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3rd person's POV

King and all the other guys came to a conclusion how to handle this situation. They were one step away from saving their loved ones and finally bring them back home, where they belong.

The whole night they spent inside the chapel room and decided on what each and everyone had to do.

Lilian had sent most of the girls and family members into their beds after hours ago, but she remained seated at the bar, almost getting crazy in the clubhouse, because of being not able to help at all.
She decided to go out of the clubhouse, enjoying the still of the night and having a smoke outside.
She gazed up into the sky, doing one thing she dreaded to do the most. She spoke a prayer for all her loved ones, especially for Bullet and Poppy.
A soft noise, coming from the door being closed, let her look up.
Scotch stood at the clubhouse entrance, a thick blanket wrapped around her shoulders, keeping her warm against the cold of the night.
"What are you doing out here all alone?", Scotch asked, her massive bedhead prominent in the spare light of the stars and the moon.
"Couldn't sleep. What about you?" "Yeah, same. The little wee one, wasn't to thrilled to let me get some rest. I am just allowed to rest properly, when Iarann is around...", she smiled at Lilian and came closer, seating herself next to the matriarch of the Devil's Eyes.
Lilian chuckled and took another drag of her cigarette. "Sorry, bad habits die hard I guess...", she stated when she blew out the smoke.
"It's okay. I don't mind at all. Just because I can't smoke doesn't mean everyone else has to stop too." Lilian nodded and looked at the other woman. "Yeah... still, it's not right to smoke in the company of a preggo." Scotch took Lilians hand in hers. "You are worried. I get it. So cut the bullshit and don't worry about me. I like the smell of smoke. It makes me feel at home." Lilian kept silent and finished her cigarette, tossing the bud to the ground.
"I don't get to meet much old ladies to be honest... how do you get along with it?"
Scotch shrugged. "I don't need to know everything. I guess it keeps me sane. Besides that, I am happy with my family. I don't need more. I never thought I would live with a badass biker gang, but hey, look at me now. I got knocked up by one of them." Both shared a smile. "How is it for you Lilian? How did you and King end up together?"
Lilian huffed. "Ready for a boring story already?" "Oh come on, you both are more than boring... I see the love in both of your eyes. You must have had an interesting past." Lilian just stared at the concrete and thought about her past, when she met King.
"I knew King since I was a teenager. My three year older sister had to babysit me at that time and she often took me with her to spend time at the clubhouse. Now I know she just was attracted to the bad boys vibe and she was handed around between the guys. While she had fun with the guys, like she said it, I was stuck in here. King was a normal member at this time and he didn't understand, how she offered herself like that and didn't take care of me. I was thirteen the first time I stepped into the clubhouse. King spent plenty of time with me. I don't know if he pitied me at first, or he did that to make me feel more comfortable... He helped me with my homework and he was there for me. When I was sixteen, I grew feelings for him and had a huge crush on him. He is ten years older than me and he preferred to spend time with me, instead of getting wasted and fucking around. At this time I spent a big amount of time here, hell, I had my own room here, because Sandra and I were practically living here. My parents were working out of the country and it really felt like home. When I turned 21, I attended a clubparty. Don't get me wrong, I've been at plenty of their parties, but this time was different. I was legally an adult now, so I was allowed to drink and stuff. I still remember it, like it was yesterday. I went out shopping. I wanted to feel pretty. King said he tags along, because I never had any real friends, except for the guys. He agreed and he took me to the mall. We had a strange relationship at the time. He wasn't around that much anymore and I, still having a crush on him, was everytime we were together at a loss of words. It was awkward to say at least." Lilian chuckled and blushed a little at the memory. "He really was a gentleman that day. He tagged along silently, like my own bodyguard, he even insisted that I should buy everything I want, even though he knew I didn't have much money, he just handed me his credit card and told me to shut up. After shopping we went back to the clubhouse. The next day I got ready for the party. You have to know, I always was a denim and tshirt girl, hell, I still am. But that night I decided to get all dolled up. I wanted to show King that I wasn't a child anymore. The outfit I chose for that party was more revealing than anything I ever wore. Still I managed to not look like one of the hookers in the club. I wore tight fitting leather pants, a black cropped top and boots with heels. I just wanted to look different. The party was in full swing, when I came up front. You should have seen the faces of the others, when they realized it was me. King was seated on the other side of the room on one of the sofas, his eyes staring down at me or better said at my body and I started to ask myself if I made the right decision to dress up like that. Within minutes I was circled by members from other charters and clubs, like sharks swimming in the ocean around their next prey. Before I could do or say anything, King was at my side and shooed all those bikers away, growling and gnarling at them. He took my wrist in his hand and pulled me outside, to this bench to be more specific, not being very gentle with me. He asked me if I was out of my mind, showing up dressed like this. He honestly made me very upset, and I started to cry and yell at him, how much I liked him and what an idiot he was... one lead to another and let me say, everything more than messed up, than I intended it to be. My sister came out, ready to scold me, too. That's when King stepped up and put her into her place. He told her she can fuck off, because I wasn't her business anymore. He told her that he'll keep me safe, like he always did the last eight years. Then he turned around and pulled me close. He said 'Don't ever pull that shit again, you're mine.' And then he kissed me."
Lilian smiled brightly at the memory. "This year we are together for 32 years..." Scotch looked at her. "That sounds like you had a very good time with your man... he seems like a decent guy." "We surely had our ups and downs, but we still stick together..."
Both women enjoyed the presence of each other when they heard ruckus inside of the bar. Sighing, they got up from the bench, deciding to look for their men.

