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King's POV // trigger warning!!
Mature content! Violence, cruelty, abuse mentioned!

I took out the third of the pricks guard dogs, while we raided the building. Like the others, we found some more captives, mostly girls in their early teenage years.
Sarge came out of one of the cells and shook his head. "This bastard is a sick son of a bitch. Have you seen those kids?" I just nodded at him, while Crazy Ed and Jeff took the girls outside of this shithole.
"Let's go,  we need to-"
A devastating scream interrupted my speech and my thoughts. Sarge and I shared a glance and simultaneously said "Poppy!" With heavy steps we ran in the direction of the scream.
The others joined us, Owl and Iarann hot on our tracks. "It's her ain't it?", Owl asked breathlessly.
"Yeah and I am ready to kill everyone, who made her scream like that!" I spat through gritted teeth and ran faster.
We came to a bigger door, obviously a hall behind it. Trying to focus on the noise behind it, I didn't hear Sullivan and his guys approaching.
He told us to stop in front of the door, to keep silent. We all listened to the words said.

3rd person's POV

"Poppy this is your last chance. You know I have the ability to wipe out the whole wannabe motorcycle club if needed. You know I won't hesitate! Look at your loverboy! Do you really want me to treat the rest of them like I did with him?"
A small whimper followed.
"What the fuck do you want from me? You held me captive for many years, you kept me away from people like forever! You broke me not once but multiple times! Tell me what you want!"
The other lackey stepped closer to her and pulled her head up harshly, by gripping her hair roughly, yanking her head up, so Cameron could see her face.
"Just let me get something clear, my dear niece. You are my insurance for my work. Your parents made you their only inheritance. Without you I couldn't work like I used to. I need you to fill out the paperwork, making me your inheritance." He stated matter of factly.
"That's why you kept me away all these years! Just for a stupid company to cover up your disgusting ring of child molesting??"
"P-Poppy... d-don't..."
"Mister Campbell you better shut up, when you are not talked to.", Cameron hissed and backhanded Bullet.
Cameron neared himself to Poppy,  and gripped her face rudely within hand. "Don't you ever yell at me, you whore of that scum!"
With that he backhanded Poppy, too, making her scream out loud.
"You can scream as much as you want, there is noone who could hear you. The whole building is garded like a high security prison. No one comes in or out without me knowing it! So please, do yourself a favor and stop talking back to me."
Bullet eyed Cameron through his half swollen eyes. "High security prison my arse! If I come out of this, I swear to all the gods, I am going after you and I am going to kill you nice and slowly... you will pay for this!"
Daniel, who stood on the side, stepped   forward and waited for instructions from Cameron.
"Daniel do me a favor and get rid of that piece of trash. He isn't of importance anymore.", Cameron said coldly.

The bulky guy just nodded and leaned down, whispering something into Bullet's ear.

Cameron didn't see it, again focused on Poppy. 
He took her chin in his hand, forcing her to look at Bullet and Daniel.

Bullet's POV

Crabby, or better said Daniel nodded at Cameron. Without much use, I tried again to free myself, when the lackey leaned down and whispered to me.
"Sorry for everything. Yar guys are outside. Try to keep still. Play dead."
My eyes grew wide and I stared at Daniel.
Is my mind playing tricks on me? Did he really just say that?
The next thing I felt, was something cool in my hand, a key.
"Poppy look at your boyfriend,  say goodbye."
Still not able to process what is going on I turned my head to her, looking into her tear stained face.
"Don't worry, babe. I love you." I said to her, still not able to believe what's going on now.
"Tommy, no... please... uncle... I promise to be a good girl now, please... spare him... not Tommy, please!", she cried.
Cameron just rolled his eyes and gestured for Daniel to continue.
Daniel positioned himself in front of me and winked at me, before stabbing me right into my heart.

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