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3rd person's POV

The drive back to the clubhouse was silent, but far away from uncomfortable. Poppy and Bullet were in the back of a van, his head lying on her lap. Gently she stroked through the strands of his hair, while he held her other hand close to him.
"You know what I told you in that cell... it was the truth.  I still want to merry you, to start a family with you. You make me complete, love.", Bullet whispered to her, that only she could hear him.
Poppy smiled at him. "I know. But I told you, before we do that stuff you have to heal properly first. And I mean it." Bullet chuckled. "How about we start with a shower first? Your face is still full of blood, warrior goddess." At his words she cringed. "Don't remind me of that, but yeah, you're probably right."

Not long after the outlines of the clubhouse and the compound could be seen. "Hold on you two, we're just seconds away from home.", Sarge informed them and grinned widely.

Andy and the hangarounds were waiting in the compound, still on the edge because no news arrived from the warehouse, when they recognized the nearing vehicles coming closer.
Lilian and all the others immediately stormed out of the clubhouse, waiting nervously for the arrival of their loved ones, their family.
Scotch appeared next to Lilian and took her hand in hers, giving her a reassuring squeeze.

As soon as the cars parked, the guys filled out, excitement was on both sides, because no one else got hurt and everything went through just fine.

Scotch and Lilian were looking at each other and they shared a chaste smile. Both women didn't realize they held their breath, until they saw Iarann and King carrying a beaten up Bullet out of the van to the clubhouse, followed by none other than Poppy.

"Good Lord. They made it!", Lilian exclaimed, squeezing Scotch hand, but letting go of her right away. She turned around on her heels, facing the crew around her, especially all the girls.
"All right ladies, it's time to take over now. Rose, Scarlett, Emily- I want you to be on kitchen duty. Susie, Kathy - you go behind the bar. Jenna, Scotch -  would you two help me with the injured?" All the women nodded in agreement with the matriarch and got to work immediately. The woman in her early fifties faced her husband with a stoic expression. King new she did that or otherwise she would crumble down in tears.
"King, Iarann. Bring Bullet to his old room, we'll be there in a minute." The guys smiled at her bossy tone,  but followed her orders without a second thought.

Once the guys were out of eyesight, Lilian caught Poppys wrist in her hand and pulled her close into a bonecrushing hug. Poppy whimpered and started crying in Lilians arms, relieved to be home again.
"Oh baby... don't worry anymore, you're home, sweetheart." Lilian whispered to her and shed some tears.  "I am so happy we made it out alive, Momma.", Poppy sighed.

A few hours later

Almost everyone gathered around the bar, happy to have their VP and his girl back, happy about not having any problems along the way.
The Souleaters mixed themselves with the Devil's Eyes and both MC's were having a good time.
Lilian took Poppy home, even though the younger woman was very reluctant about it, but Lilian thought it would be better if Poppy could take a proper bath, while Bullet got patched up by the doc on the clubs payroll.

Bullet's POV

"King! Sarge! I need a favor from you guys!", I yelled through my open room door.
Sarge was the first who stepped inside. "What's wrong, buddy?" Signaling for him to sit down, we waited for King to get to us.
Shifting slightly in the bed, I hissed a little when the now familiar pain in my chest said hello. "Damn fucking shit.... that son of a bitch hurt...." Sarge chuckled at my words, the moment King burst through the door.
"Hey... uhm... you need me?" Looking between my to brothers, I nodded my head. "Yeah. First of all. I wanted to know what happened? Where's her fuckhead of an uncle?"
King's face hardened. "We had to let him leave." "WHAT? NO WAY!" "Bullet, calm down. It happened for a reason.", Sarge said matter of factly. "Look, boy. You've seen all those kids standing there. Cameron has a whole fucked ring build up, for selling these kids for every sexual fantasies possible." King nodded in agreement. "Sarge is right. The guys from the Irish resistance were after him for several years now. Your buddy Iarann by the way made all of this happen." King pointed to my bed, and I looked back dumbfounden. "What do you mean?" "Well if it wasn't him calling you here, we would never had a chance to get both of you home alive. He dug into Poppys past with the help of his brother in law - the leader of the Irish resistance." "No shit...." I was astonished at that point. To much information for me to swell on. Sarge coughed a little. "And what is the second point you wanted us in here?", he asked.
"Uhm.... I know you guys are celebrating and stuff, but could we wait for the big celebration a few days? I mean, look at me. I am surprised I can sit in the fuckin bed right now, instead of crying into the pillow, because damn it hurts... everything hurts..." Sarge and King guffawed out loud.
"Quit whining! Gosh, how old are you? 5?"
"But it hurts... and Poppy ain't here..."
"All right... come on Pres... leave the sulking kid now alone...", Sarge smiled at me and pushed the laughing Kingout of the room. "Oh would you please ask Iarann to come here? I want to thank him.", I yelled to them before they shut the door behind them. Sighing heavily I leaned back into the soft cushions, my mind racing. He was alive. This damned cocksucker is still alive and still able to threaten my girl. That ain't good news.

Not long after there was a knock at my door.
"It's open!"
Iarann opened the door and walked into my room, closing the door to give us some privacy.
"Hey brother, how are ya holding up?"
I shrugged as good as I could, pointing at my bandaged chest. "I guess, I could be dead right now, so yeah, I'm good." The member of the Souleaters grinned and sat himself in the chair next to my bed.
"Now. Ya wanted ta see ma?", he said with his calm voice. "Yeah. My guys told me what you did, how you helped us to get out of this shithole. Thanks for that..." Iarann waved it off. "Nah, we are brothers, we help each other out." "Yeah, I know. But I need to discuss something with you." He looked at me with a raised brow, waiting for me to continue.
"I know Cameron is still alive. And I know, he knows by now, that Poppy and I are alive. I honestly fear for Poppy's safety. He knows where we are. She ain't safe here. Not as long as he's wandering on this earth."
Iarann scratched his goatee. "I get tha. So what do ya suggest?"
"Is there maybe a slight possibility, that you guys could take her in? The dickhead isn't aware, that we have a connection. She would be safer with you. I know, it is much to ask, and it really hurts me more than anything to send her away, but do we really have a chance?"
"Well, maybe... both of ya should go. He doesn't know yar alive. He still thinks yar dead. He only knows that Daniel killed ya. Maybe ya should stay dead... at least for now."
Thinking about his words, I nodded. "Yeah you're right... do you guys have room for two more people?"
Iarann laughed. "Let ma talk to ma love first, but I think she won't hesitate ta help ya out."
"I saw a pregnant woman earlier- is she yours?" Iarann smiled widely. "Yeah. That's her. Our daughter's with us, too." "You brought both of them? Into this mess?" "She didn't left ma no choice. She told ma either she's coming with, or she won't be there when I return home...",he chuckled. "Pshh... i guess we're both wipped huh?"
"Definitely... ok, I am going ta find her and ask her." He got up and went to the door. "I am glad, yar guys are safe now."

After that he left and I started to think about our future. The only thing important to me right now, was keeping Poppy safe. Everything else could wait.


Yay, there're back home ❤

Stay pu, the book is not over yet!!


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