Pete's POV
I wake up to my alarm aka Leah saying "wake up honey you have 20 minutes before you have to be downstairs your parents will be up in 25 minutes." I say "Leah my parents are here?" She says "yeah the looked happy but don't let looks fool you young one." I say "Leah you're like 10 years older than me." Leah says "whatever get ready be downstairs by 6:45." I say "ok." I get out of bed and I'm ready by 6:40. One thing my parents taught me is early is on time, on time is late, and late is unacceptable. I grab my homework that I'd finished thanks to Patrick reminding me and helping me and stuff it in my backpack. I go downstairs yawning saying "morning everyone." Jamie say "morning kid" handing me a plate with breakfast on it. I sit on the kitchen island and eat James says 'you're going to get in trouble when you're parents get down here." I say "I know what are they gonna do punish me? Then be stupid enough to leave my phone here for one of you guys to find" sarcastically. James says "true." I get down off the counter as soon as I hear footsteps upstairs. Mom comes down saying "morning sweetie" kissing my temple. Dad follows behind her saying "morning son. We wanted to talk to you." I sit at the table saying "what about?" Mom says "about Patrick moving to your school next month." Mom? Caring about my feelings? That's a thing? I say "what about him? Getting defensive. She says "just wondering I think he's a bad influence on you." I stand up slamming my fists on the table saying "bad influence? On me? He's the only damn person in this universe that has been there through everything unlike my actual parents. Hm When was he there and you weren't? I don't know when all I could think about was killing myself! Or my first heartbreak! When I was questioning myself about a bunch of stuff! When my grades get terrible! When my bipolar gets bad! The list is even longer then that and you say he's a bad influence! I'm leaving thanks Leah for getting me up this morning, thank you Jamie for making me breakfast, James you're my second favorite person sorry Patrick's my favorite but I know you know that" grabbing my phone off the table and my bag off the floor, walking out the door practically crying. I sit on my front doorstep calling Patrick. He says "hey what's up?" I say "can you walk with me to school?" He says "sure I'll be over in 5." When Patrick says 5 he means 5. He pulls me up pulling me into a hug. He says "what happened?" I sob saying "I got mad." Patrick chuckles and says "tell me the details." I say "my parents think you're a bad influence on me. When it's not true if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be here and I told them that and hopefully it got across to them." Patrick pulls me into a hug saying "it's ok" in the middle of the sidewalk. I say "you always know what to say to people keep that in mind it's a good thing to know about yourself." We walk down the street and once we get to school Patrick follows me in and I say "why are you following me?" Patrick says "surprise? I start today instead of next month?" I say "this is great" shaking his shoulders. Patrick rolls his eyes and says "where's the office, stupid?" I say "follow me, don't become friends with anyone we're about to walk by I'll let you know who's cool." Patrick nods following me. When we get to the office I say "new kids oh shit I think they're siblings." Patrick rolls his eyes at me as we walk in. The receptionist says "ah Mr. Wentz been awhile." I say "is that a good thing or a bad thing?" The sibling behind me giggle. And Patrick hits me in the head. I say "do you want me to show them around?" Gesturing to the tall dudes and Patrick. The receptionist says "if it doesn't inconvenience you then sure I'll get your schedule Mr. Stump." Patrick nods I say "weird." Patrick says "what's weird, weirdo." I say "hey! But we're short dudes and they're tall dudes." Patrick says "you're average woman's height I'm short." I say "woman's height? Really?" The guys behind us just giggle under their breaths. The receptionist hands Patrick his schedule and we walk out and I say "I'm serious if anyone hits on you it's because you're walking with me and I'm very sorry if they do. Anyways what's everyone's names?" The red haired one says "I'm Gerard that's Mikey." Patrick says "I'm Patrick." I say "oh fuck off." Mikey says "are we like third wheeling?" I say "no he's my friend, my mom, my dad, right hand man, and the guy in the chair." Patrick says "and therapist." I smack his arm saying "what does everyone have?" They all say music. I say "wait" taking all their schedules. I say "we have all the same classes." We walk to music and we sit in the back and a girl walks over to Mikey's desk saying "hey hot stuff." Mikey looks really uncomfortable. Aww cute. Wait what! I say "fuck off he's clearly not into it." She rolls her eyes saying "call me" placing a piece of paper on his desk then walking away swaying her hips. Mikey says "gross" ripping the paper up. Gerard mumbles "get some Mikey." Mikey says "Gee you want that girl seems wicked nice for you." Gerard says "ew I'm gay." Mikey says "me too!" Gerard just laughs I say "you guys sibling?" Gerard says "sadly Mikey's younger though." I say "huh." Mikey says "are all the girls here like that?" I say "most are."

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