Here, hold her like that... I need to cut open her... well whatever this is she's wearing.", Lilian rolled the girl on her side, instructing me how I had to hold the girl. "Underneath that dirt she's kind of beautiful... Gosh hopefully she awakes soon, so she can tell us what happened..." I chuckled at Lilian. "Curiosity killed the cat, ya know?" Lilian looked at me sourly. "That's no joke. Anyone who made her walk in the cold like that isn't sane if you ask me. She obviously wasn't treated well. Her ribs are poking out, she wasn't fed properly, too. She lost weight." I once more looked at the girl. "Now send me in Chiara or someone. I want to get her out of these clothes and I want to keep her dignity. This girl doesn't need a man ogling her feminine features..." I blushed by her words, because I was staring at the curves of the girl.
"Yeah sure. I get her." Leaving the room hesitantly, I went back to the common area and told one of the old ladies to help Lilian.
In need for some fresh air and a cigarette, I made my way out of the clubhouse. In the front were some benches and tables and I sat myself on a table. Lilian had been right. Whoever did something like that to a girl was nuts. What did the girl do to piss off someone who went batshit Crazy and hurt her like that?

I stayed outside for a long time, letting the old ladies take care of the unconcious girl. I knew she was in good hands, even though a spark of jealousy lit inside of me.
Tires on the grovel woke me up from my deep thoughts. The doc was here. He got out of his car and just pointed to the clubhouse. As an answer I nodded and he hurried inside.
Lightening another cigarette, I stayed put. I wasn't much help at the moment anyhow. A short time later Sarge came outside. "How yar doin brother?" I just shrugged. Sarge sighed and seated himself next to me on the table. "Ya know I am kinda glad we could come home earlier as expected... if we were still on the run, the girl probably would be dead.", he said calmly.  "Yeah. I really want to know what ha-..."
A loud yelling inside the clubhouse made us jump up. "What the fuck?" I threw my cigarette on the pavement and together we made our way inside.   King and some of the brothers were arguing, especially Stone was pretty loud and vocal about the girl in the back. "WHY THE FUCK DID THEY BRING THAT SHIT INTO OUR CLUB? WE HAVE ENOUGH TO DEAL WITH ON OUR PLATE! IT IS YOUR DUTY TO PROTECT THE CLUB AND NOT TO TAKE IN SOME SKANK FROM THE STREET!" With wide eyes I stared at the men and I saw King not really being happy about the situation he was in. "STONE! IT'S ENOUGH! MY DECISION! THAT IS MY FINAL WORD!", he yelled back at Stone. Stones ugly face showed disgust and hatred. "TRUE YOUR DECISION... but MAYBE THAT WAS WRONG!" King swinged out and punched Stone in the face, hard, making Stone fall to the floor. He crouched down to Stone and pointed to him. "Next time you want to fight, just say it. I handled this on club behalf! If they hadn't found her she would be dead by now! Should they bring her to the hospital, so that everyone assumes we did this to her? Bringing more cops sneaking around in our business? Is it that what you want?"
Stones expression went ice cold. "Whatever you say Pres...", he spat and got up, leaving for his room. Sarge and I shared a look and went over to King who was raging. "What twisted his panties in a knot?" "I swear to god, Bullet, if he keeps on questioning my decisions I am going to kill him someday..." I cringed at his words. But before I could answer, we heard a scream coming from the back of the clubhouse.

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