Pete's POV
Andrew and I eat eat pop tarts before everyone gets here and James says "sup guys." I say "sup." Andrew says "I need help with my outfit." I say "alright I'm going let's go Jamie you're coming too." Jamie says "yup." We all go up to his room and he says "black, dark blue, or white jeans?" I say "uhh dark blue." Jamie says "what are shirt options?" He grabs a black vans shirt, white button up, and a navy blue button up. Jamie says "black jeans dark blue button up." I say "definitely. Wait we need kind of matching accessories because duh." I go through his shit and find a small gold chain and I say "do you have an emo box or do I have to get my shit?" He hands me his box and I take out the matching pocket chains. I say "ta da." Jamie says "you guys are going to look like emo sugar daddies." I say "that's my aesthetic." Jamie laughs and Andrew says "well I think we'll look hot so. Thank you." I say "you're welcome" then I hear the doorbell ring. I say "I'll get it." I rush downstairs and open the door seeing the girls. Hills says "hey." I say "hey" letting them both in. Hillary says "this is Adrianna Adrianna that's Pete aka my older brother." She says a small "hi." I say "hey." Hills says "cmon guys I need to figure out what to wear." I follow behind them into the room and Jamie says "I need to make sure they're no punching each other downstairs." Hills says "alright skirt, dress, or jeans?" I say "well what are you wearing Adrianna?" Adrianna says "this dress and heels." It's a navy blue spaghetti strap body con dress that reached mid thigh and nude 4 inch heels. I say "I got and idea." I go to her closet and find a fit and flare short sleeved maroon dress and black 3 inch heeled combat boots. I go to her sock drawer and find a pair of white socks that frill on the top that are taller then the boots. I show everyone the outfit I say "you can't be underdressed compared to your date friends or not" handing her the outfit. I hear the door bell and I say "I'll be back." I run downstairs and say "hey" to a very well dressed Chase. He says "what's up?" I say "helping Hills find what to wear. Come in. Dude you look amazing." He bows saying "thank you." I say "he'll be down in a couple minutes" then I go upstairs. I say "Andrew get ready he's here and he looks damn good." Andrew says "stop hitting on him he's mine." I go to my room and change into a different pair of black jeans and change into my black button up, maroon high top converse, latched the pocket chains on my jeans and the chain around my neck, then fix my collar and the rest of my shirt. I put on a watch as a last minute addition. I look in the mirror and fix my hair. I look damn good. I go to the twins room and Hills wolf whistles I say "oh fuck off." Andrew says "what do I do for shoes?" I chuck a pair of white high top converse at him. He says "perfect. Now bracelets, watch, or neither?" I say " I don't think you need any maybe a watch." Hillary brushes her hair and says "flower crown?" I say "hell yeah" grabbing a gold one. And a gold necklace and say "pull your hair out of the way." She pulls it over her shoulder and I latch the necklace, then I set the flower crown on her head. She says "thank you." I say "you're welcome." Adrianna say "omg everyone looks so pretty!" I say "alright your boy awaits you Andrew." Andrew blushes and goes downstairs. I say "I'm going down come on guys." We all go downstairs James wolf whistles at us as Leah takes a video of us. I laugh We all aww as she moves the camera to the boys kissing. Andrew blushes hiding his face in his boyfriends chest. Chase laugh at his shy boyfriend. I say "alright we gotta go." The gang says "have a good night tonight." I say "thank you" and we all get in the car. I say "I am the best dancer ever" playing Green Day through my aux as always. Andrew says "shhh you can't even do the sprinkler." I say "you don't know that." When we get there I get out shoving my keys and phone in my pockets after I lock the car and we all just kind of go our own ways. When I walk in Mikey's leaning against a wall with hair in his face. He looks so awkward and cute. I go up go him and say "excuse me sir do you know where I can find my date?" He smiles cutely and says "I don't know they might not be here they might be in the gym who knows really." I say "well you look lonely what's a cute guy doing in a place like this?" He blushes deeply saying "waiting for my date." I say "I can fix that for you" smiling and winking at him. He says "ok" very shyly. I take his hand and people cheer as I walk in. Mikey playfully bows and says "the almighty overly powerful Pete Wentz." I laugh and stick my tongue out at him. I say "where's your brother?" Mikey says "who knows probably sucking faces with Frank ya know." I say "huh they finally together?" Mikey says "oh probably." We go to our circle with my siblings their dates and Gerard and Frank. I scream as I push through the circle. Mikey just laughs at me and everyone shakes their heads. Chase says "I've gotta make a toast." I say "where?" He says "on the stage." I say "alright" and our whole group goes near the stage. I hand Chase the mic.

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