Avan Vs Morjack

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Morgane and Natjack stood and said goodbye to the rest of their friends at the hogwarts exit gates. Today they where going on a trip to Hogsmeade. They havent seen Avan enywhere today and was wondering where he went.

Natjack were still gonna kill him for what he did.

When they finally arrived to the Hogsmeade village while holding hands they decided to go buy some hot chokolate.

When they excited the store Natjack was nearly dropping her mug as someone walked into her. Morgane saw through it and noticed the person was doing it on purpose.

She was going to defend her girlfriend but Natjack had already taken out her scythe. The person, who had bumped into her, began screaming while running away. Before Natjack could follow him, Morgane took hold of her hand and steered her away.

The really weird thing happened when Morgane got a text from Natjack.
The text message said: Hi Morgy, If you want some cookies go to our room.

The weird thing was that Natjack was walking beside her and she didn't even have her phone out. So how did she get a text from Natjack?

Some seconds after Morgane got the text, Natjack also recieved one. Her's was from Morgane which said: Hi Naty, if you want your gluten free cookies, go to our room.

They were both confused because neither of them had texted that to eachother. Natjack wished she had, because she loves gluten free cookies.

It has to be Avan who was trying to get them in another trap.

A while later:
Avan stood outside Morgane and Natjacks room and waited for them. What he didn't know was that they were planning something too.

Natjack had prepared a bucket full of cookies while Morgane had prepared another one.

Avan suddently heard a sound of two people running towards him and the rest he knew was being knocked out with a ton of cookies.

Natjack and Morgane gave each other a victory high five. They took Avans unconscious body down to the common room. LonelyMashedPotato, Wizard and Rosy were sitting there and they all looked frozen at the sight.

"WE FINALLY KILLED HIM!" yelled Natjack as loud as she could while holding her arms up in the air. Avan lay on the floor and looked dead but Morgane wasn't going to tell them that he was just knocked out. In their victory, Morgane kissed Natjack in front of them all. Suddently Avan gained counscious and quickly took his phone out and took a picture of the two. Both Morgane and Natjack thought about how they would kill him again afterwards. Avan didn't mind at the moment because he posted it on youtube.

An: The chapter came sooner than i said

To be continued? 😁

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