Prank through Time PART 1

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Natjack was reading a book in peace when she suddently was interrupted by a bucket of ice cold water being poured over her. She looked behind her and was furious to see that it was Avan who did it. She turned around to continue reading but noticed the book was impossible to read as it was totally wet. "AVAN!" she yelled and threw the book, Časodejovia, into Avan's face. "Hey! What did I do?" he said as he knew he was in trouple. Natjack said nothing and just went into the library and got another copy of the book.

When she was sure Avan was gone she was ready for her brilliant plan. She was going to write the number for a specific day and month down so she will remember it in the future. Then she would contact a person from the past and a person from the present time to be a part of this and it would be complete. When she would have gotten contact with the other members, they would then plan to time travel to the exact time and place that Natjack had decided.

5 years in the past:

Rosy was walking the corridors of Hogwarts and was totally bored when something weird happened. A letter suddently popped into existence right in front of her. She stopped and looked around to see if there was any other people seeing this, or if they were playing a prank on her. There was no one. She bent down and picked it up. It was written with green ink. It almost looked like the ink that she knew Natjack used. She began to read and was getting more and more shocked from each word she read:

Hello, Rosy

This is Natjack, but not from this time. Im from the future exactly 5 years from now. I have sent you this letter through time because I had decided that you would be chosen for this. Me from the future, Wizard and you are going to time travel exactly to the time and place which is written in the bottom of this paper. Further instructions will be told.

And PS. Don't tell the past Natjack about this, it could change time.

Rosy was done reading and saw the date and time that she was told to time travel to, but she had one problem. She had no idea of how to do it. She looked around to see if there was some kind of help, but there wasn't.

Another note appeared into existence in front of her, which said:

Use the floo powder, but also tell it which time you want to travel to.

Present time:

Natjack was waiting for the moment she had asked the past Rosy to time travel to. 10 more seconds to go, and she should be here. Since Wizard was already from the present time she was already here, but there was something off about her. Natjack could have sworn that she could see through wizard at one point but didn't think more about it.

Natjack waited for her future self who she was sure would come because she had written a letter to herself and was now keeping it on herself so she would be reminded of this in the future.

There was a loud *bang* sound and Natjack from the future stood in front of her while holding the letter, which looked older than the one she had. But that wasn't the only thing that looked differend. Both Natjack(from the future)'s eyes where completely white and blind and she had a creepy looking robe on. And the most horrifying part was that she was a ghost. 'Am I dead in the future?' Natjack thouht and almost fainted.

The future Natjack could not see anything because she was totally blind, but she knew what was happening because she had remembered everything from when she was the past Natjack.

Suddently there was another *bang* And something transparent appeared. At first Natjack didn't recognize what it was, but when she looked more carefully she could see that it wasn't an 'it' but 'who.' "Rosy?!" she asked. Rosy had just appeared in front of them and was also a ghost.

'But, wait... that can't be possible. If she's dead in the past how can she be alive in the present time?' and then Natjack realized something. 'My letter got sent through the multiverse! It landed in an alternate universe!' she had never been so excited before. When she was about to tell about her plan to the others she noticed something weird with Wizard again. Wizard was just a little bit transparent, and Natjack could see through her. "Wizard are you a ghost too?!" she exclaimed and was as confused as she had ever been. "Yes I am. I'm from an alternate universe, but I'm still from the present time" she explained.

Natjack was about to faint again and decided to tell them of her brilliant prank against Avan... 

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