The Vulcano

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It was early in the morning when Natjack was waking everyone up. "Because Emily didn't fly last time we tried, we have to do it again!" she informed everyone. "Not that tower again!" Morgane exclaimed. "I agree! Not that tower! Because of what happened, my pants were burning and now you can see my boxers!" Avan said. "Okay we don't want to know about your boxers now!" Morgane said. "I wasn't thinking about tower! I'm thinking about going to the dinasour age so we can see how they learned their kids to fly before they got eaten by dinosaurs!" Natjack told them. "Emma, Lysandre, Emily! Come to mom! Mommy is dangerous!" Morgane said.

They went back in time with Natjack's Kosa magick, and they tried to find what they were looking for. They had taken everyone with them from last time. Avan spotted some people heading towards a vulcano so they followed them. The people were wearing old caveman leather clothing and they was carriying weird caveman weapons. One of them looked like Natjack, and another one like Jack, and the last like Avan. It must be themselves from old times, and they were carriying a child with wings, so they must be having a flying lession.

"Let's put on leather clothing so they won't be scared of our weird clothing. And let's follow them! " Natjack told the others.

Jack ended up having a skirt on and Avan had only caveman boxers on because his leather cloak got eaten by a bear.
So they all ended up looking like cavemen. They went up to the edge of the vulcano where they were watching what the old people were doing. The caveman-Natjack was holding the child over the edge of the vulcano and said some weird caveman words: "Huuugaaa uha uja hs! Hug ha huag bsy!"

Natjack was standing with a google translator on her phone and translated it for everyone else. "She's saying: And now i will throw her into vulcano! And if she doesn't fly we will have her for dinner!" Natjack told the others. "Kids! Come to mom! Mommy is dangerous" Morgane said and was dead terrirfyed.

When the caveman-Natjack was about to throw her child into the vulcano, a ptedactyl flew over and ate the caveman-Avan and flew away. The cave man-Natjack was looking shocked at what happened, but then ran after the pterodactyl with her former weapon: a stone pickaxe. "See Avan. When you are too childish in this plan you will be eaten like the old you " Natjack told him. "No, i would never be eaten-!" Avan said, but then another pterodactyl came and swollowed him. "Karma bit ch!" Natjack yelled laughing at the pterodactyl.

Jack was standing to the side and was dancing around in his cave man-clothes while singing: I'm sexy and I know it. Then Natjack hit him with her stone pickaxe since her Kosa didn't exist in that time. Then Natjack decited to throw Emily into the vulcano so she finally would learn to fly. "Im glad i wasn't born with wings so i didn't have to do that!" Avan yelled from inside the stomach of the ptedactyl. Then the ptedactyl vomited him into the vulcano and he screamed all the way down. Then he hit the lava and so his pants were burning...

Natjack woke up, and looked around. She was inside the wooden house and Morgane was beside her with her wand and Natjack realized that it had only been a dream. "What happened?" she asked. And Morgane told her how Emily had actually flied from the tower and that Morgane had obliviated Natjack, and that was the reason why she now woke up."Oo! So she CAN fly?!" Natjack exclaimed and ran out the door to see if it was true.

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