🎄 Christmas Special! 🎄

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Avan and Jack were following the footprints in the snow. They lead them into the Woods, which where the only place they could go. McGonagall had locked them out of Hogwarts, because they had caused too much trouple. So now they where on their way to an unknown place.

Jack was using his magic sword so he would not freeze to death, while Avan was walking beside him, shaking because of the cold weather. They where happy when they finally saw something that was not just trees, but a wooden house.

Natjack was laying in the sofa while Morgane would go out to buy her some cookies, because Avan and Jack had eaten them all. She and Morgane was now living in a secret wooden house in the forrest, where no one would find them. Just after Morgane went out of the door, two people came running in. Natjack stood up as fast as lightning and got her Kosa 2.0 (her second Kosa), while Jack took out his sword. Avan went behind a chair, while Jack walked forward.

He shot a beam of light towards Natjack, but she blocked the bream with the blade of her Kosa, so it got reflected back towards them and hit the chair, Avan was hiding behind. The chair exploades, and Avan and Natjack was looking shocked at Jack. "What if something happened to the kids? !" Natjack yelled furious at Jack, and then got ready to attack him. Avan quickly got an idea. He went to the cabinet where he found three bottles of butterbeer and then returned to Natjack and Jack who was fighting. He had ro do something quick because it looked like Natjack was winning. " Hey! Chill, i got butterbeer, okay? !" Avan said panicing.

So then they all ended up sitting around the table drinking butterbeer and being drunk, when Avan got the idea to invite everyone over.

First Sakura arrived and brought KFC to the party. "Where's the cute doggo at? I was going to buy her" She said, and was lucky Morgane wasn't there at the moment. When everyone had arrived, except Morgane, they were having a big christmas party. Everyone had brought food and christmas presents for eachother.

Something weird was happening just outside. Another Natjack, who was from the future, was lurking outside the house, to prevent something terrible from happening. The terrible thing was Mornizard! (Morgane, Natjack and Wizard). Natjack sneaked into the house through the window, and waited to reveal herself until it was time.

The sun was nearly all the way down, and Morgane had just returned from the town, where she had bought the last gluten free cookies. She was walking towards the secret house, when she notices something weird. There where like a thausand footprints on the ground leading towards the house, which were supposed to be secret. She then ran all the way to the house but halted. She was speachless of what she saw. There was loud music and there was a neon KFC sign outside of the house. She saw a lot of people dancing and partying inside the house. She somehow knew that Avan was the cause of this.

Natjack, who was snacking on some snacks, just finished the bowl when she heard a loud voice yelling: "Hey! What is going on, in here!?" It was Morgane. Everyone froze in their positions, and was scared for their lives. Morgane came into the room, looking mad, and got sight of her girlfriend, Natjack. There were severel bottles of butterbeer on the table, and then she realized. "Nat, are you drunk?" she asked shocked. She didn't get an answer. Then she looked at Avan, as if she knew that this was his fault. "It was only, like 10 bottles?" He answered, but knew he was in trouple for giving Natjack butterbeer. "Our kids could be dead!" Morgane yelled as she took Natjack's Kosa and chased Avan outside in the snow.

'Now it' s time' The Natjack from the future thought, and jumped out from her hiding spot. She went over and grabbed Wizard and pulled her over to the bedroom. Lonely and Rosy was just standing and staring at the weird scene. The Natjack pushed wizard into the room and locked it from the inside. "Now you will never get to Morgane, so Mornizard will never happen!" Natjack told Wizard in victory. "Yes, but what about us?" Wizard replyed. Natjack was as shocked as she had ever been.

"Wonder what is happening in there?" Lonely asked, while she an Rosy was standing on the other side of the door. They were trying to look through the keyhole but couldn't see anything. "I dont know, but I ship it!" Rosy said and wasn't expecting a reply. "I heard you!" they could her Natjack's yelling, from the other side of the door.

When it became evening, Rosy went out in the kitchen to make food for them all. She made everything from cookies, chicken, turkey and also desserts. Suddently everyone looked towards the front door, when there was a loud sound. They saw the door flying open and Avan running into the room. Morgane came walking in just behind him. She was covered in snow and was looking like she had given up on the chase. "Hah! I won the snowball fight!" he yelled followed by laughing.

Morgane looked towards Natjack (not future) who looked shocked. "What happened to her?" Morgane asked Rosy and Lonely. Then they told Morgane everything that happened, with Wizard and the future Natjack.

Morgane knew what she had to do. She took out her wand and pointed it at Natjack. "Morgy? What are you-" and then Natjack got shot with an obliviation spell. It only removed the most recent memories. Morgane then pointed her wand at Rosy and Lonely. "Now, tell me eccactly where they are" she said, thretening. There was nothing else they could do, than to lead her to the room where they were locked in. A locked door wasn't a problem for Morgane. She just kicked it down.

The door hit the ground and Morgane could now see Natjack who was trying to get as far away as possible from the drunk Wizard. "Morgy, Help me!" Natjack yelled as she held her Kosa, but didn't want to hurt Wizard. Morgane ran over and stepped in between them with her wand out, while she looked furiously at Wizard. "Get away from my girlfriend!" she told her. Wizard stopped. "Girlfriend? But what about Natzard?" she asked. That was not a good idea, as Morgane pointed her wand at her and yelled "Stupefy!"

After little while, Wizard woke up at the same place as she had been left. She went over to the dinner table where everyone sat. Everyone was eating, and there seemed to be dished from all over the world. Avan decided to try some weird looking soup, but regret it instantly. As he took a sip of his spoon he spit it out into Sakura's face. "What on eath is this food?! " he yelled as Natjack laughed knowing that the soup was taken from a bad school canteen. Avan ended up giving up on his soup and piled his and Sakura's plates up with KFC instead.

Natjack wasn't hungry but Morgane still gave her food on her plate. Just as Natjack took a bite, she felt sick. Avan got up excited. 'Could it be?' Avan thought. "The time for le kids?!" and Avan was right:

Not long after, two twins were born. Rosy and Lonely had made up two wonderful names: Emma and Lysandre. Both Natjack and Morgane had accepted the names and given cookies to both of them. As Natjack were playing with the kids in her wolf form, Morgane was guarding them with Kosa.

It was 9:30 pm, and everyone was ready for presents and was now sitting around the christmas tree. Natjack took an orange present and gave it to her child, Lysandre and Morgane gave another one to their second child, Emma. The twins both tore the wrapping paper off, and inside they each found a teddy Kosa. They instantly began to chase Avan around the christmas tree with the Kosas, while their parents were laughing at Avan's situation. Sakura didn't forget to take pictures of it to show Avan later.

Both Sakura and Avan got KFC for each other. Lonely opened a box with a red band around, and found a mashed potato inside, and wondered who had given it to her. Rosy got roses by an unknown person. Natjack got a new leash from Morgane, and also a prank gift from Avan, which she was differnetly not happy about, and threw it into Avans face.

Morgane in return got a ring and a necklace from Natjack, which she was very happy about. In the meantime, Jack opened a gift from Natjack which turned out to be a box, infinitly full of cookies. He began to eat them one by one as Wizard opened her present which turned out to be a wand.

Then in the middle of the gift opening, another person entered the room: "What about me?" Natjack from the future asked, as she walked over to them. "Where's my present? " she asked as she felt forgotten. But then Jack pushed her into Morgane so they both fell to the floor. Morgane ended up lying on top of her while the past Natjack was jealous of her future self.

"That was my gift from me to you" Jack said to the future Natjack. "Hope you like it! " And she did.

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