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3rd person's POV

The men all gathered in the church room, including all members of the Devil's Eyes and the Souleaters MC.
King brought the gavel down and the meeting started.
"The last days were quite eventful. Thanks to our brothers of the Souleaters and their contacts to the Irish resistance we managed to free Bullet, our VP, and his girl Poppy. I wanted to thank all of you for being a part of this. It didn't quite work out like it was planned, nonetheless everyone we care about are in safety, for now." All the man started knocking on the table in unison.
He looked at each and everyone of the men.
"I talked to Owl and to Bullet. Cameron thinks Bullet is dead, the guy, the spy, made sure of that. Sullivan confirmed it to Iarann. Still Cameron is probably more than pissed, because Poppy made it out. We came to the conclusion that it would be a good idea for both, Poppy and Bullet to dissappear for a while. Both of them are willing to leave this club temporarily, for their own safety." King nodded at Owl at this point. "We are honored to help you guys out at these times. Iarann, one of my men of mayhem, and his wife Scotch will take your VP and his girl in, as long as it needs to be until the situation with Cameron is settled. I know it is hard with your VP gone, but still it won't be forever. Nonetheless, for his own sake, he should leave the colors of your club at home. He will be a Souleater for the time being, so nobody would ask stupid questions. My guys are already informed, but they are down with it. You guys are our friends, our brothers. We do everything to help you out here." The men looked from one pres to another and then to Bullet.
Bullet cleared his throat. "I agreed on that. It hurts to leave my club behind, but I understand it won't be forever. I know King and Owl have a lot of history in common and I trust both of them with my life. Ok, now I need to tell you guys something else." Everyone was looking at him now. "I had a little chat with a really smart woman earlier. I talked to her about the whole situation. She suggested that the Devil's Eyes should hold a wake for my dead me. To disguise my departure. Dickhead still thinks I am dead and right now, I want him to keep that thought. So instead of a regular party, put a wake for me in place. Trust me, it'll work out. And since we can't say how long I am away, it depends on the resistance guys and such, maybe it would be best if someone would take my place in the time being. It won't be a replacement forever, because when I am back, I will fight for my rightful place next to the gavel." Laughter errupted between the men. "Ok, I have only one man in mind to replace my job for the moment." King nodded.  "Bullet is right. We should vote our temporarily new VP. And since I can read Bullets mind I nominate Sarge to be my right hand. Those in favor say 'aye'."
The whole men of the Devil's Eyes answered with an 'aye'. Bullet and King exchanged a gaze and both of them said 'aye' simultaneously. "All right. Sarge, here are your VP patches.  Don't decline it, you have no other choice."
Sarge chuckled. "You guys are shitheads, now gimme that patches." The whole room errupted in laughter. "Something else in need for discussion?", King hollered. Nobody said anything, so he looked at Bullet. "Alright. Then the last point of the agenda for today. Bullet - your cut." Bullet nodded and got up from his seat, taking of his cut, sighing heavily. When King reached out to grab the cut, Bullet pushed a step away. "If there is one scratch on my cut, when I get her back...", he glared.
"Seriously? Have you ever seen your cut?", Cobra laughed out loud. Bullet looked dumbfounded. "Well yeah....why whats wrong?" Crazy Ed snickered. "Damn man.... your cut always looks like it's been through the gutter..." Laughter around the table errupted, even Bullet grinned widely. "Yeah man, my cut and I like it rough..." Hangman guffawed out loud at this point. "That's why your cut is a she?" All men had a laughing fit at this point, when Bullet finally handed over his cut to King. Owl stood right beside them and smiled at both of them, when he handed Bullet a new cut with the Souleater colors. To the amusement of everyone he pulled a grimace when he looked at the new and clean cut. "Ugh... a virgin cut... I need to show her some love  too..."

Some time later

After the meeting all of the men came out of the church room and went outside to the back of the clubhouse, where they had installed an offroad track a few months ago. All of them agreed that Bullet shouldn't look like a newbie at the Souleaters MC, so someone suggested he should roll around in the dirtroad a few times. Even the girls came outside and watched Bullet doing this. Laughter and joy filled the hearts of all the people gathered outside until it was time to head back inside.

Inside of the clubhouse, the hangarounds already had gathered the belongings of Bullet and Poppy and the Souleaters put their backpacks to the pile. The time of goodbyes was almost there, at nightfall the private jet would head back to the Souleaters territory. Poppy and Lilian spent some last moments together. Little Timmy was glued to Michelle, the daughter of Breaker, because she had to leave again, too.
Bullet wandered slowly through the clubhouse, taking in everything, to remember it in times of loneliness. He was a part of the club for many years now, it never occurred to him, that someday he had to leave, even if it was for his own safety. He wondered if he ever would return to his life, his home, his family. He turned around the corner, when he felt a hand on his shoulders. "Don't worry son. I'll make sure you return home. I can see what you are thinking, stop it. This is and will be your home forever. Don't forget that.", King said at his side. "Sorry, I can't help these thoughts. I am going to miss you lot like hell." Bullet sighed and let his head hang low. "Is it really the right thing to do?" "I really hate to say this, but yes it is, Tommy. You guys need to leave. It's for the best at the moment." Bullet nodded at the president's words, but he felt like shit nonetheless. "Let's get you to the airport, buddy. And like I said, better call here and there, or you will have a hurricane of a woman come by there to rip you a second hole..." At these words Bullet chuckled. "Lilian really is a hell of a woman..." "Ha, beware... she took Poppy in.... your girl will be just as fierce as my wife in no time... at least we both are on the same page here..." The two man laughed together and went back to the front.

As soon as nightfall was around everyone wished their farewell and goodbyes, here and there some tears were shed, especially the girls were teared up. Sarge, being a big softie after all, hugged Poppy tightly and cried a river. When he let go of her, he approached Bullet and pulled him close. "You better take care of my kid, boy. If I hear one complaint about how you treat her, I will come and you receive a good ass whooping!"
Bullet shook his head. "Damn it, people! What is it with you threatening me all the time?", he said jokingly, when he hugged Sarge back.

Then the Souleaters left the compound together with Poppy and Bullet.

When they entered the private jet, Owl seated himself across from the two. "You know I've been thinking. Maybe it's for the best to change a bit your road name. How does Bull sound to you? It is just a little shorter version than your usual one, but still different and nobody will know it is you." Poppy looked at Bullet. "I like it. And you will be my Tommy anyway, so why not." Bullet nodded. "Yeah. It's no big change, so I am fine with it." Owl smiled at them. "You'll see it won't be that bad with our bunch of rascals. We have a lot of old ladies and families around, you two will fit in just fine."
Iarann leaned over from behind Owls chair. "And ya'll ha' us. As far as Scotch and I are considered, ya both are already family ta us." He smiled brightly and Poppy returned the smile. "And I can't wait to babysit for your kids!"

After the conversation ended, all of them sunk back in their seats and got some rest.

Bullets thoughts before he drifted into a slight slumber, occured his and Poppys future.

He was ready for a hell of a ride and a new adventure.

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