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Bullet's POV

Later that evening the guys decided on laying low for a while. Iarann and Owl told them to keep still, because Cameron was still around and he thought I was dead. In their opinion there was no room for a party, it would make everything more suspicious than it already was and I couldn't agree more.
Most of the time I kept to myself in my room, deep in thoughts, except for the occasional visit from one of my brothers.
It was nerve-wracking, because my decision to leave my hometown was rock solid, but I honestly had no clue how to bring up the news to King and all the others after what they did to save us and after what they did to help us beforehand. It felt like I was going to betray my family.

Slowly I pulled off the blanket and sat myself on the edge of the bed. Looking at my injured leg or better said at my cast around it, I felt more than helpless and useless. I already had enough of this room, craving fresh air and a cigarette. Scanning the room for some pants, I didn't hear the door being opened.

"Are you supposed to get up already?", a soft female voice spoke to me, making me turn around startled. The sudden pain in my abdomen left me breathless and I hissed in pain.
Cold fingers steadied me and an unknown face appeared in front of me. "Take it slowly. Try to breathe the pain away." She started to breathe in and out with a steady rhythm and I tried to follow her example. After a few moments the pain subsided and I took in the appearance of the woman in front of me, her baby bump being very prominent.
"You're Iarann's girl.", I croaked out.
She smiled at me. "Yes. I am Scotch. Nice to meet you finally in person." Gesturing for her to sit down, I eyed her curiously. She sensed it and her smile didn't vanish. "How far are you?" "Only about one and a half months away to meet that little guy." I smiled at her. "That is awesome. Hopefully he turns out just as great as his dad is." Her smile grew even bigger. Suddenly she took my hand and pressed it on her belly. I was just going to ask what she was doing, when I felt a movement underneath my palm. "Holy...did I..." "He is eager to meet everyone.", she laughed. Astonished by the unfamiliar feeling I kept my hand still on her belly, feeling the little guy moving around in his mother's womb.
"You want kids, too?", Scotch asked quietly after some time. Taking my hand off of her belly, I built up the courage and nodded. "Yeah, I do. Before I met Poppy, it never occurred to me that I could be a dad someday. But now... I love Poppy with all of my heart and I wish nothing more than to keep her happy and safe, to build a future, a family with her." The woman next to me laid her hand over mine, squeezing it reassuringly. "Bullet, your time will come, I can assure you that. In the meantime, you and Poppy are more than welcome to stay with us. Iarann already talked to me and I  couldn't agree with you more. It is better to lay low. I know it is none of my business, but maybe your club should hold a wake or something. You know, to distract that guy who kidnapped you."
Stunned I looked at the woman next to me. "Well, thank you. I appreciate it." Scotch nodded and got up to leave the room. "Hey, uhm, thanks for the tip. I'll bring it up at the table. Now I get, why Iarann took you with him. I hope Poppy and I work the same way like you two do."
"You might not know it, Bullet, but I've seen both of your faces, when you look at each other. You both already have it in you." She tapped the door and left to the common area  humming a soft tune.

Staring behind her into the empty hallway, I smiled at her words. Everything will be fine in the end, I'll make sure of that.

Some time later

I managed to find loose sweatpants and got dressed, ready to go outside. In this freaking room I feel captivated and far away from breathing freely. Step by step I managed to walk or better said stumbled to the common area. Barefoot, with my cast around my leg and without a shirt, I appeared up front, holding my cigarettes close, attempting to go outside of the clubhouse. Everyone looked at me, but nobody said a thing, just silently watching me. I let my head hang low and continued my journey to go outside, when Andy stopped me midtrack.

"Hey,  uhm, take this." He handed me a worn out baseball cap. "Just, you know, keep to the side of the house, so nobody recognizes you."
"Oh yeah. Thanks brother." "If you need anything, just holler, alright?" I nodded at him and took the cap, putting it straight away on my head.
Stumbling away, I made it through the entrance door and to the picnic tables on the left side of the clubhouse.

