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3rd person POV

Bullet's time to go arrived way to early. Poppy went with him to the club, where she'll meet up with Lilian and one of the prospects.
Before the guys left for the run, they went inside for church.

"All right fellas. The run is all set up and we are ready to leave. Only one point on my list first. Bullet had an occasion last night. He went out with Poppy and they ran into someone, well, according to Poppy, unpleasant." Stone groaned. "What the fuck... since when is some chick from the streets club business? We need to head out, King. The Cobras are waiting for us.", he interrupted King. The president scowled at Stones words and snarled back. "Now listen here, asshole. If you didn't realize it. That girl is important to at least three members of this godforsaken club and furthermore this makes her club business, don't you think?" Bullets face was scrunched up in hatred, when he faced Stone. "Anyway, Stone. Why do you care? I heard you talking about going nomad on the phone... so I guess this is none of yar fucking business, since you don't give a fuck about this club anymore!", he spat through his gritted teeth.

The room fell silent. All eyes were on Stone, King and Bullet. Stone smirked. "Yeah, look. I said I might go nomad. But I didn't make anything official until now, so why don't you keep your fucking nose out of my business and take care of your little street skank out there?"

In no matter of time, before anybody else could get up, Sarge jumped out of his seat, grabbed Stone by his leather kutte collar and threw him across the room against the doors, leading to the common area. The doors flew open from the sudden contact with Stones body and he landed directly on the floor. Every woman, hangaround and prospect could see him, making himself a fool by lying on the floor. Sarge stood above him and looked him deadly into the eyes. "Don't. You. Ever. Dare. To. Say. Things. Like. These. Again. SHE'S NOTHING LIKE THAT AND YOU FUCKING KNOW IT! YOU FUCKING SELFISH PRICK!" With a nasty noise he pulled up everything of spit he had and spat into Stone's face. "You, fucktard, are less worth than the dirt under her shoes!", he growled and left Stone humiliated down on the tiles. Bullet and Sarge shared a severe look to each other and Kings face turned from frowning to laughing.
"I guess that is settled now. Stone, please keep it down now. And if you want to go nomad - be my guest." Stone stood in the doorway, his face scrunched up in anger and hate. "No problem, King." He ripped of his kutte and threw it harshly on the table. "No need to go nomad. I AM OUT! OUT OF THIS CLUB WHO ONLY CARES ABOUT PUSSY!"
And with that he turned around and left for good. "Timmy, make sure he leaves for good. Threaten him, if he ever spills something out from this club he is a dead man and I'll rip his tongue out all by myself first." Little Timmy nodded and got up, following Stone after he closed the doors of the room.
Bullet looked at King, who just shrugged. "It doesn't matter. He was just a burden these last few months and he never had our backs." Sarge nodded and lit himself a cigarette. "Actually this was fun pres."
"Now back to topic. Bullet, continue."
Bullet told everyone around the table what had happened last night. How that ran into the guy who held Poppy captive and so on. All the guys looked worried at him. "I already talked to Lilian. She takes in Poppy until we're back from the run. I suggested a prospect could stay with them." Sarge wasn't pleased with it at all. "No. No way. No prospect could ever take care of this. Fuck... I would say I stay here, but the Cobras know me, they trust me, that's why they said yes to the deal, if I won't show up, there will be no deal."
Andy bit his lip. "Well... my arm isn't fully healed from the last fight... maybe I should stay behind... I mean, we talk about Bullets girl. Sarge is right. No prospect could be trusted with this task." King nodded at Andy. "Alright. Then you stay with the ladies at my place. No funny business or..." "Nope boss, just enjoying the friendly meals of your beloved wife - she's one hell of a cook. But please don't wait to long until you come back, or else I am going to be fat... Lilian has some mean skills in the kitchen!"
The whole table laughed at this. Bullet sighed. He felt better with that decision for Poppy's security.
No offence, he liked the prospects, but he didn't fully trust them. Both were good guys, but both weren't in it for long. They had to gain the wholes club trust first.
"Alright if Bullet is okay with it, I consider it done." The VP on his side smiled at him and nodded. "Alright. Then the this topic is settled. Now go out and say goodbye to everyone. We'll leave in 15." King brought down the gavel and everyone filled out of the room to the common area.

King and Bullet went over to Lilian and Poppy with Andy at their heels. Both of them informed the girls, that Andy stays back as their own personal guardian dog. Lilian smiled brightly at the younger guy. "I knew you would do it! When the guys are gone I'll make you some mashed potatoes and a rump steak for dinner!" All three guys groaned at her words and King embraced her in a hug. "Did I ever told you that you are a mean, mean woman? You can't tell that stuff to anyone except me! And especially not when we are about to head out!!" The other three laughed at King's words and the president leaned down with a smirk and kissed his wife tenderly.

Bullet engulfed Poppy in a tight hug. "Don't worry Darlin. Andy keeps an eye out for you. I promise I'll be back in no time. Spend some time with Lilian." Poppy looked up at him. "I am seeing forward of you being home again. I know I can't sleep properly with you not being around..." she leaned her head into his chest. "I am going to miss you.", she whispered. Bullet took her face into his hands, making her look up to him. "I'll miss you too." With a small smile he leaned in and kissed her gently on her lips.

Shortly afterwards they walked out hand in hand. Poppy stood by his side, when he mounted his bike. "Take care of you. Come back to me.", she said quietly,almost on the edge of tears. "Oh, darlin. Please don't cry. I am going to call you every night to check in on ya." Poppy nodded. "Now come here, give me another kiss." She came closer to him and he wrapped his arms around her small waist. "I..." "I know Tommy. Me too." She leaned in and kissed with much more force than before. Catcalls and wolfwhistles erupted from the other guys on their bikes and Sarge yelled to stop. "I don't need to see my practically adopted daughter getting fucked upon your bike, Bullet!" Laughter filled the lot and the two lovebirds let go of each other. "Come home to me, Tommy." Poppy said and kissed his forehead. She stepped back and Lilian took her hand in hers.

The guys hollered up their motorcycles and started to drive out of the parking lot of the Devil's Eyes MC. King and Bullet driving as the first ones, leading the men on.

"Damn... I hate seeing them riding without me... if it wasn't for you two ladies...", Andy said a little sadly. Poppy and Lilian hooked their arms through his. "Don't be sad. We'll pamper you a lot, till they come back." Lilian grinned at Poppy. "Come on, let's get home you two. I need to prep a dinner.", Lilian said and winked at Andy, whose eyes widened in appreciation.

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