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3rd person's POV// trigger warning!  mature contect, mentioning of abuse, hurt, angst and cruelty

Sullivan already waited for the MCs to get to the point where they decided on meeting up. His informant texted him, they still are at the warehouse and nothing had changed, except that Poppy isn't that little girl she made everyone believe she was.
The MC's arrived at their destination a few miles away from the warehouse and got out of their vehicles. All decided to skip their bikes and come in cars and vans, keeping the noise at a minimum.

Owl and King stepped forward, followed by Iarann and Sarge. "Anything new on the front?", King asked, not sure if he really wanted to get an answer.
"All is settled. Ma contact texted ma, the girl and yar guy are alive, still pretty beat up though. Believe ma when I say, tha girl ain't what she made yar guys believe... she's a tough cookie."
The four guys changed a look. "Why? What happened?"
Sullivan chuckled. "My informant told me she bit off the ear of her uncle."
Dumbfounded the guys looked at each other and then they started grinning. "I guess she really is Bullet's girl now... only he would pull off stunts like that...", Sarge said with a mixture of acknowledgement and pride in his voice.

"All right. Shall we pull through with the plan now? I want both of them as fast as we can sound and safe at home.", King stated and let his knuckles popp.
Sullivan handed him a pair of field glasses. "Ma guys already are positioned around tha building, three on tha left, three on tha right, five on top and two inside. Tha others are just waiting for orders, just like yar guys. It is silent for now."
King nodded and looked at the points where Sullivan gestured before. "Sounds good. Let's head down there then. Come on folks, let's bring the party to this son of a bitch."

Bullet's POV

Poppy sat still beside me, her hands fidgeting with a loose thread on her pants. "Baby, talk to me."
Poppy looked at me in the dim light of the room.
"What else is there to talk about... we are held captive for how long now? Do you really think someone is going to get us out of here? I really doubt it..."
I swallowed hard. "Don't say that. I know they'll come."
"Yeah sure... they'll find us, when you are beaten dead and I am gutted out, so no worries here..."
Sighing at her words, I knew there was a big chance to end like she said. Still I couldn't wrap my head around that my club won't help us out here. That wasn't our policy inside of the club.
Not knowing what to say, I just looked at Poppy. Her face still showed the remains of her uncle's blood, the bags underneath her eyes were pretty dominant, too. I couldn't help myself and started to chuckle.
Poppy looked at me like I was going crazy and fuck, maybe she was right, but her appearance was worth a hell of a sight.
"Damn, girl, you look like some ancient goddess... the grim look and the blood in your face... if I didn't know you,  I would piss myself, being to afraid to get your attention..."
A small smile cracked her lips, I knew she was fighting against it.
My hand took hers in mine. "You are my warrior goddess. And I wouldn't have it any other way."
The girl next to sighed and laid her head on my shoulder. "I'm sorry. I don't want to talk that way,  but this room drives me nuts." "It's okay, love. I get it." I kissed her forehead.
"You know, I would do anything to protect you... and I literally mean anything." She stated quietly. "You showed me how a real life looks like, how it is to have a purpose to get up every day. I am really grateful for that." "Poppy stop it. Both of us, will walk out of this cage hand in hand. And before anything happens to you, you know I would catch a bullet for you, my love."
A rattling on the door let us both look up. "I am honestly not worried about bullets, I am more worried about shredded to pieces...", she stated dryly and held my hand in a tight grip.

The door opened and revealed four men, two of them the personal lackeys of Cameron.
"Let's get both of you to the boss, shall we? Time for another chat, lovebirds."

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