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Poppy's POV / two weeks later

It was the night after Bullet and I moved to our apartment. It was quiet to say the least. Both of us had their own rooms, but we decided to sleep in the living room together to adjust to the new living situation.

I woke up at around 2 am, not being able to go back to sleep again.
The last two weeks went by in a bliss; I went with Lilian to the hair dresser, I went to my first therapy session and we finally moved into the apartment.
Bullet snoring slightly at the other side of the couch had a peaceful expression on his face. Smiling at his curled up position, I got up and put a blanket over him. He was a decent man and he treated me very well. Silently I went to the kitchen and made myself a tea. Lilian showed me how to use most of the stuff in the kitchen, so I wasn't as helpless being on my own. Sitting on the counter with a tea mug in my hands, I let my thoughts wander.

My therapist told me, I had to cut up all the ties to my past, to let go. She told me, I need to focus on the present and on my future. I told her a few things of my past and she tried to reassure me that none of it was my fault. Not the death of my parents, not me being held captive. I  had so many questions, but we will get there step by step. Starting to see my life in a different light, I finally was able not to be as afraid as I used to. Of course I got frightened easily and I still do, but it isn't as worse as it was in the beginning.

Lilian and Bullet were great help for me, too. They showed me a lot of things and most important of all, they were patient.

Nonetheless I was insecure and every two minutes I looked over my shoulder to check if I was followed by anyone. I still was afraid of my captors and more than that, I was afraid they take me again.
Shuddering at that, I gulped down a bit of my slowly cooling down tea. How was I supposed to live a normal life with that big of a package on my shoulders?

Bullet doesn't seem to care, at least he says he likes being around me.

Thinking about him and me, I felt the blush creeping onto my face. Bullet was good looking, I had to give him that. And he didn't try anything funny on me, just like the mean men, who captured me, did. He was nice to be with, I could talk to him about anything and I felt comfortable with him.
Everytime we touched, on purpose or on accident, my heart skipped a beat. I know I am no woman he is looking for, I barely know anything about this world, but in my dreams we were a couple, just like my parents had been. In the reality I wasn't so sure about that. He probably would never see me that way.

I wasn't that good looking like the woman in the club. Yeah, I had nice hair, but that's about it. Gaining a little weight over the passed weeks, I was still to skinny; my hip bones still stuck out and my ribs too. Never would I assume that someone sees something else in me, like the little girl or the little sister.

Still sitting on the kitchen counter I continued drinking my tea.

Bullet's POV

I woke up on the couch in the middle of the night. Looking tiredly around the living room I realized I was alone. Panicking I jumped off of the couch, looking where Poppy could be. A little on the edge I first went to her room, finding it empty. Walzing into the bathroom, still no sight of her. A noise in the kitchen let me turn around and I ran there.
A candle lit the kitchen in some kind of twilight and there my girl sat, with her back to me, on the kitchen counter. Yes, I think of her as my girl. Stopping mid track, I took in the appearance of her. Her long, now a little trimmed brown hair, was flowing in soft waves down her back. She sat crisscrossed on top of the counter, holding a mug in her small hands. She wasn't wearing much, only an oversized tshirt of mine, what she used to sleep in.

Quietly I cleared my throat.

"You scared me a little, darlin." Poppy jumped at my words and turned around. Her face frightened before she realized it was just me. A warm smile spread on her full lips. "Oh hey... sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I just couldn't sleep, so I made myself a cup of tea." I smiled at her and leaned in the doorframe. "I get that. It's okay." She held out her cup. "Try it. I remembered how my Mum used to make tea." Slowly I made my way to her, suddenly aware of my lack of clothing - I just wore some boxers and a tank top, because the apartment was pretty heated up. Glimpsing at her bare legs, I took the mug of her, my fingers brushing softly hers.
"Hm, that's good." Poppy's face errupted into a big smile. "I can make you a cup, if you'd like." I shook my head no. "Nah, I prefer sharing." I winked at her.

I couldn't tell, what it was, or why we did it, but we made it kind of a habit to share our coffee and tea.
Poppy laughed silently and jumped off the counter, the shirt rid up, so I could see her panties. Staring at her butt, I felt my arousal growing. "Fuck... uhm..." Poppy turned around, eyeing me askingly, still not aware that her behind was on full display. "Everything alright, Tommy?" I gulped down another mouthful of tea and walked quickly to the counter, so that it could hide my erection. "Yeah, everything is fine. This is just really good." I pointed at the tea. Poppy looked at me unconvinced. "You sure it's about the tea?" "Of course." Poppy grinned and walked around the corner, kissing me on my cheek. "I head to the bathroom. Would you make us some sandwich? You make them way better than me." And with that she left me, still pressed to the kitchen. "Fuck..." I breathed out and readjusted me through my boxers.

Some time later

It was already 8 in the morning, when I opened my eyes again.

After we had a late night snack and some more tea, both of us cuddled up on the sofa, while watching a movie. I couldn't remember what movie it was, because I was engulfed in Poppys scent and warmth and it didn't take long for me to fall asleep, with her in my arms.

Poppy still was asleep, her head resting on my chest and an arm around my stomach. I cuddled closer to her, feeling content being so close to her.
"Don't move... please...", she suddenly whispered. I laughed quietly. "And why is that?" I felt her smiling against my chest. "You are my new pillow now. You're comfy.", she answered lazily. Gently I stroked her arm and her back. "Is that so... well you make a good blanket..." With that statement, I rolled her on top of me, her legs between my legs and her upper body completely on mine. "Hm.... I like that better.", I grinned. Poppy lifted her head, her hair hanging over her face. "You know I could do anything to you right now?" I ogled her suspiciously. "What are you talking about?"
"Well, I could poke you here..." ,she poked my chest. "Or here...", she bopped my nose. "... or I could do that..."
A mischievous grin spread on her lips and she started to poke my side, trying to tickle me. "Noo.... don't..." I groaned. Her grin grew wider and she started to tickle me devilishly.
I tried to hold still, but soon I couldn't hold in the laughter and I started to squirm underneath her.
"Take that you big bad biker...", she laughed and tickled me more. Fighting against her fast fingers, I took all my strength together and flipped us over on the sofa. Finally I got a hold of her hands and I pinned her wrists above her head. Breathing heavily we both smiled at each other. All of a sudden both of us were aware how close we were to each other.
Poppy's eyes shifted from my eyes to my lips.
My gut told me to kiss her,but my brain told me to stop before it's to late. Not being able to decide what to do, I remained still, hovering above the girl underneath me.
Poppy wiggled a little to free her leg and she caressed my calf with her foot. That was all of persuasion I needed and I leaned in.

The minute our lips touched was a bliss. I let go of her hands and caressed her cheek. Her hands finding their own way to my neck, pulling me closer to her. A soft moan escaped her lips and I deepened the kiss, when she willingly opened her mouth to let me in.
The kiss didn't last forever,but it surely felt like it did. I inched further away from her, just a little bit, still hovering over her.
Her eyes locked with mine, her beautiful orbs glistening in the morning light.
"Gosh, you're beautiful." I breathed out. Poppy smiled at me and gently stroked my beard.
"Let's make breakfast, should we?", she said and made me to get up. Remaining in a sitting position on the couch, I watched her getting up and getting ready for the day.
I could still feel her petite hands on me and the soft touch of her lips on mine. Jesus, what were we doing here...

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