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'what am i gonna do?' Natjack thought. It was so dark she could't see a thing. It was so scary. It felt like there were another person in the room. She took a calming breath and thought about how she was going to get out. The problem was She couldnt. She sat down on the floor with her knees drawn up and her arms around them. She hoped Morgane whould come and help her.

It was like eternity had passed. Natjack thought about how many of her cookies were expired while she had been locked up. 'What whould Morgane do?' Natjack thought. Probably she would get Natjack. So Natjack woul get Morgane. But how? Then she got a brillant idea. She could just summon her! With a big movement with her wand, she yelled:"Accio Morgy!" She hoped it wouldnt hurt on Morgane for being summoned from whoever knows where, but Natjack really needed her.

She thought: 'but what if sh-' Morgane came flying into the room through the door and fell on top of Natjack. Both of them where blushing now. Natjack acted like it didn't happen and just hugged Morgane like she hadnt seen her in a really long time, wich was true.

They heard a sound of a picture beein taken and they turned around. Avan!

Avan took a step forward from his hiding spot wich was behind their beds. He was laughing like he had just seen the funniest thing on earth. He waved his phone in front of them while saying: "Im going to post this, if thats okay." He was still laughing. Natjack was mad for falling into his trap but she couldnt really get that angry while hugging Morgane. Morgane just hugged Natjack back.
Avan looked like he had just seen them turn into totally differend people.
"Arent you going to come after me or anything?" he asked while preparing to run. Neither if them answered. They were just hugging. "Well, okey then" Said Avan and began to take pictures again.

A while later Avan arrived in the kookie krews common room.
"They didn't kill you?" asked LonelyMashedPotato.
"No they just stood there and hugged! And I got a lot of pictures and..." Avan stared at his phone with big eyes.
"I used up all of my phone storage!" he yelled.
LonelyMashedPotato, Rosyclozy and Wizardz_life were all laughing at him.
"Maybe they will kill you if you upload all of that!" laughed Rosy.
"Be sure to send it to the kookie krew group chat" Said Wizard while taking out her phone.
"I will" said Avan and sent all the pictures of Morgane and Natjack to the kookie krew group chat.

And Morgane and Natjack were still hugging in the room.

To be continiued? 😁

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