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Bullet's POV

Finally the deal and all the conditions were settled and we could go home.

Usually I loved being on a run, but this time was different. I hated it being that far away from Poppy, especially after what happened the night before we left.

I knew she was fine, but still I couldn't shake of the feeling that something was bitterly off.

The first days I kept to myself but then I decided to open up to Sarge and King. They listened to me, but still waved my sorrows away.

The last evening at the Souleaters domicile was in full swing - our brothers from the other club organized a decent party for us, everyone was happy about it. Again I kept to myself, sitting on a couch in the corner, watching the ruckus my brothers made. I saw little Timmy at the bar with a pretty brunette girl in her twenties, she wasn't a sweet-butt or something, she was club property. Iarann spotted me on the sofa and joined me. "Hey there, I think I join ya for a minute... Ta much free pussy around for ma taste...." I chuckled at his words. "Yeah, I used to be different, but honestly, I can't keep my mind of my girl. " "Brotha tha's called love... And ya know, I totally get it." Taking another sip of my beer, I pointed to little Timmy and the girl. "She ain't a sweet-butt is she?" Iarann looked over to them and shook his head no. "Definitely no. She is the daughter of Breaker... one of our Men of Mayhem..." He pointed to a big bald guy on the far end of the room. "And tha is Breaker, her Da." "Oh shit... Timmy digs up his own grave..." Both of us shared a laugh, before we realized Breaker saw the two. "Shit's hittin the fan..."

Fortunately everything went by smoothly, Breaker and little Timmy shook their hands and the girl smiled at her Daddy. "I guess he gets lucky tonight..." "I know Michelle for years now, believe ma when I tell ya she has a mean right hook... I doubt they get dirty tonight... All right then... I give ya a call about the thing with yar gurl. I need to head out, ma girls come home in a few! ", he said happily and we shook hands. "Maybe you guys manage to visit some day, I bet Poppy would like to meet someone from her island." Iarann laughed at that and we promised to stay in touch.

Afterwards nothing much happened and I went to bed to give my girl a call, just like every other night before.

The next day

After a short breakfast we said our goodbyes and I bet I was one of the first to mount their bike. My body itched to go home urgently.

Little Timmy had a little hard time to say his goodbyes. The girl he met last night didn't want to let him go, only after he promised her to pick her up some time and to visit her, she kissed him finally goodbye, much to the dismay of her father.

The drive home was effortless and without any further events. Almost seven hours later we were back at the clubhouse. Hastily we unloaded the vans and we unpacked and stored everything, then we all were ready to go home.
Beforehand Andy told me, he could drive Poppy to the club property, but I declined. I knew how he was riding his bike, I knew about his current injury. The only bike, I allow Poppy on, is mine. So I hopped on my bike and I made my way over to Lilian's and King's place.

The minute I pulled up in front of their house, Poppy threw the door open and ran into my arms.

"I missed you so much!! So, so, so much!" , she mumbled into my shoulder. Yet alone, holding her in my arms again, made me feel complete. "I missed you too, love. Wanna head home, darlin?" She nodded at me, smiling brightly with happy tears glistening in her eyes and came closer.
We shared a short kiss and she went back inside to gather her stuff.

Shortly after that, Poppy put the helmet on and I started the engine again. We waved Lilian and Andy goodbye and I drove into the street. I was tired and exhausted from the long ride, but feeling Poppy behind me, holding on dearly, was the best thing what could happen to me right now.
We made it out of the suburban area and wanted to go straight through the town center, when I saw in the rearview mirror a dark grey van following us. "Hold on Poppy. This might get a little uncomfortable... But we have a follower." I felt Poppy' s grip tightening around me and I revved up the engine of my motorcycle. Trying to get rid of them, I drove a lot of shortcuts, unfortunately without any effect on our follower. I felt Poppy shivering behind me.

"Listen babe, take my cell phone and press the second button. This will call King immediately. We need help here." I shouted to her against the wind and she must have heard me, because her hands wandered underneath my leather jacket and pulled out my phone. She did like she was told and dialed Kings number.

Again I tried to shake off our follower, but even this time without any success. The van came closer inch by inch and I felt my girl getting more and more frightened.

I decided to leave the city and use some streets not so well-known by outstanders and a little further away from the town's population.

That was my mistake.

Shortly afterwards, I saw in my rearview mirror, the guy on the passenger side of the van leaning out of this window and he had a gun in his hands.

"Darlin, hold on! I need to go faster! And please, do me a favor and switch seats with me, just climb up front. Don't worry, I'll help you..."
Poppy nodded and she pulled her legs up, sliding over my leg in front of me, so that she straddles my lap now, her face buried in my leather jacket.
We raced down the street, still trying to get away of these guys in the van. "Poppy listen to me. See that guy at the passenger seat? He holds a gun. Please for your own safety, stay hidden and dug, I will keep you safe darlin."

King's POV

I was about to leave the clubhouse, to finally get home after this fucking long ride, when my cell phone went off. I looked at the screen to see Bullets caller ID.
"Brother what's up? Forgot something?"
But instead of someone talking to me, I heard a loud noise, like wind and a motorcycle revving up the engine. "Hello? What's going on?"

Then I heard Bullets voice.

"Darlin, hold on! I need to go faster! And please, do me a favor and switch seats with me, just climb up front. Don't worry, I'll help you..."

What the fuck is wrong now? "Hey Pres, what's up?" , Sarge walked to me, his face full of concern. "Dunno. Somethings up with Bullet and Poppy." I put my phone on speaker so Sarge could listen to it, too.

"Poppy listen to me. See that guy at the passenger seat? He holds a gun. Please for your own safety, stay hidden and dug, I will keep you safe darlin." We heard Bullet yelling through the speaker of his phone.
"Did he say gun?" , Sarge asked with eyes wide open.

Suddenly we heard gun shooting. "Hold on tight! Hand me my gun!" Sarge and I looked at each other unable to move. "Passing the treadmill on Billy Basket land." , Bullet yelled. Again shooting.

Sarge ran back to the rest of our brothers, getting little Timmy to work his magic on the laptop. We need to get a hold of our two out there, they obviously need help.

A loud bang erupted through the phone, followed by a loud "FUCK!" . "My motor cooler got hit, we're going down...Hold on babe, this might hurt a little..."

The next things I could hear were gasps, screams, shouts and a horrible crashing noise, then the line went dead.

"LITTLE TIMMY I WANNA KNOW WERE EXACTLY THEY ARE THIS INSTANT! EVERYONE ON THEIR BIKES, TIMMY KEEP US UPDATED! BULLET AND POPPY NEED THE CAVALRY! NOW!" And with that all. of us ran out of the clubhouse, to get as fast as we could to our brother and his girl.


Sorry about this shorty and about the cliffhanger, but I figured better a shorty posted than nothing 😅
Hang on the next couple of chapters will be, let's say... Interesting!
Hope you guys have fun! xoxo

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