Just A "Normal" Day

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"Im gonna eat all your cookies, Natjack!" said a loud voice coming from everywhere. "Nooo!" cried Natjack while she was running. The voice sounded very much like Avan but she couldnt see him anywhere. She was running on an empty field. She didn't know how she got here, just that something was wrong.

"Give me all your cookies, and your life will be spared!" said Avans voice, coming from everywhere. Now she had to choose the hardest decision ever. The cookies? Or herself?

She stopped and reached down to her pocket where all her gluten free cookies were, but she couldnt find any. Her pocket was empty!

Then she woke up! Her first thought was that she was going to kill Avan. (Not literally😅)

Later that day everyone in the kookie Krew sat at their table in the great hall.

For the first time Natjack wasnt focused on her gluten free cookies which was shocking. Instead she was staring very intensely at Avan. Morgane just sat beside her frustrated about Natjack not looking at her. But at least they were holding hands.

After they had eaten Avan found himself backing up against a wall while Natjack looked like she wanted to kill him. She had her very big scythe so of course Avan was terrified. She was about to step forward when Morgane came running to the rescue.

"Naty, you cant kill him literally!" Morgane yelled at her girlfriend.
"But he-" Natjack started but Morgane walked forward and kissed her and Natjack dropped her weapon to the floor.
Avan took a picture and then ran to the kookie Krew common room as fast as possible while screaming.

A while later:
"Wow congratulations!" exclaimed LonelyMashedPotato astonished.
"You survived again!" said Wizard.
LMP, Wizard and Rosy were sitting in one of the couches and looked impressed.
Avan laughed nervously just as Morgane and Natjack arrived. Luckly for Avan, Morgane pulled Natjack over to one of the other couches where they sat together and made drarry videos and ate cookies.  🍪 🍪 🍪

To be continued? 😁

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