Chapter 23: Curiousity

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So... Writer's block sucks... This chapter might end up short, but I just wanted to say thank you to...


For the votes on some of my earlier chapters! Also, my new story is called: Half-Shattered (Steven universe Spinel-based story)! If you want to find it, it's on my profile. Or, the name is there for you. Now, onto the chapter...!!!


Asriel's POV:

Wow, she really doesn't want to do this, does she?

Susie is... Definitely independent from what I know. Maybe this wasn't the best idea. No, this is a perfect idea! She needs help, and who better than Ralsei!

"Azzy? We're going." My thoughts are interrupted by Kris waving his hand in my face, probably trying to get my attention.

"Oh, what? Sorry, Kris." I get up and follow Kris, who leads the way down a few hallways.

"Sorry, but where are we going, exactly?" I ask.

"To Ralsei's place, Azzy!" I hear my sister laugh as she tilts her head back to look at me. The hair in front of her eyes parts for a second, revealing her eyes. I soon realized that something wasn't right...

"Uh, okay...?" I was slightly shocked that I hadn't noticed it before; her left eye was amber-like gold, and the other was a faded-looking yellow, almost gray. I decided to ask, even if she didn't answer.

"Hey, uh, did something happen with your eye?" I motion to my eye to make sure she knows what I'm talking about.

"Huh?" Ralsei yelped. I think he gets a little overprotective of the people he knows, which is good, at times. But I feel like, maybe, it gets in the way at others.

3rd person POV (I can't do POVs, sry!):

Ralsei, upon hearing Asriel, went towards Susie, slightly cautious and definitely concerned.

"Susie! Let me look!" He tried to jump to her height, but failed.

"Never." She replied, casually while she kept looking forwards and walking. She smiled at the attempt, still carrying Lancer with her.

"Ugh! This happens everytime! You're gonna die because of this." Ralsei mumbled into his hat.

"Hey, I can hear you, and no I'm not!" They all kept walking through the halls. Lancer curled up in her arms, tired from the day.

"You tired?" Susie snickered as she looked down.

"Yeah..." Lancer yawned, "It's been a long day..."

"Then sleep, it's fine."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, dude."

"Okay then..." He fell asleep soon after. Everyone laughed quietly at that. They were nearing the great board. This is gonna be a looooong trip...

Finally, the five were at Ralsei's castle. Tired, yet fine. Lancer was still asleep as Ralsei pushed the doors open wide for the rest of the group. The monsters, human, and Darkners stepped inside the castle-like place.

"Wow. Nice place!" Asriel said, looking up and around the entry way.

"Thank you!" The younger goat replied.

"So, why exactly are we here?"

"Weren't you paying any attention earlier? We should rest a little more, and do what we came to do." Kris jokingly remarked, saying the last part quietly.

"Oh, okay! That makes sense."

The group stayed at the castle (-thing-i dunno!!!) for a good few hours. Just as they were playing some game (yes, the darkworld has internet/video games in this story...), Susie and Ralsei excused themselves to the kitchen. Asriel overheard some of the conversation going between the two. (Imma make the kitchen a few rooms away from the livingroom, but Asriel could still hear a little, kay?)

With Susie and Ralsei...

"... It's nothing, I'm fine!" The monster exclaimed with an annoyed tone.

"No you're not! It's something you should be a little more concerned about!" The darkner replied, impatiently.

"Okay, I will be! Does that make anything better?"

"... *Sigh* I guess... Just, please be careful!"

"Heh, I will." She pet the goat's head (or, atleast his hat). With that, the two went back to the livingroom to meet back with the others.

Back there...

The five continued to play on the console for a while, until they felt it was time to do what they came to do...

"Shoot! We forgot the soul!" Asriel said to himself as he looked through the bag they had brought.

"Susie. Where did you live?" Kris asked.

"You need the soul? I'll go get it." She started walking out of the castle, before Asriel stopped her.

"Wait. I'll come, too. Y'know, just in case anything happens or something..." He mumbled a bit.

"Fine..." She sighed as they left.

Yeah... Sorry for not uploading yesterday or anything, but I didn't have school today, so here it is! I won't post super long chapters, so yeah. Just one a weekend and such. Sorry for any inconvenience!!


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