Pete's POV
Lets just say I got her fired pretty easily no one likes her either. I walk back to class with the principal and the superintendent behind me. I walk through the door casually sitting at my desk. She says "you failed?" I say "come in guys." The come in and the superintendent says "you're fired nice try now get out." She stomps out and as soon as she's gone we all burst out laughing. The principal says "we have a sub coming in he's famous so don't overwhelm him." 10 minutes later Green Day casually walks in. I say "oh my god I think I'm dead." Billie Joe says "alright what's up I hope you know me or you're uncultured. Anyways who got the teacher fired?" I raise my hand proudly. Mike says "she sucked I had her twice it sucks." Billie says "you guys are children go sit somewhere" sitting in the teachers chair. Tre says "why?" Billie says "I'm the oldest I get the comfy chair now go to hell." Everyones laughing and Billie says "what are you learning?" A kid says "Pete was late because he was talking to his sister." Billie says "then you got a teacher fired?" I say "yes she said I was doing lines in the bathroom and I said how I could get her fired for it and she challenged me so I did it and now she's gone." Andrew says "I want my forehead signed." I say "really Andrew?" Andrew says "mom would kill me." I say "yup she would then she scrub it till you were bleeding or it was gone which ever comes first." Mike says "you two related?" I say "yes I'm older though." Andrew says "I'm probably mentally older." I say "says the one who jumped on my bed this morning ." Mike says "whatever you do don't let Billie jump on your bed while you're in it he will jump on you and you'll forever be in pain." I say "you poor poor man." Billie says "I have to productive so Tre how do you teach a class?" Billie puts his glasses on and says"ok intelligence did you have homework?" He looks at the teachers sub notes and says "these sub notes suck it says to make you guys be quiet and read. This is shit" chucking them into the trash can. Billie say "don't do whatever I wouldn't do and don't leave the room without permission." Tre says "don't do anything Billie would do and wouldn't do."I laugh and the girls next to me are whispering "omg they're hot" ugh Britney shhh." I hit my head on the table and Mike says "dude you good?" I say "I think the girls next to me found their new celebrity crushes." Mike hits his head on the table and says "I will admit we all look hot for almost 50." I say "is it against anything if I agree with you?" Mike says "nope as long as we don't fuck or touch each other weird we're good." Tre says "stop teaching the kid weird stuff." I say "are you guys here the rest of the day, month, year, ever?" Billie says "rest of the month." Then Billie starts singing randomly. Tre says "Billie stop singing ice ice baby please." Billie says "fine" and starts singing jackass. Andrew says"hey that's the song Pete was screaming this morning." I say "seriously Andrew stop before I choke you." Andrew says "I'll tell mom." I say "I'll tell Patrick." He says "I'll tell Patrick." I say "I'll tell Chase." He says "I'll tell Leah." I say "you did not just go there." He says "oh but I did." I flip him off saying "I never win." Tre says "you sound like Billie and Mike." Billie says "hey!" Then continues singing as he walks around the room out of boredom. Andrew says "if Green Day is here Pete who's emo king?" Billie says "me I'm older I have eyeliner in my pocket wanna fight." I say "ok He is emo god I'm king there's a difference." Andrew says "frick thought I'd get you to hand over your crown." I say "it never will be handed over." The last bell rings and  I say "see ya dudes." Andrew and I walk out together and he says "how is he?" I say "he's good you have nothing to worry about." He says "promise?" I say "promise" pulling him into a hug. He says "I'm just worried about him Pete." I say "bud he's doing alright I promise I would tell you if something was wrong ok?" He says "ok fine." I say "hey don't be like that. He's got a lot on his plate right now you just have to understand that." He says "ok." I say "ok." Hillary texts me when I get in the car.
Hillary: I'm going to a friends house with her for a bit then my friend is coming to the house around 6 with me before the dance.
Me: ok see ya
I say "your boy coming with us?" Andrew says "he's coming over around 6." I say "alright. Isn't this dance semi casual?" Andrew says "uh huh they want us to be put together and that's about it." I say "perfect no suit jackets high five." He high fives me saying "whoop!" We drive home I say "damnit my cars gonna be full later." Andrew says "is Hills bringing a friend?" I say "yup." I stop the car once we get in the drive way and get out. We go inside and Leah says "where's Hillary?" I say "going to a friends house her and her friend will be here at 6." What about Chase Andrew?" Andrew says "Chase will be here at 6." Leah says "ok what about you Pete did your mans say yes?" I say "yes!" She says "hell Yeah!" High fiving me. I go up and get my shit ready for tonight. I'm gonna wear what wore today except black button up with sleeves rolled up, a few buttons up top unbuttoned, then I put a small silver chain with the shirt, and I get out my box of emo shit pulling out a couple pocket chains also silver. I say "perfect" and leave my room.

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