Pete's POV
We all play at the park and Patrick says "is he doing alright?" Referring to Andrew. I say "I don't know but I gotta make a call." Patrick says "alright." I take my phone out of my back pocket and I press my therapists number. He says "hello! Mr. Wentz it's been awhile. What's going on?" I say "sup Jace can I make an appointment for my brother with you?" Jace says "what's going on?" I say "it's not my place to say but he's going through some rough shit with himself because of our parents. Our parents don't know about this appointment I'll do anything for then to not know about this." Jace says "dude bring him in tomorrow after school I'll do it for free. You're my favorite person like ever I'll make a free appointment for him but if it's anything I know you can't handle I'll have to tell your parents ok?" I say "awesome. Thank you so much you're literally the best." He says "you're welcome I'll see you tomorrow after school don't forget." I say "I won't" then I hang up.i say "I bet I can go higher than you Hills." Hillary says "I bet you can't." I start pumping my feet so I get really high and she gets up there almost as high as me. I say "I win!" Hillary says "fuck off!" While laughing her ass off. She says "oh shit I almost fell." We all burst out laughing. I check my phone for the time saying "it's 5:30 we gotta go." As we walk to the car I throw my arm around Andrews shoulder saying "how are you doing?" He says "I'm alright I guess." I say "I made you an appointment for tomorrow after school." He says "thank you." I say "you're welcome. Don't be nervous he's cool I promise" sending him a wink. He rolls his eyes saying "have you met the guy before?" I say "yes I wouldn't send you to some random person." Andrew says "ok got nervous for a second." We get in the car. I plug my aux in and quietly play Queen. Patrick stole the front seat. He says "what was the call about?" I say "I'll tell you later." Patrick says "how're you feeling?" I say "I think I'm doing alright. What about you?" Patrick says "I'm doing alright." I look in the rearview mirror and say "Hills you walking home from school or doing something after school?" Hillary says "I have softball starting tomorrow." I say "when does that end? I can pick you up if you want?" She says "I'm going to spend the night at a friends house tomorrow night I think if I don't I'll text you." I say "ok." When we get to the house I turn my car off. Yes this is my car. We all go inside and put the money back in the jar because the twins got tired quickly for some reason it was also getting late so we didn't make the money useful. Hills says "we're going upstairs till dinner." I say "k guys cya later." Leah, James, and Jamie are all sitting at the small table in the kitchen playing a card game because they aren't allowed to use their phones during their shift, according to my parents. Patrick and I sit on the counter of the island Leah says "hey guys." I say "hey. That phone call was to Jace to see if he could get Andrew in at some point and he has an appointment after school." Jamie says "aw is he doing ok?" I say "no he's not doing so hot right now." Patrick says "is this about the thing earlier?" I say "yeah" scratching the back of my neck. Patrick says "poor kid." I say "I know." I lean my head on Patrick's shoulder and Leah says "you guys sure you aren't together?" I say "yes!" Patrick just laughs at me. I say "oh go away." Patrick says "no." Hillary comes down the stairs crying saying "go do something ." I say "stay right here darling, Patrick come with me, Leah give the poor girl a hug." I go upstairs and look in the twins bedroom and he's not in there. I go to the bathroom and knock I say "Andrew bud." I just hear a sob. I say "can I come in?" He says "yeah I guess." I say "Patrick stay there." He unlocks the door and I go in. He yells "I HATE MYSELF SO MUCH PETE" sobbing. I say "can I clean your arms up?" He nods and sits on the edge of the bathroom sink. I grab a washcloth, hydrogen peroxide and a couple pieces of paper towel. I get cold water and wet the washcloth and apply pressure to get the cuts to stop bleeding. He winces and I say "it's ok. What made you do it right now?" He says "I had a panic attack then I made it worse." I say "why'd you have a panic attack?" Then I spray the hydrogen peroxide on then then carefully using a paper towel on them. He says "I was over thinking about how it's my fault mom and dad work all the time." I say "it's not your fault hun." He lets out a sob and says "can my friend stay the night tonight? Please?" I say "sure. By the way if you need a hug Patrick gives good hugs. Fully recommend them." Andrew chuckles and says "I'm gonna make a phone call" resting his head on my shoulder. His friend answers says "hey beautiful what's up?" Andrew says "can you spend the night tonight? It happened again and I miss you." The 'friend' says "sure I'll be over in 10 ok?" Andrew says "k bye Chase." They hang up and I say "my brother has a boy and he didn't tell me!!" Andrew says "sorry?" I say "no no it's ok. I'm surprised and excited!" Andrew says "we're not out to the school yet so keep your mouth shut." I say "ok only Patrick knows." Andrew says "what?!" I say "he's outside the door Patrick says "he's not going to say shit you know that and the whole house is gonna know in a sec." Andrew says "just don't tell mom and dad Peter." I say "of course I won't."

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