Pete's POV
Ok I got a 10 percent chance he likes me instead of .8 so that's good. I'm gonna ask him this morning. I hear Andrew scream as my alarm clock and I yell "WHYYYY." Andrew barges in saying "get up get up" jumping on my bed. I yell "CHASE YOUR BOYFRIEND IS JUMPING ON MY BED." Chase comes in and says "what if I join him?" I say "I will make you walk to school in your underwear and you won't be allowed at my house either."Chase says "harsh." I say "go jump on Hills' bed." He says "oooo good idea." I put on a pair of dark gray skinny jeans, white button up untucked rolling the sleeves just before my elbows, black high top vans, I tie a school colored tie on because I didn't want to wear a jacket, I style my hair and brush my teeth. Now I'm ready to go. I walk out of my room and Hillary says "oh no we're twining again." I laugh and say "you look very nice today Hills." She rolls her eyes saying "yeah because I look like you stupid." I say "exactly." Andrew and Chase come out of the twins bedroom and Andrew is wearing the same outfit as me and he says "we're all twining." I say "damnit I have to change." Andrew says "sorry but rules are rules." Chase says "what rule?" I say "if we all end up twining I have to change because they are actually twins it's just a rule now." I go to my room and change into black jeans and maroon converse. I say "better?" They all nod in approval. We go downstairs and I say "it happened again." Jamie says "what Andrew jumping on the bed, all of you twining, or trying to go out of the door at the same time, or fall of 2017?" I say "all but summer of 2017 and trying to leave a room at the same time." Chase says "what's the fall of 2017?" I laugh and Hills says "Pete strapped us to a mattress and pushed us down the stairs while we were sleeping." I say "I got grounded for a month." Chase says "what made you do that" looking horrified. I laugh saying "Andrew stole my jeans and Hillary stole my straightener and sophomore year Pete was not happy." We all laugh and Chase says "a straightener?" Andrew says "he was a vampire basically in sophomore year emo king of the school." Chase says "now that's why people were emo that year because of you." I say "yup that was me" smirking. Chase says "Andrew I had a fringe and he started the trend! And you never told me!" Andrew says "he was emo king I thought you knew." Hills says "you should bring the fringe and studded belts out for the rest of the year Pete." I say "hell no. The extra skinny jeans and the straighteners are in my closet the Victorian vampire cape might come back out though for Halloween of course. Everything I regret about fashion is in the back of my closet." Hillary says "are your uggs there too?" I say "yes the hair dye too." They all laugh and Andrew says "I'm surprised you didn't sacrifice to be an actual vampire."I say "me too." We all grab our bags and get in the car with Hillary up front and the boys in the back.
(Before I forget Mikey and Pete are going to be similar height for the rest of the story.)
I get in the driver seat and play warning album by Green Day on cd skipping to misery then listening to the rest of it on the way to school. Then I yell the beginning of jackass but anyways. When we get to school I see Mikey standing at my locker. I say "hey." He says "hey." I say "do you want to go to the dance with me tonight like as my date?" Mikey blushes and says "this random guy asked me to go to the dance with him if he was the guy I like." I get my phone out and I text him.
Me: surprise it's me
I smirk saying "I think you got a text." He gets his phone absolutely clueless and looks at it blushing deeply saying "you bastard yes I'll go with you!" I laugh and put my stuff in my locker. I say "I'll see you in a little bit my brother owes me something." Mikey says "Pete did you make a bet on me?" I say "me and him made a bet on whoever asked my crush/his boyfriend to the dance first the loser couldn't wear skinny jeans for a week. I didn't make a bet on you babe. Catch ya later" winking at him as I walk away. I go to Andrew and say "guess who wins. This bitch! Did you do it yet?" Andrew says "no I can tell he's gonna ask me though he's been nervous all day and I asked him why and he won't tell me." I say "damnit so no one wins. Why would he be nervous you're already together?" Andrew says "who knows. Coming out to the school maybe?" I say "true. I can talk to him if you want?" He says "please. Thank you" hugging me. I say "you're welcome don't get yourself worked up ok we'll roll with the punches ok?" He says "ok." I say "just text me if you need anything I'll be there ok?" He says "uh huh. I love you." I say "I love you too." I find chase with a group of people surrounding him and he clearly doesn't want to be there. I say "alright everyone back the fuck off of him he doesn't like any of you I bet." Everyone leaves and he says "hey." I say "hey man. We need to talk." 

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