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Bullet's POV // (mentioning of violence, abuse. Trigger warning.)

The minute Poppy drifted off into sleep, tears started spilling. With shaking hands, I started to examine her body as far as I could come.
I trusted her with all my heart and soul, I just needed to make sure she was right for my own sanity.

Of course she was fine, except the shock and the brainfuck in this shithole.

Ignoring the pain in my body, I held her close. The heat and her personal fragrance doing something to me, so I started to relax a little.

My mind wandered with 200mph. Will King and the others really find us? I promised Poppy to keep her safe.

This day I made a decision. Whatever is going to happen, I am going to push her away from the danger, putting myself in front of her and save her - or at least die while trying to save her.

King's POV/10 hours after the accident

"There has to be SOMETHING! Come on people!", I yelled at the others sitting around the table.

We've been awake for hours now, never rested after the run, still looking for my VP and his girl.

"King, the only thing we found was the motorcycle of Bullet and that is it... no clues nothing. We still don't know, who held Poppy captive all these years, so no clues and hints...", little Timmy said with anger in his voice. He'd been working on his laptop every second, after we've been home, unfortunately without any chance to get quickly back to our people.

A soft knock on the door could be heard.

"We have church here, what's the matter?", I yelled.

Lilian opened the door, looking at me with a cocked eyebrow. "There happened to be a phone call. For Bullet. He said he couldn't reach out to him, he has some information who were of importance to Bullet." "And who is he?" "I didn't get his name, he speaks with a dialect - Scottish or Irish I guess."
Stomping around the table, I passed Lils and kissed her forehead, a silent excuse for talking rudely to her. She smiled at me and I went over to the bar, taking the phone.

"King's speaking. Who are you and what do you want?"

"Oi, King, nice ta hear ya again, here's Iarann, Souleater MC. I told Bullet tha I would call, he ain't here? I couldna get ta him on his cell."

Shit. Now what was Bullet up to?

"Nah, sorry he ain't here. Maybe you could tell me?"

"Uhm... well, actually I don't see a point ta keep it a secret. It is 'bout Poppy, Bullet's gurl."

"Go on, I am listening."

"Bullet asked me ta dig a little. I ha connections ta the Irish resistance, so I tried ta find her captors. And I ha luck on ma side."

"Jesus. For real? Ok, I need that information quickly, we have some sort of situation over here..."

Iarann paused on the other side of the phone.

"What happened?"

So I told him in short sentences what went down and how we're desperate to find the two of them.

"Well shite. Tha, King, is bad. Fucking bad. Her captors put word out ta destroy everything and everyone who crosses their way. The head of tha organization - his name is David Cameron. He is one of the nobles in England. But tha's not all. He is Poppy's uncle."

"Wait, what? Her own uncle?"

"Positive. Ma contact informed ma, her uncle is one of the worst people he had ever met. The body count on his agenda is endless."

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