Sighing heavily, I managed to seat myself on one of the benches without hurting myself again.
Again deep in thoughts I lit a cigarette and let my loungs fill with the smoke.
Midway through my drag, someone cleared his voice on my side.
"You seem bothered son.", King said and seated himself opposite of me.
Just looking at him, I didn't know where to start.
"Listen. I know what happened was heavy shit. You're my VP. But since we couldn't catch the douchebag it might me difficult in the next time." King lit himself a cigarette. "I know you feel guilty in so many ways, but honestly you don't have to feel guilty for taking care of Poppy. Owl and I had a nice little chat. Maybe you two should go back with them. I could sleep easier, when I know you two are safe."
I chuckled. "Damn, ole man. You still have the ability to read my mind?" King grinned. "Never lost it son." He grew serious again. "So you really thought about going?"
I nodded. "Yeah. I guess it would be better. Asshole thinks I am dead. Maybe it's best, to let him believe that."
The president of the Devil's Eyes sighed. "Well then, so be it. I hate to send one of my best men away, but I  guess it is healthier for you two. At least you both could walk around freely at their place. Here you have to hide. And honestly you aren't much of use if you can't go out like you used to. Shit, I am going to miss your smart ass..."
He got interrupted, when Lilian's car appeared in the compound.
"Ah, the girls are back. Shit... telling them, you two are leaving will be hard..." "It won't be forever King." "Yes, I know. But your girl... she's like a daughter to us. We love both of you." "Lils going to understand it. And we still can keep in contact, talk over a burner, you know." "You better make sure of that, or my wife will whoop your ass... come on, we need to bring it to the table."
We waited until our girls got out of the car and then we went back inside together with them to break the news to everyone.

Poppy's POV

Tommy was sitting outside with King, when Lilian and I returned to the clubhouse. I immediately knew something was up, when I saw both their expressions.
The guys met us on our way inside and Tommy sneaked his hand in mine, gently stroking my hand with his thumb.
"Babe we need to talk.", he whispered, the moment the door closed behind us. He led me to the kitchen and pulled me close.
"I've been thinking. You're uncle is still out there. Probably looking for you right now. I don't want to hide. I want both of us to be able to walk around like we please to do. He still thinks I am dead. So he doesn't know I am still here." He sighed and leaned his against mine. "I talked to Iarann and King. The Souleaters are fine with us, to stay with them. It would only be for a couple of weeks, a few months tops."
I closed my eyes, tears flowing down my face.
"I know it is much to take in,but it'll be best  if we leave. The sooner the better, love."
"Are you able to travel?", I whispered.
"Don't worry about me. I am the dead man walking..." "Don't joke about this. I really thought you died back in that warehouse..." "Poppy, love, I will be at your side, I am going with you. When everything is settled, we can go back home. I don't want to worry all the time. Are you okay with this?"
"Do I really have a say in this?" "Oh hun, of course you do. I just thought it would be better. Hell I would hide for you all my life, if it means you stay safe. I would do anything."
Looking up into his eyes, I nodded. "Alright. Then it is settled, we leave with the Souleaters. But when your guys catch him, I want to have a chat with him. Can you promise me that?"
Tommy pulled a grimace, but nodded nonetheless. "I bring it up at the table, can't promise you more than that. Is that okay, hun?"
"Yeah. Better than nothing. Okay, I guess I'll need to pack our stuff, huh?"  "Yeah, I'll send someone over after church to take care of that. We'll head out tonight. Maybe you should go to our old room and try to rest a bit."
He smiled at me and I nodded again. He leaned down andkissed me softly.

"I love you Poppy."
"I love you too, Tommy."


There you go, another one 🙈

I guess the next chapter will be the last for this book....

Well, this screams for a sequel 😎

Thanks for the reads, votes and comments! I really appreciate them!!


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