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King's POV/ (mature content/ mentioning of abuse, violence, !!trigger warning!!)

Two hours after the call from Iarann, I woke up to my alarm going off. I was fucking tired, not just from the run, but I was tired of life, of everything. If something happens to my VP, the son in my eyes I never had, or to his girl, I honestly don't know how it will end.

Looking at my cell phone I saw that I got a text from Owl, the current president of the Souleater MC, just a second before.

"We'll be landing soon, better get your arse over and pick us up."

Sighing heavily I got up from the bed and put on my boots. Without a glance back, I opened the door and went straight into the hallway. With a loud roar, I yelled into the hallway.

Stomping my way up front, my wife Lilian already waited for me. She knew better than to ask any questions, so she simply handed me my kutte and a cup of coffee. "Thanks hun. We're heading out, picking up the Souleaters. See you in a few." Gulping down the hot black fluid, I smiled at her. She just laid her petite hand on my forearm and answered with a small kiss to the right of my mouth.

Then the boys came in making more noise than a Buffalo herd.

"Let's go, boys. Kid, take the van. Woman and a small kid are involved."

Nodding at Lilian, I went outside and mounted my bike, starting the engine, the others following my example.

3rd person POV// A short time later

All came back to the clubhouse about an hour and a half later. Owl and a bunch of his club joined the Devil Eyes MC at the airport; Iarann, his pregnant girl Scotch, her daughter and surprisingly Michelle, Breakers 18-year-old daughter included.

All of the newcomers gathered in the big common area, greeting each other rightfully and the Souleaters getting to know the rest of the club and all of the wives.

Little Timmy was obviously happy to see Michelle again, because he jumped up and down nervously, still trying to get all of her attention, while she only had eyes for him.

Iarann and his girls were sitting in a booth, joined by Owl, Sarge and King.

"Ma contact will be here in a few, he told ma he had ta get the rest of his crew.", Iarann stated and looked at his old lady.
"How reliable is your contact?", Sarge blurted out. Scotch, Iarann's girl, looked at him and smiled a little. "Sullivan is 100 percent reliable. He was, well kind of still is, Iaranns brother in law. And besides. He lead an army against his own father in the underground for years, until he had a chance to off him."
King and Sarge exchanged a look. "I bet there is another interesting story to that... but we should focus on getting our VP and his girl back. And don't mind me asking. But why did you bring your old lady and her kid?"
"First of all, without being disrespectful, but I have a name - it is Scotch. Second I decided to tag along because I know what Poppy is going through, hell, Breakers sister or better said Bears wife even knows better, she wanted to come to, but she's still in therapy for the shit what happened to us in the last year. So maybe, there is a chance, whatever happened to Poppy, I might be able to understand her and help her."
Sarge looked at her for a long time and finally nodded. "I would like that. We all try to be understanding and comforting, but honestly we don't know how it is being held captive, being used and being all alone."
Scotch smiled at him. "Iarann already told me, how you two see her as your adoptive daughter. It is a big help for her, believe me."

Shortly after that Iarann got a text from his contact.
"Sullivan and two of his guys are out front. They ask for permission ta come in."
King gave the prospects the permission to open the gates for the newest adaption to the mission to free Bullet and Poppy.

As soon as Sullivan and his guys came in, Iarann introduced them to King.

"No matter who you are, or what you guys do for a living - as long as you bring back my VP and his girl, I will refer to everyone who will ask me about you as saints.", King said when he took Sullivan's hand in his for a handshake.
Sullivan smirked at that. "Sounds good to me. Maybe starting tomorrow to call me that? I guess it is time for us to discuss our little mission here."
King nodded at the guys from the club. "CHURCH BOYS. Follow me gentlemen."

Time skip

"So we better position our guards here, here and here and then we'll wait until they come out and we can overwhelm them.", little Timmy said. "Wouldn't it be better instead of guards if we would spy out the area first, in case they have the whole area monitored?", Owl asked.

Sullivan shook his head.

"Guys, guys. Don't ya worry. Ma men and I ha tha area in our sight for tha last couple of months. He crossed our mission multiple times now. We just waited for tha right opportunity ta get ta him. Well and with yar people in their hands, it was like a pig on a silver plate. This is our chance, we finally can off him. Him and his disgustingly pedophile ring back on the island."

Several men around the table nodded in acceptance and agreement.

"Well then Mister resistance. How shall we off him?", Sarge asked and leaned himself back in his chair and smoked his pipe.
"Tha, ma friend, is all we are here of. Now listen..."

And with that the guys made a absolutely secure plan to archive two goals in one - to get back Bullet and Poppy and to destroy the whole organization around Cameron and his guys.

In the meantime while the guys were locked up in the meeting room, the girls started to settle in.
Lilian and some others helped to organize spare rooms and sleeping opportunities for all the guests including Scotch, her daughter Josy and Michelle.

Michelle helped out with restocking the bar, she realized if she had to wait for the one guy she came for, she at least could make herself a little bit useful and help the rest of the girls and hangarounds in the common area. Josy was ushered into a big room in the hallway, where all the club kids could play in. Kid, the prospect, was watching over the kids.

Scotch just finished putting on clean bedding in the room where Iarann, Josy and her could stay in, when she ran into Lilian on the hallway.
"Oh shit, sorry, didn't see you there."
"Doesn't matter, as long you and baby junior are alright.", Lilian smiled at her. The two woman decided to share a cup of tea up front.

As soon their tea was ready, they sat down at a table in the corner of the common area and they held an easy conversation. Both women obviously enjoyed the presence of the other.

"How long are you and the Scotsman together?" Scotch smiled. "Almost a year now." "So your kid?" "He adopted her. Her sperm giver was an asshole. Long gone and lost in the wind." Lilian nodded at this. "I always wanted kids... but... yeah... it never worked out." "Oh come on...you are what? In your late thirties? You always could have kids now too." Lilian blushed. "Well thanks for the compliment but honestly I am in my late fifties. And I bet ya this kid- train is long gone... besides. I have Poppy now. I see her as my kid somehow. I can show her stuff." Scotch took Lilians hand. "I don't know much, because I don't ask any questions, but what I know is, that there are fine men in here and all of them will help and do their best to get Poppy back home all sound and safe."

Lilian nodded, but still she couldn't shake off the feeling that something bad is going to happen.

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