When the guys finally came back out, it was in the early morning hours, at around 4am. Some of the bikers decided to get some rest before they put the plans to action. A few stayed behind at the bar, including King, Sarge, Iarann and some others. The guys from the resistance were led to the empty bedrooms so they could rest too.

Scotch and Lilian came back inside and King smiled a sad smile at the women. "Can't sleep girls?" Both shook their head no and Iarann went over to Scotch, making sure she was okay.
"I'm fine, hun. We just talked."

King pulled Lilian close. "Making new friends, darling?" "Honestly? I think so. It feels nice talking to someone other than bulky bikers..." Scotch grinned at her. "Anytime Lilian." "Come on,love. Let's bring ya ta bed, ya and the wee one should rest now...", Iarann chimed in and smiled at both women. "Thanks for keeping ma gurl company." "No problem, she's nice to be with. See you later guys."

Time skip

A few hours later all the guys geared up and got ready to get out and rescue Bullet and Poppy.
"Oi, King. Who is staying behind? I want ta ha' ma family protected... I don't trust these assholes, I don't want any retaliation on innocent people..." Iarann exclaimed. King looked around and ordered the prospects to stay behind, including the hangarounds to keep an eye open for every harm coming their way. Bear, a Souleater, stepped up. "Hey folks, don't be upset with me, but maybe it is best if I stay put, too. You might need a backup, that's why I came with in the first place." Owl, the president of the Souleaters, nodded at him. "I agree. It might come in handy." King nodded and whistled Andy over. "Hey buddy. Would you mind staying back too? Your shoulder still is healing and I would feel better if the club isn't just protected by hangarounds and prospects... Bear is staying behind, so not just the girls will be your company." "Fine with me, pres, just make sure to bring me some of the piece of shit, to have some fun with him, too." Andy winked at the presidents of both clubs and smirked. "I have a new set of knives and they ard hungry for some action."
The men shared a laugh and assured him, that his time will come.

"All right fellas, let's get going then. We have a mission to complete!"

And then they left the compound together, leaving behind their family and friends for the greater good.


Just a little filler chapter, but still, I had fun writing about Lilians and Kings past.... should I make a story out of that? What do you guys say?

Thx for all the reads/votes/comments- you guys ard awesome!!


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