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Poppy's POV (trigger warning - mentioning of abuse, violence, incest)

I woke up and everything hurt. With precaution, I slowly sat myself up, checking my body for injuries. The only thing I spotted on my body were minor ones, like scratches and bruises. Sighing heavily, I looked around. Where the hell was I?

It looked like a dirty prison cell, with a disheveled looking bunk on one wall, a bucket on the other side of the cell. Besides a thin blanket, with stains all over, the room wasn't furnished at all.

Then it came to my mind, what happened. Shooting guns, bullets flying past us, the motorcycle being hit, screaming. The accident.

I tried to wrap my mind around some details, but only one thought manifested inside my brain.

Where is Tommy?

He isn't here, where is he? Is he hurt? Is he alive? All of this was to much for me in that moment, I couldn't help myself and I started sobbing. For myself, for Tommy, for our situation.

Crying silently, I crawled into a corner, trying to figure out, what happened and what was going on now.

Bullet's POV

I woke up and the first second I opened my eyes, something felt terribly off. "P-Poppy?" , I asked with a scratchy throat, trying to get myself into a sitting position.

Hot pain radiated through my body and I couldn't hold in a scream. "Fuck!" Trying to compose myself, I started to feel up my torso. When I touched the right side of my ribs, pain shot through my body again. Well dammit. Broken ribs.
Carefully not to move to much, I sat myself up, leaning against the wall.
My left leg of my jeans was bloodied, so I assume I have an open fracture, seeing the unnatural position my foot was in.
Looking around in this room, I felt the fear taking a harsh grip on me.

Where was Poppy? Was she alright? Is she in pain?

Thoughts over thoughts came to my mind and the pain was no help at all.
I could feel myself drifting in and out of unconsciousness.

I didn't know for how long I sat in this shithole, but without any further notice, the cell door got opened.

Two ugly looking men stomped inside.

"Hey, finally... The room service is pretty shitty in here... You lied in your prescription... This definitely is no five star hotel!" I spat at them. The bulky guy on my right rolled his eyes and kicked slightly my injured leg. I threw in a harsh breath, as pain shot through my whole leg. "You mofo!"
The guys snickered and both of them came closer. "What do you want?" "The boss wants to talk to you, we guide you to him."

And without giving me a warning, both of them grabbed my arms and yanked me off of the ground. Not being able to breathe the sudden pain away, I yelled loudly.
"I bet you're not that cocky, it hurts, huh?" "Eat my shorts, Crabbe." "What did you call me?" "Not what, who. You two remind me of two fictional characters I've read about..." Both looked at me funnily.

"Oh come on... Never read a book? Well maybe you have seen the movies... Ever watched Harry Potter?"

The guy on my left huffed. "Oh good, at least you've heard of it. There are two characters called Crabbe and Goyle and you two remind me of them."

I grinned at them, when they dragged me out of the room, more carrying me, because I wasn't able to walk at all. I kept on blabbering, while I checked out my surroundings. Letting them believe I was totally nuts worked for me every time I was in a, let's say, unfortunate situation. Let's see if it works out here, too.

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