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Bullet's POV

The following days were busy, at least for me. I had work to do in the garage and on top of it all, I had to go on a 4-days run with the club to the Chicago suburbs to make a deal for our guns.
The night before I had to go, I decided to take Poppy out. Giving her some money I sent her with Lilian in the morning, so they could by a dress for Poppy after her therapy session.
I planned on taking her to a nice italian restaurant and after that to the ice cream parlor a town over.
I was nervous to say the least.
Sarge and King made fun of me, being all sweaty handed and restless. "Come on, Bullet. She ain't the first girl you went out on a date with...", the president of the Devil's eyes stated, while chugging down a half empty bottle of beer. "I know... but I can't help myself..." Sarge laughed and patted my shoulder. "Oh Lord... he is pussy whipped..." Rolling my eyes at them, I realized it was time to go into my old dorm room to take a quick shower, before picking up Poppy with my truck.
After a few minutes I came back up front, seeing most of my brothers at the bar. Inwardly groaning, I braced myself and stepped out of the halflit hallway.
"Ohhh, look... it's Casanova himself...", Andy laughed. Of course, the news of me dating Poppy spread faster, than a fire on dry wood. Very subtle I rolled the sleeves of my black button up shirt up to my ellbows and run my hand through my hair. Little Timmy came by and nodded at me. "She likes you. Don't listen to those nasty guys. Deep down in their pitch black hearts they are happy for you, that at least one of us, except king managed to get himself a decent girl." Thankfully I nodded at him. "Thanks, brother. I got  this." We shook hands and I nodded at King, still sitting at the bar, and left for good. Before I turned to my truck, I saw Sarge sitting alone on a picnic table. Our glances met and I nodded to him. "Take care of her, will ya? She's a good girl. I don't want to have to rip you a second hole, brother." "I know, brother. I try my best with her." He looked at me knowingly and got up to come closer. "I know you won't push her into something she doesn't want to, but still... I see her like my daughter. Behave." "Noted, Sarge." "Good. Now go, have fun kids." You both deserved a night off." I grinned at him and got into the driver's seat of my truck.

The minute I parked the truck in front of the barn, Lilian came out, waving a quick goodbye.
Breathing in nervously, I collected all my strength and went inside.
"Poppy? It's me... it's time to go, are you re-..."
Poppy stood there in the hallway, smiling shyly at me. She wore a tight fitting black mini dress, some high heeled boots and a leather jacket. The dress was short, but not to revealing. Her hair fell down her back in soft waves and she had a little makeup on. My mouth fell agape at the sight of her, unable to say anything at all. I tensed up, feeling intimidated by her outstanding beauty.
"You look handsome, Tommy.", she said quietly.
Swallowing dryly, I nodded. "Thank you. You look, uhm, beautiful, darlin. You really do." She walked closer to me. "Lilian said so too, but I kind of feel overdressed..." Quickly I took her wrist in my hand. "NO! I mean, no... you look stunning." Again she gives me that shy smile, that almost brings me to my knees. Slowly she embraced me in a soft hug. "Thank you, Tommy."

Some time later

The date went well so far. The dinner was delicious and our conversations never ending. The walk to the ice cream parlor was nice and we could enjoy being around each other in silence.

After we ate our icecream, we decided to go for another walk, just because why not. Poppy was imprisoned for so long, I couldn't deny her a simple walk through the night.

Pulling her body close to mine, I rested my arm above her shoulders. Poppy smiled and looked up at the stars. "They are pretty." Not taking my eyes of her, I nodded. "Yes, they are." All of a sudden Poppy laughed. "You didn't look up to the stars, you were looking at me...." "Well, duh... but I like seeing the stars through your eyes, it's like learning something new everyday. And by the way, I keep staring at you, because I still can't believe that you went out with me AND that you ate that whole fucking burger! Come on! You never could fit something so big in yar little tummy!" We shared a good laugh and walked further.

All of a sudden Poppy froze still at my side. "Darlin'? Everything's alright?" Her eyes widened and I followed her sight. A broad shouldered ugly male jumped out of a car and lit himself a cigarette. "It's him... no... no..." "Him? What are y-.... shit... come on..." I guided her around another street corner and hugged her tightly. "Is it one of the guys that...?" Poppy nodded at my chest. "Ok, don't be afraid. He probably won't recognize you, you've changed, Poppy... let's go home, alright?" She nodded again, her big orbs looking at me, frightened and insecure. "I take care of you, love."

I took her hand in mine, and pressed her tightly to my side. Walking slowly we left the alley, not giving the car with the guy a second glance.
"Hey! You two!" A guy behind us yelled. Poppy's fingers clutching my arm tightly. Gently I engulfed her in a half hug and turned my head around. "Can I help ya? My wife's ain't feeling good."
"Oh yeah... I just... nevermind..." I nodded at the guy with a grim expression.
Fully aware that his eyes followed us the whole way back to my truck, I made sure, he couldn't get a rightfully glimpse of Poppys face. Helping her into the passengers seat and getting behind the steering wheel for myself, I glanced at my girl. "Don't worry, darlin. I am here with you." Reaching for her hand, I started the engine. With intertwined fingers, I backed out of the parking lot and we drove back to our apartment on the club grounds. 

Silently we went back inside. Poppy went to the bathroom without a second word. The moment I heard the water starting to run in the shower, I took out my cell and gave King a call.

"Hey Prez. We had a situation earlier..."
I told him everything I knew, even the  numberplates of the car of the guy. King was shocked to say the least.
And I was more then pissed, I had to leave for a run tomorrow.
Reassuring that Poppy will be safe, I agreed on Lilian coming over to stay with my girl until I return. A prospect will be with them, too.
Not trusting these assholes,I made a few other precautions to keep Poppy safe in my time away.

3rd person POV

The guy followed the movements of the couple, pulling up his snot and spitting it on the concrete. The girl looked different then the last time he saw her.
Still, he recognized her face, even though the bulky guy tried to hide her, behind his statue.
Grinning cruelly he grabbed his cell phone out of his Jeans pockets and gave his boss a call.

"I have some news, boss. I guess I found your niece."


Sorry for the short chapter, but I am currently very sick and I couldn't get my thoughts straight on focus on anything...
Hopefully I am doing better soon (already feeling a tad bit better after my medication finally kicked in)  and I am back on track...
Honestly I miss writing - so many ideas spinning around in my head!!

Enjoy the story so far, thanks for reading/ voting/ commenting! It means a lot!

xo xo

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