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3rd person POV

The time was going by slowly.

Poppy tried to help Lilian to keep the house clean, to cook and to manage the whole stuff, while the guys were away.
Halfheartedly she tried to keep her head in the game, but she couldn't concentrate on anything. Her thoughts were full of fear and anxiety, she was afraid that something happens to Bullet on their run and she was afraid of being sought again of her abductors. Until this point she never told anyone what really happened all these years she was away. Poppy knew it was in the past, but still, the past haunted her in her dreams. Especially since Bullet's gone, she hadn't slept properly. Every night she dreamt of the faces of her abductors. One face in particular haunting her more then ever. She knew if she ever spilled the truth, she will be a dead person. Poppy still doesn't know why she was taken away from her life, she just wants to move on and get it over with it. She wants to live a normal life.

Bullet was from head to toe completely absorbed by working out the gun deal with the Souleater MC. The negotiations for the deals were kind of stuff and not all points were clear. Both clubs wanted the best for their own club without giving to much to the others. After every day the Souleaters held a party, were the Demon Eyes attended. Bullet stuck to his own kind most of the times, or he stayed outside talking on the phone with Poppy and smoking cigarette after cigarette. He didn't party as much as his brothers, his mind always at home with his girl.

Bullet's POV

After a long day of handling business, my feet and my back hurt. We spend the whole day with the Souleaters MC in the dirt tracks and in the woods, where they had some kind of hidden shooting range. It was fun, but still it was extremely exasperating. I sat myself outside on a picnic bench, when we came back. Nursing a freshly opened beer bottle, I lit myself a cigarette.

"Aye, is tha seat taken?" , one member of the befriended motorcycle club asked me and pointed to the seat opposite of mine. "No, go ahead." The guy sighed when he sat himself down. "Damn, I am ta old, for tha shite... Thank God we made it back in one piece... I am Iarann by tha way." He held out his hand and I shook it. "Name's Bullet. You aren't from here, right?" Iarann grinned. "Aye. I am Irish through and through." I nodded at him and continued to sip my beer. Iarann pulled out his phone and tried to call someone. "Fuck tha." , he sweared and put the phone back into his pocket. "Not much luck, huh?" He shook his head no. " Nah. Ma gurls are gone for tha week, trying to get a hold of them since tha morn, but I guess they're busy in the water park or sumthin. Just received a quick text message three hours ago... " I looked at him. "Your girls?" Iarann smiled. "Yeah, ma ole lady and our daughter." He looked me up and down. "Do ya ha' a gurl?" Now it was my turn to smile. "Yeah, I do. Poppy. Didn't ask her yet if she wants to be my old lady though..." "Well ya ain't get younger buddy, maybe ya should suck it up and ask?" We laughed at that and clinked out beer bottles together. "Good point there. It's just we getting slowly there... She, she went through a lot of bullshit in the past and we don't want to rush anything." Honestly I didn't know why I told him all of this, but this guy was easy to talk to. "Her name's Poppy?" "Yeah, why?" "Is she a foreigner?" I grinned at him. "Actually, yeah she is. She is British." Iarann laughed out loud. "What a coincidence. Already talked to her?" "Nah, not yet. I call her when she's making herself bed ready. She stays with the presidents wife, who keeps her busy all day long." Iarann nodded at my words. "How come, she's ended up in the states?" Swallowing another swig of my beer I reconsidered my words wisely. "Well, when she was eleven she got abducted in Britain. They took her to the states and that's where we found her." Iaranns eyes grew wide. "Holy fuck! But ya said ya found her?" " Yeah, a couple of weeks ago. We were on a run, when we saw her lying in the street, out cold."
"Woah, that's..." " I know. I will never understand how someone can kidnap an innocent kid. She was held captive for sixteen years! " Iarann shook his head. "Jesus, the poor lass. How's she coping?" I shrugged. "Quite good. Since the minute she opened up her pretty eyes, we spent every minute together. We still don't know if she has any family left or something." "I don't wanna go on yar nerves or sumthin, but do ya ha a picture of her? I still ha contacts ta ma former organization, maybe they can help." Looking at him in shock I pulled out my cell phone and showed him a picture of Poppy and myself. The picture was taken last week when we went outside for a walk. "She's a pretty lass. Well here take ma number and send me tha picture please. I'll send it ta ma contact and we'll see from there." "You really don't know how much I appreciate that. Thank you." "Nah don't thank ma. We don't ha any results now. As soon as I know sumthin, I give ya a call." He nodded at me and patted my shoulder before he got up again and went back inside. He

Was it even possible, that his contact has the possibilities to find out something about Poppys remaining family?
In my mind I already made the decision to not tell her yet. She will make herself to much hope, and I don't want to see that shattered. My girl has been through too much, she doesn't need to know it for now.

Poppy's POV

I sat outside next to the backdoor into the big yard of Lilians and Kings house. It was a very sunny day and I enjoyed the last sun rays of the day until I had to get back in and trying to be social. Missing Bullet at this point more than ever, I wanted him back home again. Urgently.

I pulled out my cell phone and opened up my picture gallery. Scrolling through the selfies we made together, I felt years forming on the brim of my eyes. With Bullet everything was so easy, so uncomplicated. He was there for me and he let me do what I thought I needed to do.

Lilian was different.

She observed every step I took, she was always at my side and took the stuff out of my hands of I did something wrong (in her eyes). Lilian is a.great person, but she was so controlling. Most of the days I had to swallow my own pride to not lash out on her. I knew she had no bad intentions at all, she always just wants to help. But if I can't make my own mistakes or my own positive experiences, how should I come along with my own life? There isn't anybody around all day long and I need to get along like every other grown up.

Bullet was always so understanding and he only helped if I asked him to.

Signing heavily I got up, heading back inside to prepare dinner with the other two. I can't wait for tonight's call with Bullet. We sent a few texts during the day, but the calls where something different. We talked about everything. Smiling widely, my mind replaying the call from last night, I rejoined in the kitchen and made myself useful.


Hey there, lovelies!
I am so sorry for the delay of this story! I wanted to write everyday for the past week, but I couldn't manage. I was unfortunately sick the last week, with a severe case of food poisoning, not being able to get anything done like at all. I couldn't take care of my 5 year old girl, nothing.
But now all is back to normal again and I am trying to post more chapters in the near future. Please be patient with silly old me 😅
Thank you for your reads/votes/comments, it really means hell of a lot to me!

Pro-tip: before you eat mayonnaise, check the expiration date 🤓 not afterwards!!!!😖

P.S.: Ha! See what I did with this chapter? I combined both of my clubs in one story - and be sure, there will be more to read of both motorcycle clubs together in the near future ! Stay aware! 😎

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