Pete's POV
I hear the door bell ring and I say "I'll get it." Andrew says "race ya." I say "you're on I guess." We race down the stairs and I open the door and say "ha! I won in your face Andrew! Hello I'm Pete." The guy says "Chase" damn he has a good handshake. I say "Andrew you picked a pretty one." Chase just laughs and Andrew says "fuck off Peter he's mine." I say "I know he's yours I have my eyes on another guy THATS NOT PATRICK BY THE WAY!" Chase and Andrew go into Andrews room. Hillary says "He kicked me out!" I say "you poor thing." Hills rolls her eyes. Patrick says "I gotta go home I'll cya tomorrow guys." I say. "Bye." Hillary says "cya Patrick." I go upstairs to the twins room I say "you hungry?" They look at each other and Andrew says "who cooked?" Snuggling his head into chase's chest. I say "Jamie." Andrew says "yes I want food." I laugh and say "what's the difference of who cooked?" Andrew says "James is good at breakfast and Leah's not that great at cooking." I say "true. Patrick left a few minutes ago by the way." Andrew says "ok." I go downstairs and Leah and Hillary are talking about something. James says "what's the difference?" Hillary says "one goes in and one is basically a diaper." I say "so ones annoying and ones uncomfortable?" The girls yell "EXACTLY!" Simultaneously. I sit down and say "those period cup things seem like the spawn of satan." Leah says "they are I've tried them before." I say "weird." Andrew says "is this an argument about period products again?" I say "yes. Are you joining?" Andrew says "no thanks. This is normal for them Chase." I say "and you too we argue about lube and you're a virgin!" Chase says "oh I don't know about that." Andrew blushes hitting him in the chest. I say "damnit Andrew. Hills are you a virgin?" Hillary says "can I plead the 5th?" I say "no." Hillary says "fine yes I am." I say "good wholesome child." I point at Andrew saying "sin." Patrick barges through the door saying "Pete you're missing a couple details there hun." I point at Patrick saying "sin?" Patrick says "no" moving my hand pointing it at me saying "sin." We all burst out laughing I say "what're you doing here?" He says "my parents left a note saying that they won't be home till tomorrow and I forgot my keys so I was stuck." I laugh and say "poor you." Patrick flips me off. Jamie says "you're such children" handing us our plates. I say "thank you Jamie." Jamie says "you're welcome hun." Hillary says "I love food more then I like Patrick. And I like Patrick a lot he's the only sane one at this house and Jamie." Chase says "you don't even know me!" Andrew says "babe she'll argue for 2 days straight if you let her." I say "true learned from experience." Hillary says "Oh! I remember that." Patrick says "I got you a present." He puts a tiny piece of paper on the table. I open it and I say "you but his number for me?!" Patrick says "yes he totally likes you." I say "hell yeah Patrick!" High fiving him. Hillary says "oooo Pete's getting a boy too." Patrick says "we're trying to get Pete a boy and frank and Gerard we're flirting after school today." I say " it's my otp I hope they get together."  Hillary says "wait Frank Iero and new red head dude?" I say "yes!" Hillary says "omg new otp." I say "I know right!" Chase says "is this normal babe?" Andrew says "it's normally weirder." I say "yup." We all finish eating and Patrick and I go up to my room. Patrick says "text him!" I say "fine." I change into sweatpants and a Green Day tee shirt. I lay on my bed typing the number in I say "what should I say?" Patrick says "I don't know hey sexy?" Then he bursts out laughing. I smack him on the side of his face. I say "I'm gonna say that and then if it goes wrong I'll say Andrew stole my phone deal?" Patrick says "deal." I text Mikey's number.
Me: hey sexy ;)
Mikey reply's almost immediately.
Mikey: hey?
I burst out laughing and I show Patrick the screen. He chuckles and says "blame it on your brother he's confused I say "alright."
Me: sorry my brother did that
Mikey: who is this anyways
I say "Patrick he doesn't know who it is. Should I tell him?" laughing. Patrick says "I don't care he'll probably figure it out though." I say "true. I'll tell him when he figures it out." Patrick says "alright."
Me: your secret admirer
Mikey: how cliche
Me: very
Mikey: uh ok then
I show Patrick the phone and he says "when he figures it out that it's you you have to be ready to confess your feelings. You know that right?" I say "yes I do."
Me: what's your name? Just making sure I have the right person
Mikey: it's Mikey what's yours?
Me: can't tell you
Mikey: do I get any clue of who you are?
Me: you should figure it out easily but I'm in the same grade as you and I go to your school. That's your clues
Mikey: well that narrows it down to 80 people
Me: exactly night Mikey ;)
I say "alright done for tonight." Patrick says "I'm about to pass out." I say "same."

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