Pete's POV
I say "talk to me dude what're you nervous about?" We sit against the wall and he says "can you not tell him about this and make up something please?" I say "it really depends on what it is." After a few minutes the bell rings and everyone leaves for classes. I say "what is it dude?" He pulls a ring box out of his pocket saying "it's a promise ring and I was planning on giving it to him after the dance but I've been close to having a panic attack all day I'm so nervous I don't know what to do." I switch to sitting in front of him saying "bro you gotta calm down he loves you a whole damn lot even if he hasn't said it to you yet he's going to accept that ring I know it. He's worried about you ya know you got my permission so that's the most important one right? I'm not going to tell him or anyone. You have nothing to worry about." He chuckles and says "dude I gotta talk to Hillary before I do shit." I text her.
Me: Hey meet in the hall near Andrews locker I have to talk to you for a second
Hills: k I'll be there in a sec
Me: ok
I say "she'll be here in a second." He says "I think I'm nervous the most to talk to her because ya know they are very protective of each other." I say "it's because they've been close since they were little that's why they room together they do everything together it's barely just one of them it's weird being around just Andrew or just Hills ya know they've been attached since the beginning they had the same first word, they've always had the same favorite food, same favorite song, same favorite color, it's crazy really. It's me or all three of us you get the whole package deal." Chase laughs and says I would talk to your guys' parents about the ring but I've never met them before." I say "their loss they don't give a shit about us everything wrong with us is because of them and they're never here how ironic huh?" He says "yeah." Hills walks up to us and says what happened you guys good?" I say "yeah alright come sit down" patting the ground in between Chase and I. Chase says "I kinda needed to talk to you about giving Andrew something special. Your opinion is very important ok?" She raises an eyebrow saying "ok?" He pulls the ring box out of his pocket saying "this is a promise ring do I have permission to give it to him at some point tonight?" She smiles and hugs him saying "yes you do have my permission" wiping a tear from her eyes. She says "sorry I'm happy" leaning her head on my shoulder.we both laugh and I say "what class are you in right now?" She says "AP algebra." I stand up holding a hand out to her. She takes it and I say "I'm walking with you." I say "dude don't worry about it ok you have nothing to worry over now ok?" He says "ok thanks man." We walk our separate ways as we round the corner of the hall me and Hillary jump up and down quietly squealing. I say "yes" pumping my fists in the air. Hillary says "just so you know if I witness this I will cry." I say "wear waterproof make up tonight then because you might be there." Hills says "so how'd asking Mikey go?" I say "well he said yes." She says "woo!" I roll my eyes and say "this is insane. Do you know how long they have been together?" She says "i had suspicions last summer so probably around beginning of school last year." I say "holy shit they've been together for over a year and I wasn't told!" Hills says "the Wentz' have a bad sense of hiding things." I say "I know from personal experience." She stops at a door and says "see ya later." I say "see ya after school maybe sooner." She waves and I walk in a separate direction. I go to the office and say "hey I got held up by something can I have a pass please?" She says "what did you get held up with?" I say "do I really need to tell you?" She says "yes so I can write an excuse." I say "ugh but my brothers in that class and the teacher will read it out loud and it's about him like real important." She says "I gotta write one down." I say "fine write I was talking to my sister." She says "you skipped class to talk to your sister." I say "yes!" She says "I doubt it" as she writes it down. I say "thank you" as I go to the last half hour of my class. The teacher says "you skipped class to talk to your sister?" I say "yes I did why the hell does no one believe me!" She says "who skips to talk to a sibling raise your hands." My brother raises his hand then most of the class raises their hands. I say "even sometimes it's very important to skip class for your sibling because sometimes they need to talk to someone" glaring at the teacher. She mutters "you probably were doing lines but whatever." I say "oh fuck off you seriously was talking to my sister and a very important person to someone in this room something special will happen tonight that you will never forget because of that talk I was late for class because of. Seriously what is your problem with me?" I looked at the teacher. The teacher just rolls their eyes saying "whatever." I say "you aren't allowed to mention drugs in that terminology on school grounds as a teacher. I could get you fired" sitting down in my seat. She says "I'd like to see you try" smirking. I say "alright catch ya later see ya sibling and fellow human companions."

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