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Bullet's POV (mature content/ mentioning of abuse, violence, !!trigger warning!!)

The next thing I knew, when I woke up, was me being all alone on the cot in the dark cell.

Panicstricken I sat up, groaning at the pain radiating through my body.
"Baby? Where are you?", I whispered.
Not getting an answer at all, I pushed myself up from the cot, swaying a little when I managed to stand on my own two feet. "Poppy? Darling?"
Again no answer.
I walked, or better said stumbled, to the heavy cell door, resting my forehead against the cold metal.

After taking a deep breath, I started bumping against the metal door, screaming from the top of my lungs for my sweet and innocent girl. 

Over and over I felt up the heavy door, for some clue how to get the hell out of here to rescue Poppy. But there was none. Nothing.

I felt my legs giving in, so I made a few steps back into the cell before I lumped down into a weeping heap on the dirty and bloodstained floor.

The pain was everything- it was overwhelming. Not just the pain from my injuries, but the pain and the fear for my dear girl took over my body, my brain and my heart.

I've never felt so week before in my entire life, but it doesn't matter- at this moment,  I swore to God or whatever was out there, to get this woman, my woman, out of here and to kill each and everyone of them who made her suffer like that. Who made her suffer in her past, in the present and in the future.

Poppy's POV

I woke up tied to a wooden chair in some kind of empty hall. Afraid and scared, I frantically looked around for Bullet, but he was nowhere to be seen.
"Shit, shit, shit..."
Trying to get lost of the ropes on me, I started wiggling on the chair.

Suddenly a door, I hadn't noticed before, opened and my uncle and two of his men walked in, causing me to stop mid action.

"Good morning, love. I am so sorry for the treatment right here, but honestly you and your little boyfriend didn't gave me another option." He spat out the word boyfriend, making the two men on his side chuckle.
"You know when you ran away, you really hurt my feelings. I thought I took good care of you. I thought you loved me. But I guess I was wrong there."

He came closer to me and crouched down, to speak to me on eye level.

"I thought a little gratitude and respect from your side wasn't much to ask for, after I rescued you from your former life, but I guess I was wrong." He sighed. "Instead... you ran to a biker gang, telling them lies about me, about my work, about our relationship. You hooked up with that piece of shit, you tried to humiliate me in all the ways possible. For the sake of our queen, you started to warm his bed! After everything I have done to keep you safe, you did the one thing, the ONE THING, I always told you not to do. The one thing what in the end digs your grave. You were supposed to be pure, untouched. But...."

"You didn't do anything to protect me.... you forced me into Sex, uncle." I spat out, knowing I will get hit, for this rude comment and for interrupting his little speech. But I couldn't hold in anymore.  He was the reason, why I was broken in the first place.

"You are the person who put me through all of this in my past, you kidnapped me, you killed my parents, you made me suffer, you held me hostage for all these years. I am no child anymore, uncle. I know what you did. And I don't care, if you hit me, punch me, hell even kill me right here right now. But I am not your love or your little sunshine or something anymore.  And you'll see. Everything you do to me, my family, yes that biker gang you spoke of, is my family now, they will make sure you suffer through twice as much as I did. You can count on that. So let's stop that talking and tell me right now - Why?"
I glared at him, laid all my hatred into the little speech of mine. I knew it was dumb to say stuff like this and he will make me pay for that, but at this point a raging fire inside of me took over. All fear and angst happened to dissappear, making more room for my hatred and surprisingly inflaming rage.

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