Chapter 3: What's Up?

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When the endless painful cycle first started, it all felt like she was being stabbed, multiple times. The stabbing feeling wouldn't stop, only die down a bit, but it was enough to keep her going. She was never the same after that...

(No cliffhangers, thank you! Not until I get at least 300 words! Oh! *Ahem*, let us continue...)

A few days later, everyone started to notice the little changes in her. For example, she always wore her hair to the right. She never talked to anyone, not very surprising, but she rarely even talked to Kris! Only with the group projects, or if she wanted to go to the darkworld. No one really liked her anyways, but a young deer monster had a feeling something was up. You guessed it... Noelle.

Every time that they went back into the darkworld, Lancer was always very confused why Susie was silent, most of the time. When they met, she was always like, "COME ON, LANCER! WE HAVE TO PLAN THIS!" or, something like that. One word was all that he wanted. "Hey Kris? Can we go to the darkworld now?" Susie asked after their classes were dismissed. "Sure" the boy responded.

The two went up to the closet and Susie reached for the door handle and turned it, opening the ominous door. "What are you waiting for? Let's go!" Kris laughed. With that, they stepped into the pitch-black darkness of the storage and supply closet.

They fell. Fell onto the ground and got up quickly after. The floor was only dirt, not very soft dirt, but it sorta softened their landing. "Ow..." They both sat up and complained, Susie rubbing and slightly grasping her head.

"Let's just try to find the others, kay?" Kris stood up and snickered as he watched Susie find her balance and dust herself off. The children walked through the deep, dark, world that hey had grown to love and know, too well... "What's up, clowns?" A voice sounded from a tall rock to their left. "Been a while, hasn't it?"

Yay! Chapter 3 is done! I would like to thank...


For adding my first ever Wattpad story to their reading list and starting to follow. Thanks for the vote on my A/N, sorry if this is getting a bit creepy. I just got some notifications and I am so amazed that some people would actually read what I write! Thanks for that and have a great day!

(Also, I know that Kris doesn't have a specific gender, but I wanted to clarify that I think Kris should be a boy. This will also make things alot less confusing later on, so, yeah. Thanks! That's all that I wanted to add! Felt kinda lazy with this chapter, so...)


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