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Poppy's POV

I woke up with an unfamiliar guy hovering over me. My first reaction was to punch him and scream for my dear life. Worried and afraid I crawled on the bed I was laying on to the headboard - as far away as I could from the man in front of me. Blood pumping through my ears I barely could make out the situation when two women ran into the room, one helping the guy I punched, the other coming closer to me, holding her hands up, to reassure me that she meant no harm. "Darling, calm down... My name is Lilian, the other girl is Chiara. We don't want to hurt you. This guy over there is a doc, we called him, because you are injured... please..." Breathing heavily I looked at the three persons and I didn't know if I could believe her.

Suddenly more men marched into the room.

"What's going on here?", a brought shouldered, grey haired guy with a massive beard, probably in his fifties, stormed in and took in the scenery. The woman, Lilian, in front of me, sent him a look and looked back at me. "Don't worry... this is my husband, King, he is the president of the Devil's Eyes MC. Noone means to harm you here. You see the two guys over there?" She pointed at the two men behind her husband. The taller one of them was bald with a red beard and as far as I could see very muscular. He smiled a little at me, not in a creepy way, but more in a fatherly way. Guessing him to be somewhere between his forties and fifties. The other guy had brown shoulder length hair and was ridiculously handsome with his well cared of beard and his twinkling eyes.

I averted my gaze back to the woman in front of me. "Where am I?", I whispered quietly, not yet ready to trust anyone.

"You are just outside of Pekin. And you are currently in the residence of the Devil's Eyes Motorcycle Club. What's your name, hun?", the bald guy answered with a smile. "I-I am Poppy. Poppy Miller. And I am from... from... Leeds, Great Britain...", I whispered. The people around me shared a look. "Great Britain? How did you end up in the USA?" Lilian spoke up. I already knew something was so wrong, when I saw the sign earlier. "I - I don't know...", I stammered, tears already running down my face. Lilian immediately was at my side, pulling me into a hug and I let her do that. It was to long ago since the last time someone friendly touched or even was there for me. While I sobbed at Lilians side I heard the guys mumbling.
"Get little Timmy here... let's see if we find something..."

Lilian held me close and tried to calm me down. "Shhh, Poppy.... you are safe with us... we do everything to help you... you're save..."

After a while I stopped sobbing and pulled a little away. "I-I am sorry..." I looked at the doc. "Sorry about that... I thought you were one of them...", I whispered ashamed. The handsome guy chimed in. "One of who?" His voice send shivers down my spine. In a positive way. "I don't know any names... only their nicknames or something... one of them was called Bulk. I don't know... can you tell me what year it is?"

Mr handsome looked at me funnily. "What year it is? It's still 2019, darlin. You weren't out for that long..."

My eyes opened in shock at his words. 2019? That means I was gone for 16 years! Panic rose inside of me and suddenly I couldn't breath properly anymore.

"Oh shit... calm down Poppy.... slowly... breath in and out... come on, you can do it.... slowly... in and out... there you go..." Lilian held my hand in hers until I breathed regularly again.
The handsome guy looked at me worriedly. "Did I say something wrong?" I shook my head no. "No... it's not you... I.... they took me away after my eleventh birthday... that was in 2003...", I whispered still in pain of the panic attack.

The three guys and the doc exchanged  looks and seemed more worried than before. Lilian layed her arm around my shoulders, giving me some kind of a half hug. "You poor girl... but now this is all over... we take care of you... My husband already send for little Timmy, our IT-guy. He can help... maybe he finds your family." Again I shook my head. "No...my parents... they are dead... killed in a car crash..."

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