Pete's POV
It's New Year's Eve and Hills is decorating with Andrew. James says "you can't let alcohol happen because it'll look like we're responsible because we're adults and you guys aren't so." I say "yeah James I know my friends know not to also." I play linkin park through the speakers in the house as I wait for people to show up. We have a fuck ton of food, Capri suns and juice boxes because this is a real party. Plus that's what everyone requested. Were a a bunch of children really were ordering pizza later when everyone gets here. Our parties are just giant hang outs really watching the New Year's Eve show and talking and just laughing at random shit it won't get busted because no ones going to give a noise complaint.  Everyone knows about it at school and tries to get in but they get kicked out by our bouncer aka James at the door. He stands at the door with the list of people invited and if you're not on the list you're out. A whole group shows up and I hear Dallon say "never doing that again Brendon with your fucking clown car." Brendon says "you do it every year it's tradition." It's tradition for Brendon to fit 6 people plus himself every year and not get pulled over into his car. It's been for 2 years since Brendon could drive so it's been 2 years this things been going. I hear someone burst through the door saying "the party's here... hey James." James says "sup." I say "Patrickkkkkk!" He says "hey you saw me yesterday." I say "I know." Brendon shakes Patrick's shoulders saying "Patrickkkkk! You're finally here!" Everyone chats I hear the door again I say "ok it's either Mikey and Gee or Chase or Haley? Place your bets if you want." Chase walks in and says "there better be good bets on me." Andrew says "I told you Spencer. Hand over the dollar." Spencer sighs heavily the pulls out his wallet. Chase sits next to Andrew in the chair he was in pulling Andrew into his lap. They just whisper to each other smiling, kissing each other occasionally just bathing in each other's presence it's cute wether one of them are my sibling or not. Jon says "they're so cute I might die or choke." I laugh and say "me too. So Haley is home schooled and she knows I hang out with the Ways and Gee and Haley have been internet best friends for years since before the thing happened but they have never met so the Ways are supposed to get here before her so she can walk in and surprise him. Ok?" Everyone says "yup!" I say "awesome" as I hear the door. I say "that's them now don't spill the beans." I say "thank you" to James because he didn't let them in yet. He nods sending me a wink. I open it saying "what's up guys!" Mikey says "hi." Gerard says "heyy." I let them in and we walk into the living room to Spencer telling a story about how the math teacher chucked a pb+j at Jon's face yesterday. I laugh and say "the fuck? What made that happen Jon?" Jon says "I accidentally touched his ass and he laughed then threw his sand which at me but I did eat it and it was a damn good sandwich." I say "I promise this is normal for Jon." Andrew turns the New Year's Eve show on and says "holy shit Green Day's performing!" I say "hell yeah!" I high five everyone in the room while we laugh our asses off. Then I hear the door bell. I say "alright I'll be right here Gee don't have a panic attack." Gee raises an eyebrow as the tv is muted I see Leah leaning against the wall getting ready to film the reaction. I go to the door and I say "you're doing great James." He bows rolling his eyes. I open the door and see the orange and yellow haired goddess herself. I say "heyy. Come in come in get your stuff off Gee is confused so before he goes investigating." Haley chuckles saying "alright" as she takes her coat and boots off. I say "you not going to have a break down?" She says "I shouldn't he will though." I say "alright." I go in the living room and I sit next to Mikey and I say "alright!" She walks in smiling and says "hey guys."  Gee says "oh my fucking god" dropping to his knees on the floor. He has tears streaming down his cheeks hand Haley takes his hand pulling him up and into a hug. I hear Gerard say "you're so tiny but you're so cute so it doesn't matter." Haley responds with "Gee your going straight." Gee says "I'm not going straight for you sorry hails." Haley says "damn." Gee says "your hair is so orange like fucking fire. Hey fist bump me in really life." Haley says "1776th fist bump number 1 in real life." Gee says "hopefully more to come." Haley says "agreed." I say "so formal." Haley says "holy fuck Mikey never knew you were that tall Jesus." Mikey says "never knew you were that short Haley."
Time skip
Most were all dancing together like fools to the last slow song before the countdown. I grab Mikey saying "hey" as I pull him to me. He says "hi." We dance for a little then we get to the count down.
"You're cute."
"So are you."
I pull him closer to me so there is no space between us exchanging breaths between one another. I say "you sure about this" looking down at his lips then into his eyes.
He nods and I grab his hips squeezing them gently. He wraps his arms around my shoulders.
You sure you sure"
He laughs saying "yes."
His hands travel to the hair at the nape of my neck as I smash my lips against his. His tongue slowly moving against mine. My hands travel to his lower back. I pull away a little bit our lips pretty much still touching I say "will you be my boyfriend?" He says "yes of course." We kiss more slowly and passionately that time and definitely gave me an almost boner.

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