Chapter 10: Card Castle

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"LESSER DAD!" Lancer yelled from the castle entrance.

"Yes, youngst sire?!" Rouxls Kaard came dashing into the foyer. First thing that he noticed was a monster with her arm over the king's shoulder, leaning slightly against him. But not just any monster... a Lightner! She looked friendly enough, and, I think I may have met her...! He thought. One look at the girl beside him and he could tell that she was just about tired enough to sleep on the cold, hard ground.

"Oh! I see thoust hath company! Whomst might this fine friend be?" (What is wrong with my life?!?! Idk why I just had to make his diologue like that!)

"This is Susie, I think you've met?" Lancer responded, "Anyways, she's staying for a while. Can ya help me get her to the spare room? The one by mine!"

"Why, of course, thy majestyeth!"

RK realized that the girl wasn't breathing normally. Out of concern, he asked,

"If I may, how is thine feeling? And how did they become so... Pained?" He directed the question to Susie.

"Well, long story short, I turned my dad into the cops, ripped my soul in half, lived at Kris' for a week, and then snuck out to come here! Any questions?" She quickly explained and laughed, not caring what they thought about the way she 'explained' it. The Duke of puzzles cringed slightly at this and sighed, feeling some pity for the teenager. She what? Just started highschool? Was on edge almost all of the time, even if she didn't show it? It wasn't really that hard to tell, what with her tone of voice and body language in general.

A short while later, the three arrived at the spare space.

"Thanks, I guess!" Susie snickered.

"Not a problem, ms. Susie! Calleth upon me anytime, younge ones!" Rouxls exclaimed, walking out of the room. Susie sat on the bed in the place they had led her to.

Lancer climbed up onto the bed with her, getting calm before she hugged him closely.

"Uh, Susie?" He looked up into her visible golden eye and blushed lightly. She kept him there in silence, keeping him close and rubbing his back. Instead of breaking out of her weakening grip, he stayed for a minute, maybe she needed someone or something to keep her calm? They stayed like that her about 10 minute before she apologised and let go.

"Thank you for, uh, everything, dude. I dunno what I'd do without you, honestly!" She smiled, closing her eyes and facing the teenage spade.

"It's fine, Susie. I've, enjoyed it, alot actually! I'm happy and lucky to have you as a friend!" He laughed, sticking out his tongue in response.

"I feel lucky, to have you."

"Anyways, you should rest! I'll be down the hall if you need anything!"

"'kay, g'night!" She slumped into the bed. It felt good to actually have a mattress under her, other than an old, used, dirty one she used to have. Atleast she had stayed at Kris' for the past week!

"See ya in the morning, clown!" With that, Lancer walked out of the room and closed the door behind him.

Susie woke up with a start, feeling a stabbing pain coursing through her body. Why?!?! Why right now?!?? Her thoughts didn't fix anything, not surprising. Her soul pounded in her body, but she could only wait it out. Well, she could go to Lancer, but did she really have to in what was probably the middle of the night? That was just unnecessary! What time even was it? Susie couldn't get up even if she tried, so going to Lancer was off the table. For sure.

Susie looked towards the table beside her bed, the only thing that she could really do, though it kind of killed her inside to move. It was then that she realised, this isn't Kris' place, or mine! Wait, I'm at Lancer's right! She smiled at the thought. The clock was hard to see, her vision fuzzy. She had just woken up afterall. She calmed down and the pain stayed at a minimum, or, atleast wasn't as bad as the moment before. She finally made it out,

There was no clock on the table. This place is so weird! Her mind instantly and playfully thought.

Just then, Lancer came running and slammed open the bedroom door, making a loud thud on the wall.

"SUSIE! WHAT HAPPENED!?!?" He screamed.

"Dude! What are you talking about?" The girl laughed. Susie tilted her head to the side, obviously confused and gave a calm smile.

"Uh... You... You screamed! What's up?" He said, calmly yet still signifying his concern.

"Really? How did I not notice?" She sat up straight, staring back at the blue and black spade before her.

"Anyways, sorry, Lancer!" She continued.

"It's alright! But, we should probably get back to sleep! Its late, like, I dunno... 3 in your world?" He suggested.

"'kay! G'night, lancer!" She replied, settling down to sleep and sighing tiredly.

"See ya in the morning, clown!" He said again, Susie snickering at the repetition. The boy smiled peacefully and left the room, again closing the door behind him.

I should start writing long chapters like this! I love it! Anyways, thanks for 60+ reads! Can I also get a comment for any story suggestions? I have some ideas posted in the chapter before this one and I have alot of other ones. Tell me which you would like to see, and no, I won't be one of those authors who do another story and then totally forget about the one they were already doing and expect regular updates from all of my stories, or atleast this one, for now! Merry Christmas and sorry for not updating this yesterday!


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