The pet

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Everyone in the house woke up when they heard a loud bang coming from the front door of the wooden house. Natjack, Morgane and all the others ran from their bedrooms to the front door, to see Avan standing there. "Avan, what on earth is-!?" Morgane was about to ask, but Avan stepped aside and behind him stood a dark demonic-looking creature. "What is that?!" she yelled at him, while stepping in front of her children who also wanted to see what was happening.

" This is now your and Natjack's new pet!" Avan told Morgane. "Our what?!" Morgane exclaimed and nearly fainted. Wizard, Lonely and Rosy just stood there beside them and was glad that Avan hadn't brought THEM a pet. Morgane was trying to decide what to do with the situation as the pet looked quite dangerous, but Natjack had already lifted the pet up and brought it with her inside, and Morgane wouldn't want to get near it.

The next day:

Both Avan and Jack landed on the floor as Morgane had pulled them out of bed and dragged them into the living room. "What is happening?! I was sleeping!" Avan exclaimed as both Jack and him was being very confused about the situation. "Me and Morgane will be going out, so you two will be stay up to watch out" Natjack told them. "What on earth should we watch out for?" Avan asked confused, but just as he had said it, the demonic looking pet came jumping onto him, from somewhere in the room, so he fell to the ground again. Natjack and Morgane went out before Avan could say anything, and he and Jack were both left alone with the demonic pet.

Two hours later:

"JACK, HELP ME!" Jack heard from downstairs, and he quickly went down to see Avan standing with a frying pan to protect himself against the pet in front of him. Avan decided not to hurt the pet as he knew Natjack wouldn't be happy with that, so he tried to slip away sideways, while still holding up the pan. The pet didn't look so calm and was ready to attack, but before it could make its attack, Jack threw a stack of books towards it. Luckily it stopped attacking Avan, but now it was Jack who should be careful. The pet turned around and looked dangerously at Jack, and he now regretted saving Avan.

"Aaaaaah!" Jack yelled while running as fast as he could upstairs while the pet chased him. In the meantime, Avan wasted no time looking at the scene, but ran as fast as he could out of the front door. Jack ran into one of the rooms upstairs, but he soon realized that he was now trapped. He slowly backed up against a wall as the pet came nearer. "Heeelp!" he yelled, but no one came. Suddenly he couldn't see anything, and his vision went black. "Help me!" he yelled, from inside the pet's stomach, as it had just eaten him. The pet soon realized that Jack was very bad for it's digestive, and Jack came out of the other end and landed on the floor. "Ew!" Jack exclaimed because he has come out as shi-

He managed to run out and close the door behind him, and quickly went to the bathroom to make himself clean again after being eaten. He just took his third step as he heard something growling from the toilet. From one moment to another, the pet leaped out of the toilet, but Jack was faster and ran out. He had no escape other than jumping out of the window, and that was what he did.


Natjack and Morgane had just returned home after going out, and they saw Avan running out of the front door while screaming. They didn't have time to ask him what happened, as he ran away with nearly the speed of light. Morgane went inside and saw all the frying pans lying on the floor, and she heard a yell from upstairs. Natjack, who was still standing outside, was suddenly hit with something heavy from above. At first, she was confused, but then she figured out what it was. "JACK!" she exclaimed angrily, because she had just been hit by him. "I have just seen things you can't even imagine" Jack said horrified. Natjack had gotten enough and kicked him up into a tree, where he sat for the rest of the day, because he feared both the demonic pet and Natjack.

The next day, Emma was allowed to play with the demonic pet, while Morgane was silently panicking about it. They were all outside. Natjack was sitting with her phone, but then realized that something was wrong. She looked up and saw the demonic pet trying to eat Emma, but Emma pulled a pink bow from her pocket and placed it on the pet's head. The pet then ran away humiliated. It ran as fast as it could into the forest, and Natjack decided to chase it down.

For a few minutes she chased after it but couldn't catch up. She suddenly fell over something hard, and she fell to the ground. She looked to see what she has fallen over, and a weird looking rock with blue hair was looking at her. She decided to take it with her home as their new pet, and the rock was named Rock.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2020 ⏰

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