Le wolf pups

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Avan and Jack was lurking outside Morgane and Natjack's room in the middle of the night. Jack had his sword ready for revenge and Avan was leading the attack. They silently sneaked into the room while Morgane was gone and went for Natjack's jar of cookies. Natjack was in deep sleep and didn't look like she would awake soon. They opened the jar of cookies on the table and began to at on the spot.

One by one, the cookies disappeared. One time Jack burped loudly but luckily Natjack didn't wake up. And in the end, there was only one cookie left. They slowly looked at each other and knew what the other was thinking: 'I want that cookie!' And then they both tried to take the cookie at the same time, by reaching down for it with their hands. In a while they fought aggressively for the cookie until... The jar heavily hit the floor and shattered into a thousand pieces.

Natjack sat up in her bed as fast as lightning and looked around with wide eyes. Her instincts were telling her that something had happened to her cookies. And then she saw it... Avan and Jack sitting in front of the shattered jar of cookies, which were now eaten. Natjack was about to call Kosa to her when Jack pulled out his sword and pointed it right at her, and a beam of light shot out if its tip and hit Natjack I right in the head. She then fell over in the bed fast asleep.

"Phew! That was close!" Avan said. "yea, she would have killed us! " Jack replied. "And soon, she will give birth to her child!" Avan said, and then he got an idea. "Wait.. what if it wasn't just one child, but two?" he said. Then Jack jumped understandably up from the floor, got his sword ready and shot another beam of light at Natjack's sleeping body. "That will do, " He said, and then Avan and Jack ran out of the room screaming, and it was a miracle Natjack didn't wake up again.

In the morning Natjack woke up to the nonexistent smell of cookies. She knew Morgane had put a jar of cookies for herself on the table yesterday, but they were gone now because of Avan and Jack. There was still another jar of cookies which was locked into the Closet. She got over and ate them all, but there was something wrong. 'They are with gluten!!!' she thought just as Avan and Jack bursted into the room, and nearly broke the door. "Someone threw your new Kosa into the river!" Avan came in while yelling. Le gasp! "Where's that b*tch?!" Natjack exclaimed and transformed into her wolf while growling furious. "Chill! And transform back, please. We are going to the nurse, don't ask!" Avan told her.

Natjack didn't transform back and just barked at him very loudly. Then Morgane ran into the room. "What the heck is going on, in here?" She asked. "Your girlfriend is sick! And the kids- they might be dead from gluten!" Avan said. Morgane was shocked, "Get out of the way!" she yelled at Avan. "I'm not giving birth, so stop acting like I am!" Natjack said as she had just transformed back so she could speak. "OMG! Is it time for the birth?" asked a new voice. Wizard, Lonely and Rosy had just arrived because they had heard loud voices. "NOo! Not yet" Natjack said, "I just ate gluten cookies..."

They all quickly ran to the hospital wing where Madam Pomfrey was. Natjack had transformed back into her wolf form so she could run faster and the others were right behind her. When they arrived at the hospital wing, Avan yelled: "Madam Pomfrey we need you to check on the kids!" Madam Pomfrey went over and took a look at the... Wolf?

She had no idea why they had brought a wolf in here and why she should check for its unborn... kid? She used her scanner and could tell them good news: "They are alive and healthy!" she informed them. "Them?!" Morgane asked shocked. "Didn't you know? She will give birth to twins!" Madam Pomfrey said. All the others clapped and applauded.

"Twins? Did I hear-" Sakura asked as she had just walked into the room and saw the wolf liing there with everyone around.
"Aww! Cute dog will have pups! Will the pups be for sale, Morgane?" she asked her. 'My pups? For sale?!' Natjack thought furiously. She growled at Sakura. "I was also about to ask that, but I would rather buy the Wolf. Is she for sale?" Madam Pomfrey asked Morgane.

"AARGH! MY KIDS AND GIRLFIREND ARE NOT FOR SALE! I KNOW SHE IS CUTE BUT SHE IS MINE!" she yelled at the top of her lungs. "Girlfriend? Are you dating a wolf?!" Madam Pomfrey asked. Morgane have had anought. "That's it! I'm now going to make a secret house for me and her, because everyone wants to have our kids and its stressing her. And I will do it even if I have to use school glue!" Morgane yelled at them all.

So Morgane ended up building a secret wooden house by using only school glue.

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