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Poppy's POV

I woke up and for the first time since I  could remember I was warm. Snuggling closer to the warmth I sighed contentedly. The heater next to me was soft and I let my hands gently wander over it.

With a loud shriek I jumped up - the freaking heater was a human being, who looked at me startled with tired eyes. Then my mind cleared up and I remembered what happened the day before. "What's going on? Is everything alright?" His voice send shivers through my body. Bullet. Tommy. Tommy was his name. He looked at me worried. "Poppy?", he asked again. "Oh, sorry. I-I forgot for a moment what happened..." My legs, starting to betray me, grew week. Bullet was up in an instant and at my side. He held me, that I didn't crumble to the floor. Carefully not to hurt me he led me back to the bed, so I could sit down again. "Thank you..." "Stop that. No need for that. Are you okay?" I nodded at him and he led out a deep breath. "Pshhh, girl... you got me scared a little... You're sure?" "A little shakey, but besides that I guess I am okay." Bullet looked at me, trying to read my mind. When he sighed and reassured that I was comfortable on the bed, he went to the bathroom. "I'll be right back.", he murmured and closed the door behind him.

Nothing else to do, I looked around in his room. The light of the day lighting more of the room than the lamp on his nightstand last night, I could see the posters on the walls and his interior. His room reminded me of my uncles back in England. Posters of motorcycles and of Bands littering the walls, dirty clothes next to the hamper on the floor. But the really interesting thing about his room, was the bookcase. Slowly I got up from the bed and walked over to his bookcase. I used to love reading, my parents always called me 'little bookworm'. Except of two books I didn't recognize any titles, so I took one of the books I knew. It was Harry Potter. My parents gave me the first two books for Christmas in 2002. Gently I stroked the hardcover of the book and I was a little taken aback by the title. In England it was 'Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone' and here it said sorcerer instead of philosopher. Making the short way back to the bed, with the book still in my hand, I plopped back to the mattress. Starting to read the book, I blended everything out around me.

After a while I felt the mattress sink on my side. "Good choice of book." Bullet smiled at me. Grinning back at him I nodded. "I know, I had the first two books when I was younger. I was fascinated by the story." Bullet chuckled. "Feel free to read the whole series. I have them all. Even the  newest ones." Glancing at Bullet, I saw he was dressed in sweatpants and a fresh Tshirt. On the Tshirt there was a head of a monster. "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked and pointed to the shirt. "Oh that's an old club shirt. It's the Devil's head." Grimacing at his words, I looked around for a bookmark. Bullet saw my eyes wandering through the room, so he handed me a receipt. "Take this for now. Would you like something for breakfast? I bet you're hungry." And just as he finished my stomach grumbled. "I take that as an yes. Should I fix you something and bring it  back here?" "Actually... can you show me around? I want to go outside. I see the sunshine through your windows and I wasn't in the sun for ages." Bullet grinned at me. "Yeah, but let me get you some clothes first." I looked down at my body, realizing I just wore a plain tshirt. Bullet got up and went to his dresser. He pulled out a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt with the words 'Devil's crew' on it. "Take these. They will be to big on you, but they will keep you warm." He handed me the items and rummaged through another drawer. As soon as I had on the sweatpants he gave me some fluffy socks. "These will do it for now, until we find you some shoes." Pulling the socks over my feet and the sweater over my head, he started laughing. "Shit, darling... the clothes are really to big for you. Here let me help." He crouched down  in front of me  and turned the legs of the pants up, so I could walk around without stumbling.  "This will work for now. Listen. You are here in a motorcycle club. Sometimes it's a bit rough out there, but most of the guys are pretty decent if you know them. If something makes you feel uncomfortable, come to me, Sarge or King. Or Lilian. We take care of you. The others you will get to know and get used to." Nodding at his words, I felt a little nervous. Bullet took my hand in his big one. "Don't worry, I am at your side. So now come on. Better put some food into that belly of yours."

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