I'm going to give Pete siblings in this story and I might use his siblings actual names who knows?
Pete's POV
It's the end of the day and I'm in my room laying on my bed with my head on Patrick's lap. I say "ugh." Patrick says "what." I say "is there such thing as a hot nerd?" Patrick says "who knows." I say "because I met one today and I don't know got to act." Patrick says "you like Mikey don't you?" I say "how'd you know?" Patrick says "because you like the quiet ones and flamboyant people aren't your type." I say "I don't even know anymore" running a hand through my hair. Someone barges through my door saying "ooooo does Peter have a crush?" My sister she's 15, names Hillary but family calls her hills weird joke we have aka me and Andrew my brother, her twin. Hills says "Patrick!" Tackling him. I say "woah that's my friend go away" laughing slightly. Hills says "yeah yeah I don't care. I need help with my homework." I say "me too. Patrick?" Patrick says "go get it hun I'll help you" to Hillary I get my math out and a pencil saying "I don't get it." Hills sits next to me leaning her head on my shoulder saying "I'm tired." I say "me too. Insomnias being a bitch." Hillary says "mine sucked I was probably annoying Andrew all night." They share a room even though there's enough rooms for each of them to have 3 they like to be close with each other if possible. Patrick takes her paper from her and says "convert all the exponents to whole numbers, add them together, then multiply the sum by the exponent that's on the outside of the parentheses." She says "thanks Patrick." I say "cya Hills." She says "bye by the way mom and dad won't be back till next week as usual." I say "k love you." She turns around smiling saying "love you too" then walks away. Patrick says "you guys need to do something childish you grew up quickly. When you finish this we're doing something including your siblings. Even if it's a card game you need to do something." I say "ok." Patrick helps me with my homework and I say "alright let's go!" Patrick rolls his eyes saying "alright." As we ware about to leave Hills barges in saying "Pete you need to talk to Andrew. Like now. I don't know what to do" letting out a sob at the end.
Slight trigger sorry
I rush into the twins room with Andrew sitting against the wall crying scratching at his wrists. I mutter "no way in fucking hell." I sit in front of him I say "hey look at me." He looks up and starts crying even more and says "I fucked up so bad." I grab his wrists gently saying "don't do that to yourself ok?" I pull his sleeves up gingerly. I say "what caused this?" He says "when mom and dad started not being here as often." I start crying and I pull him into a hug. He says "you have no idea how sorry I feel it seems so right at the time then I regret it after." I say "I have a huge idea of what it's like I went through all of this and you guys never found out because mom and dad said you were too little and Patrick told me not to tell you guys." Andrew hugs me tighter saying "I want to die so bad" letting out a sob. I say "that's ok how do you want me to help you?" He says "how can you help me Pete I don't know what to do." I sit next to him and he rests his head on my lap and I say "I could get you a therapist, you can talk to me, you can talk to Patrick, uh I could talk to the school then they would tell mom and dad, we could tell mom and dad then them send you to a mental hospital. Your choice" raking my hand through his hair. He says "could you make an appointment with a therapist but not tell mom and dad?" I say "yeah I'll pay for it hun."
Triggers over
He says "thank you. I love you." I say "you're welcome. I love you too. Do you want to go do something with Patrick, Hills, and I?" He says "what're we gonna do?" I say "convince Patrick for ice cream and probably play at the park like children?" Andrew says "I'll go." He sits up and I stand up offering him a hand up. I pull him up and I go and get Hills and Patrick from my room. We all go downstairs and Jamie says "hey guys what's up with you guys?" I say "getting ice cream and going to the park." James chuckles saying "dinner'll be ready by 6 now go on." I say "cya." I grab a 20 and 10 dollar bill from the jar near the front door and we pull on shoes. I say "are we feeling annoying" gesturing to the garage "or do we wanna exercise?" Gesturing to the sidewalk. Andrew says "I call shot gun!" Running towards the lime green mclaren. I say "come on guys let's go annoy some people by acting like rich assholes" showing them a thumbs up. I say "Green Day?" Everyone nods. I plug my aux cord in and press the Spotify Green Day playlist. Basket case blasts through the speakers as we drive out of the drive way. A few songs later we park and I say "race you to the swings Andrew!" Andrew says "you're on!" He beats me saying "Pete you need to run more." I say "I don't play sports and you do track it wasn't fair." Andrew says "you challenged me Peter." I say "touché."

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