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Chapter 1- Symbols
Clary POV
I close my eyes as I guide my right hand effortlessly across the paper, drawing lines and curves to create a magnificent symbol. When my hand finally stops and drops the pencil, I open my emerald green eyes and looked at the outcome. It's nothing like I have ever done before. The swirling and curling lines unfold, like a flower about to blossom. But what did it mean?

I have been drawing meaningless symbols for about a month now and I'm not even a step closer to finding out what they mean; I just know that they are important. I slowly drift into a daydream. My phone starts ringing, making me jump back into reality, with my goofy best friend's face as the caller ID.

"Hey Simon," I say, smiling to myself.

"What's up Fray?" He replies as I roll my eyes.

"You rang me, remember?" I ask him laughing slightly at my idiotic friend.

"Oh yeah," I knew he was smiling, even though I couldn't see him. "Just wanted to say good luck at school."

"Don't even remind me," I click my phone onto speaker and tie my hair up into a high ponytail.

"Oh come on," he laughs. "Everything'll be fine."

"You don't know that. You won't be there," I disagree.

"Yeah, whatever. I've got to go Fray, but I'll see you at Java Jones, usual time," he states before hanging up the phone, not even bothering to listen for my reply.

Simon has been my best- and only- friend since I was a little girl. We are rarely ever seen separately, and know each other like we know the back of our own hands. Now though, we are being sent off to different schools, just because of my 'vivid imagination.' I sigh and pick up my drawing again, trying to think of what it means, plunging into thought.

"Clary! Hurry up or you'll be late for school," a rough voice shouts from downstairs.

"Okay, Luke. I'm coming down now," I reply, sliding my drawing into the drawer of my desk, where I kept the other symbols I drew, and locked it with my key.

Luke was like my family, he was like my dad. He was an old friend of my mom's and I have known and loved him since I was a little girl. Ever since I can remember, he was there, picking me up from school, reading me to sleep- basically everything a father would do.

"I'll be in the car Clary," Luke shouts, slowly shutting the door behind him. I lift my school bag off the floor and swing it over my shoulder, thundering down the stairs.

"Have you got everything you need, Clary?" My mom asks while walking into the hallway. My mom is one of the sweetest people you will ever meet. She never shouts, she never gets angry and she always understands everything, as if she had already seen and lost everything- which I suppose she almost had.

Everyone thinks that I look just like my mother, but I can never see it, no way am I ever going to be that beautiful. We have the same fiery red hair, moulded into perfect curls, and the same striking green eyes, but where I am small and flat; my mother is tall and curvy. Like I said- beautiful.

"Yes, mom. I've got to go; Luke's waiting in the car. Love you," I say before kissing her cheek and hurrying out the door.

New day, new classes, new school. Great, I'm so excited. As Luke pulls onto the overcrowded car park of the school, I sigh heavily, showing my annoyance about having to start a new school. "Clary, I'm sorry you had to move schools, but it's for the best. I mean, we can't have a repeat of last time," Luke pulls the car to a sudden stop and turns to face me.

"But, I didn't-"

"Clary, it was probably just your imagination. I mean, people looked all over the school and didn't find any trace of the 'dangerous demon' you saw. You drew the demon out so detailed that they wanted to send you to the doctor. We can't have a repeat of last time. Promise?" He held his pinkie finger out to me, the same way he did when I was little.

"But I..." I trail off seeing the look on Luke's face, warning me not to push any further. "Promise," I said wrapping my pinkie around his.

"Okay then," he says slightly pushing me towards the car door. "Hurry, or you'll be late for class." I nod and swing my bag onto my shoulder taking one last look at Luke for reassurance before hopping out of the car and making my way to the office.

Okay, so this is my first ever fanfiction- or writing piece for that matter- and ive also never let anyone read my work, so i suppose this fanfiction is kind of a taster for me to see if i should carry on writing or not. I should probably stop typing this now because nobody reads this bit anyway.
I don't expect anyone to be reading this, but if you are, it means the world to me, it really does. and i'd really appreciate it if you could comment about any gramatical errors and things like that. Also, let me know if it's working or not.
So for the first time, im signing out. xxx

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