Pete's POV
Leah comes in my room in the morning saying "wake up fuckers!" I say "ughghh Patrick get up I'll hit you." Patrick says "fine." We get out of bed and I grab black skinny jeans, a white tee shirt, a black leather jacket, and white converse. As long as it isn't a graphic tee shirt I should be fine. I find a school pin and put it on the pocket of my leather jacket. Patrick says "alright James Dean." I roll my eyes pulling the collar of my jacket up. He says "you can't pull that off." I say "darn" fixing my collar. We go downstairs and then I hear Hillary singing James Dean by the wrecks. I say "coincidence?" Hillary says "damn where'd that outfit come from?" I say "my closet just like me" giving her finger guns. She face palms and says "alright James Dean let's go." I say "the boys up?" She says "yeah they're fucking around outside." I say "ok." We go outside and the boys are fucking around aka chasing each other up and down the driveway. I say "what are you guys doing?" Laughing at them. Andrew says "he stole my candy." I say "Andrew you're literally 5" getting in the car I say "let's go guys." Patrick gets in the passenger seat, Andrew steals the middle, and Chase and Hillary stole the other sides of him. Patrick says "backpacks, homework, laptops, phones, and earbuds" pointing at all of us Hillary says "yup." Andrew says "shit! Forgot my laptop!" He hops over Chase's lap to go get his laptop. I say "I have everything I think." Patrick gives me the Mom look. I say "stop giving me the mom look it makes me uncomfortable." Chase asks "Patrick are you always this I don't know motherly?" I say "yes he is we kinda need it sometimes especially me and Andrew." Chase says "gotcha." Andrew gets in the car and says "I'm ready." I say "ok spongebob." We drive off and Andrew says "Hills do we have homework today?" She get her planner out of her bag and looks at it saying "we shouldn't unless you don't finish the work sheet in math." Chase says "I suck at math and somehow I'm still passing." I say "that teacher likes you stay on her good side and you'll always pass. Learned from experience." Patrick says "and how'd you learn that?" I say "I was really good in her class and I bombed a test on purpose and I got a 95." Patrick says "you're the older sibling act like one." Hillary say "he doesn't know how to do that." I say "exactly Hills." I stop the car and we get out. I say "meet me after school Andrew at the main entrance alright?" He says "k. Bye" as him and Chase get  dragged away by some girls. I laugh saying "what a ladies man." Hillary says "cya guys later I'm spending the night at a friends house by the way so answer the weird calls you get." I say "ok." Patrick says "come on." We walk into school and a girl latches herself onto my arm. I say "hello?" She says "hey." Patrick says "alright go away." And she goes away. I say "how did you do that?" Patrick says "people tend to listen to me when I talk wether they want to or not." I say "nice." I see Mikey and Gerard standing around awkwardly. I go up to them and I rest my arms on their shoulders saying "sup." Gerard says "look guys James Dean is back from the dead but shorter do they make you shorter when you die?" I say "oh fuck off." I feel someone tap my shoulder and I turn around. It's Hillary. I say "hey what's wrong?" Pulling her into a hug. She says "all my friends did that thing where they all walk away and talk and they told me to fuck off. And the friends house I'm going to later is at the dentist so I have no one to hang out with I never liked them anyways but it still hurts ya know." I say "yeah I know hun" combing my fingers through the ends of her curly hair. She pulls away hugging Patrick after. I say "Hillary this is Mikey and Gerard." She says "hi." Gerard says "in what relation is she to you guys." I say "my sister and Patrick and her are close like parent to kid relationship." Hillary says "Patrick's my mom best friend." The Ways chuckle and Mikey says "she does look like you." Patrick says "you should see her twin with them the look like minions of each other." Hillary says "maybe a cult." I say "sounds more accurate." She says "I'm going to go scare Andrew." I say "alright if you need me to yell at your "friends" just let me know." She says "yes Pete bye Patrick nice meeting you guys" walking down the hallway." I say "I never liked her friends anyways they're so annoying." Patrick says "you say that because they're girly girls unlike the people you live with." I say "that's probably accurate. Except Leah is kinda girly." Patrick says "she's not eww like most girls here." Mikey says "that's probably true." Gerard says "you aren't good at making points are you?" I say "no." Mikey just chuckles. Ugh why does he have to be soooo cute. He could cut me with his jawline and I'd be ok with it.

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