Pete's POV
I heard there's a 2 new kids Monday aka tomorrow. Ok yes I am the Pete Wentz most popular kid in school. How did I get popular you ask? I don't know. Looks? Nah I'm a rat but everyone wants me. I've heard lesbians have gone straight for me and guys go gay for me. Like I get it I have money and apparently the looks but I don't understand. Huge hassle with woolens being like 'hey Pete wanna go out' with their fishnets and skirts that show their underwear like if you want to get notice HAVE A FUCKING PERSONALITY. I get my clothing that I'm going to wear tomorrow out. I get a white button up, school jacket (bomber jacket from the merch store because the sports jackets are the worse. Very itchy), black ripped skinny jeans, ties and bow ties are optional but I occasionally wear one but not tomorrow, and of course the classic high top black converse. My classic outfit never go wrong with it. The school makes us wear merch somehow like the jackets if we're not wearing jackets some of us will put a pin on our shoes, Ive seen girls wear knee highs with the schools colors and logo on them when it gets too hot for jackets, my trademark is I got a couple shirts that fit dress code and got the logo on the upper arms. I've seen some guys roll their jeans up and wear the schools socks and show them off it's so stupid but it's funny, the girls like to put school patches at the bottom of their skirts. I'm getting sidetracked talking about clothing alright anyways new kids tomorrow hoping ones hot maybe they're siblings? Who knows? Maybe I could hook Frank up if it's a dude. Maybe I could hook myself up with someone if I don't share with Frank. I hear someone quietly knock on the door I say "come in mom." Patrick comes in and says "I'm not your mom but sometimes I have to act like it." I say "what's up?" He says "take the new kids under your wing don't let anyone ruin them schools all about competition and they don't get new kids very often." Patrick's homeschooled but he's gonna be there next month. He's my best friend, the right hand man, guy in the chair. He's my mom when my actual mom isn't here. Also my dad when my dads not here. Perks of parents not being here like ever. He's behind my sanity. He's there through everything does my homework when I can't focus and no one at school knows about him and I'd like to keep it that way because I don't need them ruining him he's my sanity if he's gone I'm screwed. He never has any problems no girls no guys just Patrick being ace and his shortness such an unproblematic fave. God I love him he's everything to me. Patrick says "your homework done?" I say"yes." He says "your online stuff and reading for English done or is it on track? Behind?" I say " falling behind." Patrick says "hun how much do you have?" I say "30 pages for last week." He says "I want you to get your 100 pages for last week then if you want we can go do something k?" "This book is sooo boring though" I whine. Patrick says "go get a new book to read then books get boring sometimes. I'll finish this book for you so you get the pages for it but you'll have to read about 30 pages ok?" Looking through the book. It seems like he's ordering me around but he's not it keeps me focused on what I need to do and he knows that. I go and get a book and start it.
Much Reading later...
I say "alright done." Patrick says "me too. Alright what do we wanna do?" I say "pizza?" Patrick chuckles saying "delivery and maze runner or school of rock?" I say "school of rock." I get my phone and click on the pizza places number and my phone calls the pizza place. I hear someone say "hello?" I say "I would like to get a medium pepperoni pizza for delivery please." The dude says "we don't do delivery anymore sorry for the inconvenience it can be ready in 20 minutes if you'd like?" I say "that would be great. Thank you." The guy says "what name will it be under, sir?" I say "Wentz someone should be there." The guy says "s-sure thing" ha figuring out my parents are rich as fuck. I hang up and I laugh saying "it never gets old." Patrick says "it does get old sometimes." I say "oh shh." We go downstairs and to the kitchen and see Jamie, James, and Leah sitting around the table playing it looks like bs. It's nice when my parents aren't here they're always getting ordered around when they're here. I mean it's their job but my parents are so rude about it. I say "hey James can you pick up a pizza for me it's ready in 20 minutes please?" James says "sure thing dude care to join us I'm kinda getting my ass kicked?" Leah says "hey boys what's going on?" She's always been a mom in a clean up my shit kinda way and has good advice. Patrick says "nothing much." I say "sure I'll join. Wanna join Patrick?" Patrick says "oh sure why not?"

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