Pete's POV
We eat all the food and I say "alright time to exercise. Just kidding." Mikey says "ughhghh fuck I'm gonna be hungry in like an hour." Gerard says "screw your fast metabolism. Go to hell." Hills says "screw your stickness" laying on the floor. Patrick says "stickness?" Hills says "yes." Mikey's just laughing at us. Damn him he's cute his laugh is even cuter. Fuck I just wanna kiss him. Oh shit what? Chase says "what're we gonna do now?" I say "eat more till we pass out?" Everyone groans saying "no" and "I have never eaten that much in my life in one sitting." I say "truth or dare?" Gerard says "no my undiagnosed ptsd will come back." Chase says "what happened with truth or dare for you?" Gee says "bad things have happened during truth or dare for me." I say "like what?" Gerard says "well I have to tell the story at some point anyone triggered by alcohol or drugs?" Everyone shakes their heads no. Gee starts "so I used to hang out with bad adults at the age of 15 being really stupid. So we would play truth or dare not even at a party just 5 of us and the dares started getting worse and worse the first one was something stupid like drink a glass of toilet water. Then it went to worse things like chug this bottle beer to chug this bottle of Jack Daniels, to tequila, to vodka, then it was hey smoke this joint, hey smoke this cigarette, to take this pill that I found out was ecstasy, to do this line of coke, to hey want some meth. Then later I got addicted to meth, coke, and alcohol. I got out of rehab 6 months ago we moved because I needed a new start." I say "did you get them arrested?" Mikey says "I did they all have quite a few things they were arrested for before this all happened." Gerard says "75 years in high security prison in California for all of them." I say "how did they get 75 years?" Gerard says "arson, giving drugs and alcohol to minors, rape, attempted rape, selling drugs in general, illegal drugs, ya know all that good stuff." I say "that's a lot of stuff." Andrew says "holy shit that's a lot" leaning his head on Chase's shoulder. Gee says "you guys are so cute it's disgusting" pointing at Chase and Andrew. Chase says "babe that's an accurate description of you. Cute and gross" winking at him. I say "fuck boy." Mikey says "says you." I say "ok everyone wants me but I don't want most of them." Hillary says "most" dying of laughter. We all laugh. Gerard says "who's the exception of most?" Andrew says "it's me because I'm fabulous." Hillary says "eww we're not in Alabama" laughing winking at me. I mouth 'thank you.' Now I owe them. Damnit. It's fine. Mikey says "I think Gee has a crush on one of your fiends Pete." I say "who?" Gerard say "shut the hell up Michael." Mikey says "shut up he might give you his number. It's Frank." Gee hits him I laugh and say "Frank so likes you" and I give Gee Frank's number. Gerard smiles shyly saying "thank you." Mikey says "this random person keeps texting me and they know my name it's weird." Oh shit. He shows me the number and I say "oh that number looks familiar but I can't quite put my finger on it" with fake realization on my face. I look at my phone secretly turning it to silent. Then I put it under my leg. We talk and laugh at jokes until everyone leaves except Chase because he's staying the night again apparently. Damnit he did this so he can ask first damnit. I yell "DAMNIT ANDREW!" Leah says "what?" I say "me and Andrew made a bet on who would ask someone to the dance first starting tomorrow and his boyfriends staying the night. I'm gonna lose my skinny jeans for a week!" Leah says "so who you asking?" I say "Mikey." Leah says "you guys are so oblivious I've met him once and he so likes you." I say "thanks Leah." She says "so how are you going to do it? Ask him." I say "I don't know I might just kiss him see if he kisses back?" Leah says "well when and where do you plan on asking him?" I say "probably before school starts in the morning?" Leah says "in front of a lot of people or?" I say "probably no one but I don't know." She says "only kiss him if you guys are alone because it might scare him off if you are in front of people and please whatever you do don't do it in the bathroom. Don't seem like a douche on accident." I say "that it?" She says "I wouldn't be scared about asking him Pete and be nice to the kid." I say "ok Leah thank you" hugging her. She says "you're welcome honey." I go up stairs an get into bed early and text Mikey.
Me: hey
Mikey: hey How are you?
Me: good even better now that I'm texting you ;)
Mikey: stop I'm blushing
Me: you going to the dance with anyone tomorrow?
Mikey: no there's this guy I like but I don't think he likes me back and I'm too awkward to ask
Me: the worst they could say is no
Mikey: wait why am I telling you this when you like me sorry
Me: nah it's ok the person you like could be me anyways you never know
Mikey: it could but with my luck it's probably not though
Me: who is it I might be able to give you their number or something or do you want to figure out who I am before you tell me anything?
Mikey: I want to know who you are first
Me: I'm not gonna tell you who I am directly but I'm a dude in your English class narrowed it down to like 10 for you you're welcome
Mikey: so you wouldn't tell me who you are if I'm right?
Me: no. Important question.
Mikey: hm
Me: will you go to the dance with me tomorrow if I'm the guy you like?
Mikey: yes I will
Me: do you like someone in your English class so it gives me a 10 percent chance
Mikey: yes I do
Me: thank you goodnight Mikey ;)
Mikey: goodnight :)

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