The End

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Idk anymore POV
Mikey and Pete are doing well still in the awkwardly smooth phase 10 years later. Chase and Andrew got married at 22 and they adopted a 14 year old kid named Ash they are non-binary and they have such a cute family. Hillary ended up with Adrianna after much sexual tension and a few 7 minutes in heavens at a couple of Brendon's parties. Gerard and Frank are practically married even though they're dating and have adopted a kid that's 13 almost 14 his name is Dustin and there's a "family" rumor that a) Ash and Dustin are together or b) they like each other or c) they know something the adults don't. By family they mean the Wentz', the Ways, Chase, Brendon, Adrianna, Dallon, Haley, Patrick, and our newest editions Joe and Andy and Haley and Patrick are just living their lives helping out being cool aunt and uncle. Haley and Gerard are best friends goals ya know like matching bracelets and Matching I'm with Gerard and I'm with Haley shirts of course everyone bought one and they made a shirt for Mikey that says Mikey fuckin Way everyone laughed for hours at that shirt. Mikey wears that shirt like 3 days a week. Pete, Andrew, and Hillary don't talk to their parents that much anymore they have never met their grandkids they probably never will. Andrew is 5 years clean he relapsed at 17, 19, and 20 but he's been clean since. Hillary physically bumped into Andy and Joe walking down the street and got their Snapchat's then they met our hellscape of friends.
Pete's POV
We all sit around Andrew and Chase's living room talking like typical wine moms: we're talking about the kids and most of our shitty parents and we have beer not wine. Frank says "ugh my parents want to see us this weekend." I say "mine have been trying to contact me but I haven't tried. Maybe I'll do it now." Our parents partially hate us because none of us are straight. My mom texts me saying:
Mom: hey do you guys want to come over for dinner tonight?
Me: me and Mikey?
Mom: and Hillary, Adrianna, Chase, Andrew
I say "shit. Mom wants to see all of us guys" looking at Hills and Andrew. They roll their eyes and Hills says "what could she want now last time I was asked over for dinner she told me gay was a sin and tried to ground me." I say "the fuck? Really?" Andrew says "I think she's high on the Bible." Mikey says "me too." I say "you? Mikey fuckin Way? High on the Bible? That's believable." Gerard says "really though." I pull Mikey into my side whispering sweet nothings into his ear kissing behind it. I play with Mikey's hair when he says "I love you" looking up at me. I say "I love you too" looking at him then kissing him slowly.  Maybe life is good even when it's not all perfect. Andrews clean, Hills isn't stressed like she used to be, im 8 years clean we all have stable relationships. Things don't have to be perfect to be good.

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