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Stone's POV

I sat totally still, after I ended the conversation on my cell phone. Not being able to wrap my head around the fact, I just heard about, I felt the sour sting of grief and pain in my body.

Bullet is dead.

Jesus, who would thought that could happen? The one, who was fierce and outgoing, who once was my brother, is supposed to be dead? What the fuck happened?

I know we never get along that well, but I didn't hate or disrespect him. First of all he used to be one of my brothers, when I was one of the Devil's Eyes.

Still staring at the phone in my hands, I realized it was ringing again. Not checking the caller-ID, I just answered it.

"Mister O'Brien. I have an offer for you.", said a male British voice. "I am listening." "You used to be one of the Devil's Eyes, am I informed correctly?" "Positive." "You were around for a long time, even when a girl was found in the streets. Is it true?" "Again positive." Now I got a little curious what the call would be about.
"Well, now. I want you to go to the wake of Tommy Campbell. I want you to check upon something for me."
"And what would that be?" A soft chuckle returned from the other end of the line. "I want to know, where my niece Poppy Cameron is. I can't get a hold of her." "The street chick? Why should I do that? Just call there and ask." I rolled my eyes. "Well, you see Mistet O'Brien. The club and I have some, let's say.... unfortunate history together. And I can't stop by there in person. I would love to, because Tommy was my nieces boyfriend and I would love to send all of them my condolences, but... the president and I aren't exactly on good terms. That's why I had to ask you."
"Huh. That is plausible. But why me?" "Because we are working with the same people. We both want to make people happy and get them what they dearly wish for. Without interruptions. If you know what I am talking about." "Not really."
"Well, let's say... my clients need your strength to get that what they want - freetime without any troubles. At least it had been that way until know." 
"So you are the one who delivers?" "You can say something like that." "Alright. Let's say if I am willing to do that job. What exactly is in for me?"
"First of all a niece paying. It should cover the bills for about a year. Second maybe a chance for revenge, how your former club treated you in the past. Mister O'Brien. I know you struggled all the while you've been one of the Devil's Eyes. I assure you, there would be a chance for revenge. They abducted my niece, brainwashed her and didn't let md see her. I want them gone all the way.", I heard fuming rage in his voice. "So, the only thing I have to do, is show up at Bullet's wake, play nicey nicey and ask some questions..." "For now that would be all."
I took a minute to think about the offer. "Count me in." "Thank you so much, it means the world to me. I just want to know if my niece is alright. You must know, we are the last ones standing from our whole family. Nothing would hurt me more, if someone hurt her." "I get that." "The half of the loan of your task will be on your bank account tomorrow morning. The rest will be there, when you get me the information I dearly need." "Sounds fair."
"Thank, Mister O'Brien - it's been a pleasure for working with you, we'll meet us in person soon. I'll send you the adress. Thank you in advance."

Before I could say anything else, the connection was lost and I thought about my former club.

Am I really the guy, who works against his own? Practically I am no devil anymore, but I vowed to keep the secrets. Did they really kidnap a girl?

I guess it was time to find that out at Bullet's wake.



So, I did it! I wrapped up book number one. 😄
Still can't believe, how this book turned out!

I would love to read any suggestions how it would continue, what could happen and so on.
Also I want to know of which characters you would like to read a story - Souleaters and Devil's Eyes. Write me 👍🏻

Thanks for the reads, the votes and the comments - if it wasn't for you, I never would have managed to end the story.

See/read you soon!


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